2 research outputs found

    Silver Nanoparticles: Properties, Synthesis, Characterization, Applications and Future Trends

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    Nanotechnology is an expanding area of research where we use to deal with the materials in Nano-dimension. The conventional procedures for synthesizing metal nanoparticles need to sophisticated and costly instruments or high-priced chemicals. Moreover, the techniques may not be environmentally safe. Therefore “green” technologies for synthesis of nanoparticles are always preferred which is simple, convenient, eco-friendly and cost effective. Green synthesis of nanoparticle is a novel way to synthesis nanoparticles by using biological sources. It is gaining attention due to its cost effective, ecofriendly and large scale production possibilities. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are one of the most vital and fascinating nanomaterials among several metallic nanoparticles that are involved in biomedical applications. It has vital importance in nanoscience and naomedicines to treat and prevent vital disease in human beings especially in cancer treatment. In current work we discussed different methods for synthesis of AgNPs like biological, chemical and physical along with its characterization. We have also discussed vital importance of AgNPs to cure life threatnign diseases like cancer along with antidiabetic, antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial alog with its molecular mode of action etc. Finally we conclude by discussing future prospects and possible applications of silver nano particles

    Role of Drug Repurposing in Cancer Treatment and Liposomal Approach of Drug Targeting

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    Cancer is the leading cause of death, and incidences are increasing significantly and patients suffering from it desperately need a complete cure from it. The science of using an already-invented drug that has been approved by the FDA for a new application is known as “drug repurposing.” Currently, scientists are drawn to drug repositioning science in order to investigate existing drugs for newer therapeutic uses and cancer treatment. Because of their unique ability to target cancer cells, recently repurposed drugs and the liposomal approach are effective in the treatment of cancer. Liposomes are nanovesicles that are drastically flexible, rapidly penetrate deeper layers of cells, and enhance intracellular uptake. More importantly, liposomes are biocompatible, biodegradable; entrap both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs. This chapter summarizes various approaches to drug repurposing, as well as drug repurposing methods, advantages and limitations of drug repurposing, and a liposomal approach to using repurposed drugs in cancer targeting. This chapter also summarizes liposomal structure, drug loading, and the mechanism of liposomes in targeted cancer treatment. The lipid-based liposomal approach is emerging as a powerful technique for improving drug solubility, bioavailability, reducing side effects, and improving the therapeutic efficacy of repurposed drugs for cancer treatment