4 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Saturation of Elemental Concentration in the Depth Profile of Low Energy Silver Ion Implants in Silicon

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    For the efficient absorption of light in a broad wavelength band, Si photovoltaic devices require a high concentration of metal atoms at a shallow depth up to a few 10s of nm in the Si substrates. Low energy (< 50 keV) implantation of Ag ions in Si is one of the most suitable synthesis steps to facilitate the formation of these metal nanoclusters at the shallow depths in Si. However, during the low energy implantation of the heavy ions, one of the unintended consequences is the sputtering of target atoms particularly if the target is made of lower Z materials such as Si. In this study, we have investigated the re-distribution of atoms in the target layers due to the surface sputtering effects from 50 keV Ag ion implantation in Si substrates. Initially, the implant profile was estimated with the widely used static simulation code, theStopping and Range of Ions in Matter (SRIM). However, it’s simulation routine lacks any consideration of the fluence dependent evolution of the target material. Therefore, we have explored the use of another ion-solid interaction code T-DYN, which considers the dynamic changes in the thickness and/or composition of the target material during the implantation process. For 50 keV Ag ion implantation in Si, the T-DYN simulation predicts the Ag ion depth profile reaches a maximum or saturation in the concentration at a critical ion fluence of ~7×1016 atoms/cm2, whereas for a more heavier element like Au, similar saturation in the concentration is predicted at a relatively lower fluence of ~4×1016 atoms/cm2. The depth profiles of the implanted Ag atoms extracted from experiments utilizing the Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy characterization techniques show asymmetric distributions with the position of peak concentration depth gradually moving towards the Si surface with increasing implant ion fluence. Once the implantation ion fluence reached a critical value, the peak value of the elemental concentration is seen saturated similar to the predictions from T-DYN simulations

    Synthesis and characterization of ion beam assisted silver nanosystems in silicon based materials for enhanced photocurrent collection efficiency

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    In recent years a great deal of interest has been focused on the synthesis of transitional metal (e.g. Ag, Cu, Fe, Au) nanosystems at the surface to sub-surface regions of Si and SiO2 matrices for fundamental understanding of their structures as well as for development of technological applications with enhanced electronic and optical properties. The applications of the metal nanoparticle or nanocluster (NC) systems range from plasmonics, photovoltaic devices, medical, and biosensors. In all of these applications; the size, shape and distribution of the metallic NCs in the silicon matrix play a key role. Low energy ion implantation followed by thermal annealing (in vacuum or gas environment) is one of the most suitable methods for synthesis of NCs at near surfaces to buried layers below the surfaces of the substrates. This technique can provide control over depth and concentration of the implanted ions in the host matrix. The implanted low energy metal ions initially amorphizes the Si substrates while being distributed at a shallow depth near the substrate surface. When subject to thermal annealing, the implanted ions agglomerate to form clusters of different sizes at different depths depending upon the fluence. However, for the heavier ions implanted with high fluences (∼1×10 16 - 1×1017 atoms/cm2), there lies challenges for accurately predicting the distribution of the implanted ions due to sputtering of the surface as well as redistribution of the implants within the host matrix. In this dissertation, we report the investigation of the saturation of the concentration of the implanted ion species in the depth profiles with low energies (< 80 keV) metal ions (Ag and Au) in Si (100), while studying the dynamic changes during the ion implantation. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.

    Ion Beam Materials Analysis and Modifications At keV to MeV Energies at the University of North Texas

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    This paper provides an overview of the Ion Beam Modification and Analysis Laboratory facilities and some of the current research projects