2 research outputs found

    Workload Behavior Driven Memory Subsystem Design for Hyperscale

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    Hyperscalars run services across a large fleet of servers, serving billions of users worldwide. These services, however, behave differently than commonly available benchmark suites, resulting in server architectures that are not optimized for cloud workloads. With datacenters becoming a primary server processor market, optimizing server processors for cloud workloads by better understanding their behavior has become crucial. To address this, in this paper, we present MemProf, a memory profiler that profiles the three major reasons for stalls in cloud workloads: code-fetch, memory bandwidth, and memory latency. We use MemProf to understand the behavior of cloud workloads and propose and evaluate micro-architectural and memory system design improvements that help cloud workloads' performance. MemProf's code analysis shows that cloud workloads execute the same code across CPU cores. Using this, we propose shared micro-architectural structures--a shared L2 I-TLB and a shared L2 cache. Next, to help with memory bandwidth stalls, using workloads' memory bandwidth distribution, we find that only a few pages contribute to most of the system bandwidth. We use this finding to evaluate a new high-bandwidth, small-capacity memory tier and show that it performs 1.46x better than the current baseline configuration. Finally, we look into ways to improve memory latency for cloud workloads. Profiling using MemProf reveals that L2 hardware prefetchers, a common solution to reduce memory latency, have very low coverage and consume a significant amount of memory bandwidth. To help improve hardware prefetcher performance, we built a memory tracing tool to collect and validate production memory access traces

    TPP: Transparent Page Placement for CXL-Enabled Tiered Memory

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    With increasing memory demands for datacenter applications and the emergence of coherent interfaces like CXL that enable main memory expansion, we are about to observe a wide adoption of tiered-memory subsystems in hyperscalers. In such systems, main memory can constitute different memory technologies with varied performance characteristics. In this paper, we characterize the memory usage of a wide range of datacenter applications across the server fleet of a hyperscaler (Meta) to get insights into an application's memory access patterns and performance on a tiered memory system. Our characterizations show that datacenter applications can benefit from tiered memory systems as there exist opportunities for offloading colder pages to slower memory tiers. Without efficient memory management, however, such systems can significantly degrade performance. We propose a novel OS-level application-transparent page placement mechanism (TPP) for efficient memory management. TPP employs a lightweight mechanism to identify and place hot and cold pages to appropriate memory tiers. It enables page allocation to work independently from page reclamation logic that is, otherwise, tightly coupled in today's Linux kernel. As a result, the local memory tier has memory headroom for new allocations. At the same time, TPP can promptly promote performance-critical hot pages trapped in the slow memory tiers to the fast tier node. Both promotion and demotion mechanisms work transparently without any prior knowledge of an application's memory access behavior. We evaluate TPP with diverse workloads that consume significant portions of DRAM on Meta's server fleet and are sensitive to memory subsystem performance. TPP's efficient page placement improves Linux's performance by up to 18%. TPP outperforms NUMA balancing and AutoTiering, state-of-the-art solutions for tiered memory, by 10-17%