4,197 research outputs found
Landauer formula for phonon heat conduction: relation between energy transmittance and transmission coefficient
The heat current across a quantum harmonic system connected to reservoirs at
different temperatures is given by the Landauer formula, in terms of an
integral over phonon frequencies \omega, of the energy transmittance T(\omega).
There are several different ways to derive this formula, for example using the
Keldysh approach or the Langevin equation approach. The energy transmittance
T({\omega}) is usually expressed in terms of nonequilibrium phonon Green's
function and it is expected that it is related to the transmission coefficient
{\tau}({\omega}) of plane waves across the system. In this paper, for a
one-dimensional set-up of a finite harmonic chain connected to reservoirs which
are also semi-infinite harmonic chains, we present a simple and direct
demonstration of the relation between T({\omega}) and {\tau}({\omega}). Our
approach is easily extendable to the case where both system and reservoirs are
in higher dimensions and have arbitrary geometries, in which case the meaning
of {\tau} and its relation to T are more non-trivial.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur
Distribution of sizes of erased loops for loop-erased random walks
We study the distribution of sizes of erased loops for loop-erased random
walks on regular and fractal lattices. We show that for arbitrary graphs the
probability of generating a loop of perimeter is expressible in
terms of the probability of forming a loop of perimeter when a
bond is added to a random spanning tree on the same graph by the simple
relation . On -dimensional hypercubical lattices,
varies as for large , where for , where
z is the fractal dimension of the loop-erased walks on the graph. On
recursively constructed fractals with this relation is modified
to , where is the hausdorff and
is the spectral dimension of the fractal.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 figure
Probability distribution of residence times of grains in models of ricepiles
We study the probability distribution of residence time of a grain at a site,
and its total residence time inside a pile, in different ricepile models. The
tails of these distributions are dominated by the grains that get deeply buried
in the pile. We show that, for a pile of size , the probabilities that the
residence time at a site or the total residence time is greater than , both
decay as for where
is an exponent , and values of and in the two
cases are different. In the Oslo ricepile model we find that the probability
that the residence time at a site being greater than or equal to ,
is a non-monotonic function of for a fixed and does not obey simple
scaling. For model in dimensions, we show that the probability of minimum
slope configuration in the steady state, for large , varies as where is a constant, and hence .Comment: 13 pages, 23 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.
Heat conduction in the \alpha-\beta -Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain
Recent simulation results on heat conduction in a one-dimensional chain with
an asymmetric inter-particle interaction potential and no onsite potential
found non-anomalous heat transport in accordance to Fourier's law. This is a
surprising result since it was long believed that heat conduction in
one-dimensional systems is in general anomalous in the sense that the thermal
conductivity diverges as the system size goes to infinity. In this paper we
report on detailed numerical simulations of this problem to investigate the
possibility of a finite temperature phase transition in this system. Our
results indicate that the unexpected results for asymmetric potentials is a
result of insufficient chain length, and does not represent the asymptotic
behavior.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
Drift and trapping in biased diffusion on disordered lattices
We reexamine the theory of transition from drift to no-drift in biased
diffusion on percolation networks. We argue that for the bias field B equal to
the critical value B_c, the average velocity at large times t decreases to zero
as 1/log(t). For B < B_c, the time required to reach the steady-state velocity
diverges as exp(const/|B_c-B|). We propose an extrapolation form that describes
the behavior of average velocity as a function of time at intermediate time
scales. This form is found to have a very good agreement with the results of
extensive Monte Carlo simulations on a 3-dimensional site-percolation network
and moderate bias.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 figures, To appear in International Journal of
Modern Physics C, vol.
Infinite randomness and quantum Griffiths effects in a classical system: the randomly layered Heisenberg magnet
We investigate the phase transition in a three-dimensional classical
Heisenberg magnet with planar defects, i.e., disorder perfectly correlated in
two dimensions. By applying a strong-disorder renormalization group, we show
that the critical point has exotic infinite-randomness character. It is
accompanied by strong power-law Griffiths singularities. We compute various
thermodynamic observables paying particular attention to finite-size effects
relevant for an experimental verification of our theory. We also study the
critical dynamics within a Langevin equation approach and find it extremely
slow. At the critical point, the autocorrelation function decays only
logarithmically with time while it follows a nonuniversal power-law in the
Griffiths phase.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figures included, final version as published
Eulerian Walkers as a model of Self-Organised Criticality
We propose a new model of self-organized criticality. A particle is dropped
at random on a lattice and moves along directions specified by arrows at each
site. As it moves, it changes the direction of the arrows according to fixed
rules. On closed graphs these walks generate Euler circuits. On open graphs,
the particle eventually leaves the system, and a new particle is then added.
The operators corresponding to particle addition generate an abelian group,
same as the group for the Abelian Sandpile model on the graph. We determine the
critical steady state and some critical exponents exactly, using this
equivalence.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 4 figure
Percolation Systems away from the Critical Point
This article reviews some effects of disorder in percolation systems even
away from the critical density p_c. For densities below p_c, the statistics of
large clusters defines the animals problem. Its relation to the directed
animals problem and the Lee-Yang edge singularity problem is described. Rare
compact clusters give rise to Griffiths singuraties in the free energy of
diluted ferromagnets, and lead to a very slow relaxation of magnetization. In
biassed diffusion on percolation clusters, trapping in dead-end branches leads
to asymptotic drift velocity becoming zero for strong bias, and very slow
relaxation of velocity near the critical bias field.Comment: Minor typos fixed. Submitted to Praman
Exact entropy of dimer coverings for a class of lattices in three or more dimensions
We construct a class of lattices in three and higher dimensions for which the
number of dimer coverings can be determined exactly using elementary arguments.
These lattices are a generalization of the two-dimensional kagome lattice, and
the method also works for graphs without translational symmetry. The partition
function for dimer coverings on these lattices can be determined also for a
class of assignments of different activities to different edges.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; added results on partition function when
different edges have different weights; modified abstract; added reference
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