4 research outputs found

    Dynamic analysis of serum Ca-125 levels during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: a retrospective study

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    Background: Assessment of CA-125 kinetics was commonly used as a tool for tumor response to chemotherapy in ovarian cancer patients. The study aimed to determine any logarithmic/linear relationship between pre-chemotherapy and pre-operative CA-125 levels in ovarian cancer.Methods: Total 52 patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) followed by interval cytoreductive surgery were included. CA-125 levels before starting chemotherapy, during chemotherapy and the preoperative value, with the date of measurement recorded. Cox’s proportional hazards regression was used to evaluate univariate and independent multivariable association with the effect of clinical, pathological and CA-125 kinetic parameters on outcome endpoints.  Results: The study couldn’t establish any relationship in logarithmic fall of CA-125 values among ovarian cancers as a result of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. The disease-free survival among the patients was 12.2 months.Conclusions: There is an inverse relationship between serum CA-125 levels and survival in ovarian cancer. NACT resulted in adequate fall of CA-125 levels in most of the patients, but the rate of fall was not predictive of prognosis

    Re-staging surgery in endometrial cancer: an audit on its value

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    Background: Incomplete surgical staging in carcinoma endometrium is not an uncommon entity in developing world. Proper surgical staging has got a role in prognostication and planning adjuvant treatment. So, an audit was done to assess the extent of upstaging in women with endometrial cancers who were referred to index centre from outside hospitals with incomplete surgical staging.Methods: It is a retrospective study. The demographic, clinical and treatment details of women with complete data having at-least one follow up after completion surgery were analyzed. Patients who had any other anticancer treatment elsewhere were excluded. The extent of upstaging was studied based on International federation of gynecology and obstetrics (FIGO) 2008 staging.Results: A total of 88 patients of endometrial cancer were evaluated retrospectively, of which 10 had completion surgery. 10% of the patients were upstaged according to the FIGO stage (one from IA to IB), while one patient upstaged from IIIA to IVB after slide review by index centre. According to FIGO Grade, 40% patient upgraded (one upgraded from I to II, three from II to III) while one downgraded from II to I. Recurrence rate was 40%.Conclusions: Upstaging is seen in 10% of patient after completion surgery, which requires the necessity of evaluation by gynecologic oncologist selectively. However, larger and multi-centric studies needed to draw definite conclusion. There is a significant discordance in grade and histology after the review at index centre

    The incidence and risk factors for development of lower limb lymphedema after treatment for gynaecological cancers

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    Background: The development of postoperative lower limb lymphedema (LLL) is a disabling, yet usually overlooked sequele of most gynecological cancer treatment. It can lead to significant functional problems that negatively affect gynecological cancer survivors’ daily living, work, emotional state, and overall quality of life. The objective of this study is to calculate the incidence of lower limb lymphedema in patients undergoing surgery for gynecological cancer and to evaluate the risk factors for its development.Methods: Women with newly diagnosed carcinoma ovary, carcinoma endometrium and carcinoma cervix, who underwent surgery at a tertiary cancer centre from September 2016 were included in the study. The circumference of both lower limbs was measured at prefixed sites. The limb volume was calculated using the formula C2/pi. A baseline value was taken prior to surgery. The patients were followed up every 3 months and the limb volume were calculated at each visit. An increase in limb volume by >10% was defined as lymphedema.Results: The incidence of lymphedema after 1 year follow up was 43.5%. There was no significant association between known risk factors such as extent of lymphadenectomy (p value 0.633) number of pelvic or para aortic lymph nodes removed (p value 0.69 and 0.44 respectively) and type of adjuvant therapy (p value 0.455).Conclusions: The incidence of LLL according to the present study was 43.5%. There was no statistically significant association between development of LLL and risk factors like site and number of lymph nodes removed and type of adjuvant therapy

    Impact of perioperative period on disease-free survival among carcinoma ovary patients treated with the interval cyto-reductive surgery at a tertiary cancer centre in Kerala, India: a retrospective study

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    Background: Global incidence of ovarian malignancies is 300,000 as per GLOBOCAN 2018. The treatment protocol for advanced ovarian malignancies (stage IIIc and stage IV) includes neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Aims of the study was to determine the effect of duration of chemo interruption on disease free survival of ovarian malignancies treated by interval cytoreduction followed by surgery.Methods: A total 48 patients were studied for events such as recurrence, death, patient’s status on last follow up, peri-operative period between 3rd cycle of chemo therapy and 4th cycle of chemo therapy. Based on the median duration of peri operative period patients was classified as early or delayed receivers of adjuvant chemo therapy. Difference in duration of over-all survival and disease-free survival was analysed through Kaplan Meier survival analysis using log-rank test. Hazard ratio adjusted for background characteristics such as staging, performance status, grade of tumour were analysed using cox proportional hazard model.Results: The two peri operative period categories based on mean value (85 days) didn’t show any significant association to disease free interval (minimum-21days, maximum-146 days, Hr = 1.3, p-value = 0.52). Other established factors like stage, extent of resection, response to chemotherapy, also didn’t show any significant association. Serum marker level showed a significant negative correlation with disease free survival (minimum-9 days, maximum-30659, p-value =.04, Hr = 3.19).Conclusions: The study could not establish any correlation between peri operative period and median disease-free survival. The small sample size is a limiting factor, well controlled randomized trials may needed for further clarification