43 research outputs found

    Magnetic susceptibilities of calcium and strontium ions

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    Studies in inorgano-organic gels in pinene. Part V. Gel-strength measurements of gels of sodium stearate in pinene

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    The gel-strength of gels of sodium stearate in pinene has been measured by the plunger method under several conditions. The values of elasticity have been calculated from the load-deflection curves, and it is found that log E varies linearly as log C, the slope of this straight line being very nearly equal to 2. The existence of a skin or membrane on the surface of the gel which vitiates the values of gel-strength has been critically examined, and its approximate magnitude has been determined

    Diamagnetic susceptibility of lead ion

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    Diamagnetic susceptibilties of magnesium and zinc ions

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    Magnetic study of some silver salts

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    High resolution NMR spectra of some tri-substituted benzenes

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    This paper presents the analysis of the proton magnetic resonance spectra of 2:4 dinitro phenol, 1-chloro 2:4 dinitro benzene, 1-nitro, 2-methyl, 3-chloro benzene (2-chloro, 6-nitro toluene) and 5-sulpho, 3-nitro benzoic acid based on the exact solution obtained by Jha for the splitting of NMR lines of a three nuclei system of the ABC type

    Molecular structure of some tellurium compounds determined by magnetic method

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    Magnetism and molecular structure of sulphur compounds

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    Table VIII gives at a glance the experimental and the calculated values for the constitution of the sulphur compounds found according to the plan employed in this investigation. Wide differences between the calculated and the observed values are observed only in the case of compounds (c) and (f). This may be due either to the want of purity of the substances used or to their instability. In the case of sulphur compounds also as in the case of Se and Te compounds, the magnetic method seems to be of great value in fixing the correct molecular constitution and the magnetic susceptibilities calculated by Slater's and Angus's method seem to be in better agreement with the experimental ones. Further work on compounds of this group is in progress

    Molecular structure of some of the selenium and tellurium compounds

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    Anomalous Diamagnetism of Selenium

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