18 research outputs found

    The use of instagram in coffee shop

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    The sophistication of technology such as smartphones that everyone had, it makes start-up entrepreneurs use it very well. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of Instagram on the Coffee Shop "Ngocok Es Kopi".The results showed that the number of active users of the Instagram platform in Indonesia was dominated by 18-31 years old user groups. This is a strong reason for marketing Ngocok Es Kopi chose to use Instagram because the group is by market segmentation. The Instagram platform is very helpful for introducing products to consumers. Showing photos of the Ngocok Es Kopi products that look fresh and added with the eccentric tagline on the glass packaging, this gives a distinctive impression and makes potential consumers curious to try the product. Strategies are taken to increase the number of followers by giving them prizes in the form of discounts or free drinks on the condition that they have to follow the Instagram account of Ngocok Es Kopi, and give away by taking part in quizzes conducted by Ngocok Es Kopi

    Pelatihan Penerapan E-Learning dan Blended Learning untuk Pendidik dan Calon Pendidik

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      Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan guru dan mahasiswa keguruan dalam melakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada masa pandemi saat ini. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Peserta kegiatan berjumlah 118 orang yang terdiri dari guru, dosen, dan mahasiswa yang berada di seluruh Indonesia. Tahapan pelaksanaan yaitu tahap sosialisasi dan tahap pelatihan. Tahap sosialisasi yaitu pemaparan materi e-learning dan blended learning, dan tahap pelatihan yaitu memberikan pemahaman cara membuat atau menggunakan elearning maupun blended learning dalam proses pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung baik dan lancar, peserta sangat senang dan antusias. Untuk mengetahui respon peserta kegiatan pengabdian diberikan angket kuesioner. Berdasarkan angket tersebut diketahui bahwa 42.09% peserta sangat setuju bahwa kegiatan pengabdian sangat membantu dalam memahami penggunaan e-learning dan blended learning, 57.24% setuju dan 0.67% kurang setuju

    Analisis Penerapan User Fee untuk Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Demersal

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    The alternative Instrument to reach the need of fisheries development other than conventional Instrument Is User Fee or Ashing Fee. The advantage In developing fisheries using Fishing Fee is that It take Into account many aspect especially economy and technology for each kind of fishermen. This study attempt to calculate the proper fee for [demersal] fishermen In Muara Angke, North Jakarta. The study shows that user fee Is able to be Implemented In Muara Angke In the term of maximum economic yield. The result also shows that the [demersal] fishermen In Muara Angke Is not suitable yet for implementation of user fee, caused by their Inefficiency


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    Tercapainya swasembada garam nasional secara berkelanjutan merupakan kondisi ideal bagi Indonesia yang memiliki potensi alamiah sebagai produsen garam, namun hal tersebut hingga kini masih sulit terwujud. Kesenjangan antara kemampuan penyediaan dan kebutuhan garam masih cukup besar, sehingga impor masih terus dilakukan. Guna mempercepat terwujudnya swasembada garam nasional, di tahun 2011 pemerintah mengintervensi ketersediaan garam melalui kebijakan swasembada garam nasional. Terkait hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengukur ketercapaian keberlanjutan swasembada garam nasional dengan membangun model sistem ketersediaan garam nasional sebelum dan sesudah ada kebijakan swasembada, (2) Menyusun kebijakan alternatif agar swasembada garam nasional yang berkelanjutan dapat tercapai. Pendekatan dinamika sistem digunakan sebagai alat dalam menjawab tujuan penelitian. Dinamika ketersediaan garam nasional sebelum ada kebijakan swasembada dijadikan sebagai model dasar. Hasil validasi dengan menggunakan uji struktur dan uji kinerja model menunjukkan bahwa model yang dibangun valid. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa sebelum ada kebijakan, Indonesia belum dapat mencapai swasembada garam secara berkelanjutan baik garam konsumsi maupun garam industri. Sedangkan setelah ada kebijakan, hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa swasembada yang berkelanjutan baru dapat tercapai pada garam konsumsi. Swasembada garam industri dapat tercapai apabila kebijakan alternatif skenario 8 diterapkan, yaitu dengan melakukan peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas garam rakyat, dan konversi garam secara bersamaan

    Pertanggungjawaban Hukum Bagi Produsen Obat Sirup Mengandung Etilen Glikol (EG) Dan Dietilen Glikol (DEG) Penyebab Ginjal Akut Progresif Atipikal (GgGAPA) Pada Anak

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    Pertanggungjawaban pidana diberikan kepada produsen obat sirup yang mengandung Etilen Glikol (EG) dan Dietilen Glikol (DEG) penyebab ginjal akut progresif atipikal (GgGAPA) pada anak  harus dilakukan. Pemberlakuan sanksi pidana terhadap  terhadap produsen obat sirup yang sudah membahayakan masyarakat khususnya kesehatan pada  anak-anak berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan  terdiri dari pidana penjara dan pidana denda yang dianggap secara sengaja memproduksi atau mengedarkan sediaan obat sirup yang tidak memenuhi standar. Pidana yang penjara berlaku paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp.,00 (Satu Milyar Rupiah). Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian normatif yuridis dengan mengaitkan pokok pembahasan terhadap topik utama di dalam penelitian ini yakni pertanggungjawaban hukum bagi produsen obat sirup mengandung Etilen Glikol (EG) dan Dietilen Glikol (DEG) penyebab ginjal akut progresif atipikal (GgGAPA) pada anak

    Analisis Penerapan User Fee untuk Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Demersal

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    The alternative Instrument to reach the need of fisheries development other than conventional Instrument Is User Fee or Ashing Fee. The advantage In developing fisheries using Fishing Fee is that It take Into account many aspect especially economy and technology for each kind of fishermen. This study attempt to calculate the proper fee for [demersal] fishermen In Muara Angke, North Jakarta. The study shows that user fee Is able to be Implemented In Muara Angke In the term of maximum economic yield. The result also shows that the [demersal] fishermen In Muara Angke Is not suitable yet for implementation of user fee, caused by their Inefficiency

    Effectiveness of Print and Audiovisual Media in Breast Cancer Education to High-School Students

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    Background: Breast cancer education could be a non-formal education to achieve a proper understanding about early detection of breast cancer. Optimal results need right methods and instruments. Recently, technology development can be implemented to support the non-formal education process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness between print and audiovisual media in health education on prevention and early detection of breast cancer. Methods: It was a quasi-experimental study, comparing two intervention and one control groups, which was carried out from August to November 2013. The population was senior high school students in Jatinangor subdistrict West Java, Indonesia. The sample was taken by cluster sampling method; each group consisted of 120 female students. Students from Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri Jatinangor were given printed media, students from Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Padjadjaran were given audiovisual media and students from Pesantren Al Ma’soem as control group were not given any intervention. The knowledge of respondents was measured with pre-test and post-test questioner. Mean scores of knowledge were further analyzed by paired and independent t-test. Results: The average of pre-test between intervention and control groups were similar (8.125, 8.725 and 8.450, respectively). The result showed that the average scores of post-test increased compared to pre-test both in the print  and audiovisual media group (p=0.001). Conclusions: Print and audiovisual media can increase the knowledge of respondents on prevention and early detection of breast cancer. However, audiovisual media is more effective as a tool for health education especially among teenagers


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    Yadnya god ceremony is a sacred sacrifice which in this case is addressed to the Almighty. This is done in order to increase a sense of devotion and to increase confidence in Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, which in this case is realized through a pencak silat performance which is held at the Mas Penyeti Temple, Banjar Tegal. The tradition of pencak silat is a tradition that has been for a long time and has been passed down from generation to generation at the peak of the piodalan event at the Mas Penyeti Temple, Banjar Tegal. This tradition is the forerunner of cultural acculturation between Balinese Hindu culture and Keraton culture, because these two cultures are also the background for the existence of Pura Mas Penyeti. The uniqueness of this pencak silat tradition is that it is carried out in the temple area with various supporting aspects such as clothing, movements, and weapons used. The scientific work uses several techniques including; observation techniques, interview techniques, literature study techniques, and documentation study techniques. This scientific work also uses descriptive analysis techniques with various stages such as data reduction, data presentation, inference and verification, and checking the validity of the data. The results of this study produce 1) The history of the existence of the pencak silat tradition which was carried out by a series of piodalan at Pura Mas Penyeti. 2) The process of implementing the pencak silat tradition. 3) Hindu religious education values contained in the pencak silat tradition. To dissect the formulation of the problem, three theories are used, namely 1) SocioReligious Theory, 2) Structural Functional Theory, and 3) Value Theory.Keyword: Pencak Silat Tradition, Piodalan, Pura Mas Penyet


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    Abstrak: Desa Pagedangan Ilir merupakan desa yang mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar di bidang perikanan khususnya baby crab. Perlu pemanfaatan potensi baby crab di Desa Pagedangan Ilir dengan mengolahnya untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah baby crab. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat Desa Pagedangan Ilir dalam mengolah baby crab krispi. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan dua tahap, tahap pertama yaitu pemberian materi yang dilakukan melalui ceramah dan diskusi secara tatap muka (luring) sedangkan tahap kedua yaitu kegiatan praktik pengolahan baby crab krispi yang dilakukan secara langsung. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diikuti oleh 15 orang peserta dengan 3 (tiga) kelompok dan masing-masing kelompok terdapat 5 orang peserta, evaluasi dilakukan setelah semua kegiatan pelatihan selesai. Tahapan kegiatan ini meliputi koordinasi awal kegiatan, pembukaan, pemberian materi (teori), praktik pengolahan baby crab dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan masing-masing peserta mampu mengolah baby crab krispi, mampu membuat desain kemasan, mampu menghitung analisa usaha dan mampu membuat pemasaran produk secara digital. Kegiatan pengabdian dapat meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam mengolah baby crab krispi krispi.Abstract: Pagedangan Ilir Village is a village that has enormous potential in the field of fisheries, especially baby crab. It is necessary to utilize the potential of baby crab in Pagedangan Ilir Village by processing it to increase the added value of baby crab. The purpose of this service activity is to improve the skills of the people of Pagedangan Ilir Village in processing crispy baby crab. Service activities are carried out in two stages, the first stage is the provision of material through lectures and discussions face-to-face (offline) while the second stage is the practice of processing baby crab crispy which is carried out directly. This service activity was attended by 15 participants with 3 (three) groups and each group had 5 participants, the evaluation was carried out after all training activities were completed. The stages of this activity include initial coordination of activities, opening, providing material (theory), baby crab processing practices and evaluation. The results of the service showed that each participant was able to process crispy baby crab, able to make packaging designs, able to calculate business analysis and able to make product marketing digitally. Service activities can improve community skills in processing crispy baby crabs


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