7 research outputs found
Estimated marginal mean of patients with mTBI, stratified according to their genetic allele status and their domain specific neuropsychological test standard scores across timepoints.
<p>(A) Non-significant changes in the attention domain standard score (SS) overtime, with Met carrier performing poorly in the acute stage. (B) Non-significant changes in the language domain standard score (SS) overtime, with the Met carriers, performing poorly acutely, and remaining so overtime. (C) Significant interaction between the allele carrier status and change in memory SS over time with the Met allele carriers showing signs of deterioration at 6 months post trauma. (D) Non- significant changes in the visuospatial SS, intact in both allele groups. (E) Non-significant interactions between allele carrier status and neurocognitive performance within the domains of executive function, with the SS recovery rate being slower in the Met allele carriers. (F) Non-significant changes in the overall index SS, with the Met allele carriers remaining impaired over time.</p
Mean of demographic details and stratified allele status specific clinical measures (in percentage).
<p>Mean of demographic details and stratified allele status specific clinical measures (in percentage).</p
Paired-sample t-test, Cohen’s <i>d</i> effect size (ES) calculation, and the comparison of ES by the measurement of the domain specific standard scores (SS) across the time points (admission vs. 6 month follow up) based on the BDNF rs6265 allele status.
<p>Paired-sample t-test, Cohen’s <i>d</i> effect size (ES) calculation, and the comparison of ES by the measurement of the domain specific standard scores (SS) across the time points (admission vs. 6 month follow up) based on the BDNF rs6265 allele status.</p
List of BDNF SNPs studied, chromosome position, minor allele frequencies and genotyping quality control values of study healthy subjects, patients with mTBI and comparative haplotype groups.
<p>Abbreviation: MAF, Minor Allele Frequency; HapMap, Haplotype Map; CHB/HCB, Han Chinese of Beijing; CHD, Han Chinese of Denver, JPT, Japanese of Tokyo; CEU,Northern and Western European Ancestry, Utah; ESP-Cohort, Exome Sequencing Project Cohort. <sup>1</sup> Reference minor allele frequency as reported in <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=6265" target="_blank">http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=6265</a>. <sup>2</sup> Reference minor allele frequency as reported in <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=1048218" target="_blank">http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=1048218</a>. <sup>3</sup> Reference minor allele frequency as reported in <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=1048220" target="_blank">http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=1048220</a>. <sup>4</sup> Reference minor allele frequency as reported in <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=1048221" target="_blank">http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=1048221</a>. <sup>5</sup> Reference minor allele frequency as reported in <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=8192466" target="_blank">http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=8192466</a>. <sup>6</sup> Reference minor allele frequency as reported in <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=139352447" target="_blank">http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=139352447</a>.</p
The primer sequences of 6 SNPs of BDNF studied.
<p>The primer sequences of 6 SNPs of BDNF studied.</p
MOESM1 of Cranial neural tube defect after trimethoprim exposure
Additional file 1. Schematic for animal study to look for effect of trimethoprim on primary neurulation E10.5
MOESM2 of Cranial neural tube defect after trimethoprim exposure
Additional file 2. Unsuccessful pregnancy showing engorged mouse uterine horn. Despite repeated attempts at mating and with the presence of vaginal plugs, upon dissection, the engorged uterine horn with blood clots were instead observed