123 research outputs found

    ‎Intuitionistic Hesitant Fuzzy Algorithm for Multi-Objective Structural Model Using Various Membership Functions

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    In real life‎, ‎structural problems can be described in linear and nonlinear forms‎. ‎This nonlinear structural problem is very challenging to solve when its all parameters are imprecise in nature‎. ‎Intuitionistic fuzzy sets were proposed to manage circumstances in which experts have some membership and non-membership value to judge an option‎. ‎Hesitant fuzzy sets were used to manage scenarios in which experts pause between many possible membership values while evaluating an alternative‎. ‎A new growing area of a generalized fuzzy set theory called intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy set (IHFS) provides useful tools for dealing with uncertainty in structural design problem that is observed in the actual world‎. ‎In this article‎, ‎we have developed a procedure to solve non-linear structural problem in an intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy (IHF) environment‎. ‎The concept of an intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy set is introduced to provide a computational basis to manage the situations in which experts assess an alternative in possible membership values and non-membership values‎. ‎This important feature is not available in the intuitionistic fuzzy optimization technique‎. ‎Here we have discussed the solution procedure of intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy optimization technique dedicatedly for linear‎, ‎exponential‎, ‎and hyperbolic types of membership and non-membership functions‎. ‎Some theoretical development based on these functions has been discussed‎. ‎A numerical illustration is given to justify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method in comparison with fuzzy multi-objective nonlinear programming method and intuitionistic fuzzy multi-objective nonlinear programming method‎. ‎Finally‎, ‎based on the proposed work‎, ‎conclusions and future research directions are addressed‎

    Izolati E. coli koji proizvode cefalosporinaze proširenog spektra izdvojeni iz kokoši pasmine kuroiler

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    The present study was undertaken to detect the incidence of extended-spectrum-cephalosporinase gene possessing-Escherichia coli, its co-resistance pattern against other antimicrobials, and the clonal relationship of the isolates in healthy kuroiler birds. A total of 80 cloacal swabs from kuroilers were collected randomly from West Bengal, India. The use of costly antimicrobials (cephalosporins) was not practiced by farmers. Escherichia coli was isolated and identified by standard biochemical tests and 16SrRNA-PCR. All the E. coli isolates, including controls, were subjected to PCR for detection of blaCTX-M, blaTEM, blaSHV, and blaCMY-2 genes. By comparing the RAPD-banding pattern, the phylogenetic relationship among the isolates was established. All the isolates were tested for phenotypical resistance against other antibiotics. In total, 60 isolates were identified as E. coli from the kuroilers studied (n = 80). Among them, 12 (20%) isolates possessed one of the studied extended-spectrum cephalosporinase genes. Among the studied genes, blaTEM and blaSHV were detected in 6 (10%) and 12 (20%) E. coli isolates, respectively. None of the E. coli isolates possessed blaCTX-M and blaCMY-2. In phylogenetic analysis, the strains isolated from same localities with similar genetic profile were grouped into the same cluster. Resistance of extended-spectrum cephalosporinase gene possessing E. coli isolates was observed most frequently against ampicillin/cloxacillin, co-trimoxazole, amoxyclav, piperacillin, ceftriaxone, and tetracycline. Kuroiler birds with no cephalosporin usage profile may act as a reservoir of extended-spectrum cephalosporinase gene possessing E. coli. This is the first systematic study in kuroilers, to raise the awareness of consumers regarding the possibility of transmission of antimicrobial resistant E. coli from them.Istraživanje je poduzeto da se odredi incidencija bakterije E. coli koja posjeduje gene za cefalosporinaze proširenog spektra, a istodobno je rezistentna na druge antimikrobne tvari, te klonski odnos izolata u zdravih kokoši pasmine kuroiler. Ukupno je bilo nasumce prikupljeno 80 obrisaka kloake spomenute pasmine u Zapadnom Bengalu u Indiji. Skupe antimikrobne tvari (cefalosporini) nisu bile rabljene za liječenje. Izolati E. coli bili su identificirani standardnim biokemijskim testovima i 16SrRNA-PCR-om. Svi izolati bili su lančanom reakcijom polimerazom (PCR) pretraženi na prisutnost gena blaCTX-M, blaTEM, blaSHV i blaCMY-2. Filogenetska srodnost izolata bila je određena RAPD-om. Otpornost svih izolata bila je fenotipski pretražena i na druge antibiotike. Ukupno je izdvojeno 60 izolata E. coli iz 80 kuroiler kokoši. Od toga je u 12 (20 %) bio dokazan jedan od istraživanih gena za cefalosporinaze proširenog spektra. Među istraživanim genima, blaTEM je bio dokazan u 6 (10 %) izolata, a blaSHV u 12 (20 %) izolata E. coli. Nijedan od izolata nije posjedovao blaCTX-M i blaCMY-2. Filogenetskom analizom ustanovljeno je da su izolati iz istih lokaliteta sa sličnim genetičkim profilom bili grupirani u istu skupinu. Posjedovanje gena za cefalosporinaze proširenog spektra bilo je najčešće dokazano za antibiotike ampicilin/kloksacilin, kotrimoksazol, amoksiklav, piperacilin, ceftriakson i tetraciklin. Perad pasmine kuroiler kojoj nikad nisu davani cefalosporini može biti rezervoar E. coli koja ima gene za cefalosporinaze proširenog spektra. To je prvo sustavno istraživanje u pasmine kuroiler od značenja za svjesnost konzumenata o mogućnosti prijenosa bakterije E. coli otporne na antimikrobne tvari

    Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Pathogens Isolated from Traditionally Fermented Foods, In Relation to Food Safety and Antimicrobial Resistance in Tribal Hill Areas of Northeast India

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    Traditional fermented food products are often connected to various indigenous tribes and thus vary due to ethnicity, geography, and natural resource availability. The indigenous tribes from India greatly rely on fermentation processes for food preservation, flavor, and nutrition. Fermented foods can provide health benefits but also pose risks from harmful microbes and contaminants that grow in the food due to poor hygiene. In this study, we identified lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in fermented food collected from Northeast India, assessed their beneficial properties, and highlighted the risk from food pathogens that have antimicrobial resistance traits. A total of 113 different samples of fermented food products were collected from the local markets of five Northeastern Indian states (Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim). Standard laboratory methods were used to isolate LAB and determine their probiotic properties, conduct coliform counts, and isolate presumptive staphylococci from the fermented food samples. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by using the BD-Phoenix 100 automated system. We isolated 30 LAB with probiotic potential. The average aerobic colony count in different fermented food was 4.4-7.7 log center dot cfu/g, while coliforms were present in 43% (49/113, 95% (CI 34-53)) of the food samples, indicating low-hygiene levels. Additionally, some food samples contained staphylococci with phenotypic antibiotic-resistance markers (MRS, HLMUP, BLACT, and STAMLS). This study indicates that probiotic bacteria could be present in traditional fermented food products of Northeast India, but contamination with staphylococci and other bacterial pathogens with antibiotic resistance traits could put the health of consumers at risk

    Fundamental genomic unity of ethnic India is revealed by analysis of mitochondrial DNA

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    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) profiles of 23 ethnic populations of India drawn from diverse cultural, linguistic and geographical backgrounds are presented. There is extensive sharing of a small number of mtDNA haplotypes, reconstructed on the basis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms, among the populations. This indicates that Indian populations were founded by a small number of females, possibly arriving on one of the early waves of out-of-Africa migration of modern humans; ethnic differentiation occurred subsequently through demographic expansions and geographic dispersal. The Asian-specific haplogroup M is in high frequency in most populations, especially tribal populations and Dravidian populations of southern India. Populations in which the frequencies of haplogroup M are relatively lower show higher frequencies of haplogroup U; such populations are primarily caste populations of northern India. This finding is indicative of a higher Caucasoid admixture in northern Indian populations. By examining the sharing of haplotypes between Indian and south-east Asian populations, we have provided evidence that south-east Asia was peopled by two waves of migration, one originating in India and the other originating in southern China. These findings have been examined and interpreted in the light of inferences derived from previous genomic and historical studies

    DNA sequence variation and haplotype structure of the ICAM1 and TNF genes in 12 ethnic groups of India reveal patterns of importance in designing association studies

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    We have examined the patterns of DNA sequence variation in and around the genes coding for ICAM1 and TNF, which play functional and correlated roles in inflammatory processes and immune cell responses, in 12 diverse ethnic groups of India. We aimed to (a) quantify the nature and extent of the variation, and (b) analyse the observed patterns of variation in relation to population history and ethnic background. At the ICAM1 and TNF loci, respectively, the total numbers of SNPs that were detected were 28 and 12. Many of these SNPs are not shared across ethnic groups and are unreported in the dbSNP or TSC databases, including two fairly common non-synonymous SNPs at positions 13487 and 13542 in the ICAM1 gene. Conversely, the TNF-376A SNP that is reported to be associated with susceptibility to malaria was not found in our study populations, even though some of the populations inhabit malaria endemic areas. Wide between-population variation in the frequencies of shared SNPs and coefficients of linkage disequilibrium have been observed. These findings have profound implications in case-control association studies
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