98 research outputs found

    Kata Tugas Bahasa Ngaju Dalam Mahaga Anak Awau Karya Rosa Kühnle (the Particle Words of Ngaju Language in Mahaga Anak Awau by Rosa Kühnle)

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    Kata Tugas Bahasa Ngaju dalam Mahaga Anak Awau karya Rosa Kühnle. Bahasa Ngaju adalahbahasa Barito (Austronesia) yang dituturkan oleh suku besar Dayak Ngaju dan suku-suku lainnya diProvinsi kalimantan Tengah. Suku Dayak Ngaju menempati DAS Sungai Kapuas, Kahayan, Katingan,Mentaya, Seruyan dan Barito. Kata tugas bahasa Ngaju dapat dibedakan sesuai bentuknya yang terdiridari preposisi, konjungsi, interjeksi, penegas, penjelas, keterangan dan klitik. Berdasarkan fungsinya,kata tugas bahasa Ngaju dapat dikelompokkan menjadi (1) KTatributif yang terbagi menjadi tigasubkelompok, yaitu (1.1) Kelompok KT atributif yang dapat berpasangan dengan Inti nominal danverbal, (1.2) Kelompok KT atributif yang terbatas pasangan intinya, (1.3) Kelompok KT atributifyang berpasangan longgar dengan intinya.(2) KT direktif (3) KT konektif yang terbagi pula dalam 2subkelompok, yaitu (3.1) konektif koordinatif dan (3.2) konektif subordinatif.(4)KTkoherensif yangterdiri dari 2 subkelompok, yaitu koherensif regresif dan koherensif progresif. Kata tugas mengemban189berbagai makna struktural, diantaranya adalah hubungan penegas, penyebab, pengantar, pembanding,penjelas kuantitas, kualitas dan hubungan keraguan.Kata

    Designing Verbal Message And Visual Media Of Quick Chicken

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    Quick Chicken currently exists on more than 8 islands, more than 17 provinces, more than 220 outlets. Compared to similar fried chicken outlets, Quick Chicken outlet designs are more attractive because they use the concept of selling in containers. The advantages of Quick Chicken are offering a menu that is a combination of traditional and western, in addition, Quick Chicken also offers larger pieces of chicken than its competitors, namely Hisana and Sabana. Currently Quick Chicken is experiencing a decline in sales. This happens because the promotion done has not been able to make the target audience aware and loyal. The question research is how to design verbal message and visual media as the solustion for the problem above. Semantics is used to define the verbal message, while advertising theory is used as the the grand theory of visual media. The methode used is qualitative descriptif. The result is as the recommendation design of the verbal message and visual media as the solution for the problem using AISAS. The conclusion is with the design of Quick Chicken promotion, it is hoped that being able to be a solution to identified problems, and it can also be a reference for similar problems as well. Key Words: Semantics, verbal message, Visual Media, Quick Chicke

    Efektivitas Pemberian Rebusan Kunyit Asam terhadap Penurunan Dismenorea

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of tumeric and tamarind to relieve dysmenorrhoea. The method was quasy experiment by giving tumeric and tamarind stew to the experimental group. The research was conducted on SMAN 9 Pekanbaru, toward 30 respondent which devided into two group. The first group was experimental group and the second group was control group. The sampling used purposive sampling technique, the measurement was a numeric rating scale to measure the intensity of pain. The analysis were univarite and bivariate analysis by using t-dependent sample test and mann whitney. The result showed there was a significant reduction of the intensity of pain to the experimental group after the group had taken the tumeric and tamarind stew ( p < α 0,05). Its mean that the stew was efective to relieve dysmenorrhoea. Its recomended to female student to apply the tumeric and tamarind stew as herbal medicine to relieve the dysmenorrhoea

    Pendaftaran Tanah melalui Program Layanan Rakyat untuk Sertipikasi Tanah (Larasita) di Kota Bandung Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria Dihubungkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 Tentang

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    Pendaftaran tanah merupakan hal yang penting, karena salah tujuan dari pendaftaran tanah adalah untuk memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum kepada masyarakat. Pasal 19 UUPA menyatakan bahwa Pemerintah berkewajiban untuk melaksanakan penyelenggaraan pendaftaran tanah. Untuk menjamin kepastian hukum oleh pemerintah dilaksanakan pendaftaran tanah diseluruh Wilayah Indonesia. Salah satu pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah adalah pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah melalui Program LARASITA (Layanan Rakyat untuk Sertipikasi Tanah). Program LARASITA merupakan sebuah kebijakan inovatif yang beranjak dari pemenuhan rasa keadilan yang diperlukan dan diharapkan dan dipikirkan oleh masyarakat. Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Tanah melalui Program LARASITA proses pelaksanaannya dilaksanakan dengan memadukan teknologi informasi dengan petugas pelayanan di bidang pertanahan dalam bentuk layanan bergerak

    Relationship Between Gender Socialization Done by Parents and Sexism in Adolescent

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    Based on Social Learning Theory the fact that parent treats their children in different way between their son and daughter is considered as one of the cause of sexism. The aim of this study is to know and to proof the relationship between gender socialization done by parents with sexism in adolescent. The participants of this study are 106 female and 94 male adolescents in DKI Jakarta. The result shows that hostile sexism in male adolescents is higher than female adolescents, and benevolent sexism in female adolescents is higher than male adolescents. Parents also did more traditional gender socialization to female adolescents. There are also correlation between demographic datas such as age, education level and work status in mother and main variable if this study. Another finding is there is no correlation between gender socialization and sexism in male and female adolescents. However, this study finds that gender socialization has a correlation with hostile sexism in male adolescents. This finding will help us to get deeper understanding about the source of sexism

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pakuwon Asri Resident Kaliwungu, Kendal

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    Customer satisfaction with a product is influenced by many factors. Every individual has the desire and different taste. Product quality and price are the factors that influence consumer satisfaction, in addition to that there are many more factors that influence the level of customer satisfaction.Based on pre-survey has been made known quality product to the customer dissatisfaction on the quality of the product so thatconsumers believe that the price pais does not match with the quality of the existing. The purpose of this research are (a) to find the effect of the product quality to customer satisfactionat Pakuwon Asri Resident Kaliwungu Kendal (b) to find the effect of price to the customer satisfactionat Pakuwon Asri Resident Kaliwungu Kendal, (c) to find the effect of the product quality and price to the customer satisfaction atPakuwon Asri Resident Kaliwungu Kendal . Type is the type of research that used explanatory research. Samples were taken by 60 respondents that consumers who have bought a house in Pakuwon Asri Ressident and has been inhabited for more than 2 year. Determination of sample data collection used was proportionate stratifietpurposive sampling. Data analysis techniques using linear regression analysis. Based on these results it can be concluded that: (a) the quality of the products have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction Pakuwon Asri Ressident Kaliwungu Kendal, (b) the price has positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction Pakuwon Asri Ressident Kaliwungu Kendal, (c) the quality of the product and the price effect positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction Pakuwon Asri Ressident Kaliwungu Kendal. As together, Product Quality and price have an effect on customer satisfaction, anf the product Quality have a bigger efect then price of customer satisfaction. Suggestions are PT. Putra Sulardi Mandiri research should further improve product quality through improvements in quality home building. The building houses a strong and durable so as to improve customer satisfaction that has made a purchase

    Daya Hambat Sampo Anti Ketombe Terhadap Pertumbuhan C. Albicans Penyebab Ketombe

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    Anti-dandruff shampoos on the market are expected to inhibit the growth of Candida sp. on the Scalp, but the fact is not able to inhibit the growth of fungi that still occur as a manifestation of dandruff growth of Candida sp. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth of Candida sp. in media containing anti-dandruff shampoo. Types of research conducted experiments conducted in FIKKES UNIMUS Microbiology Laboratory. When the study in March and April 2006. Sample of pure cultures of Candida sp. Isolate BLK Semarang, and anti-dandruff shampoo containing active substances with Zn Pt O brand A, B, and C. Series of test done including manufacturing test solution consisting of shampoo solution with a concentration of 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, suspicion Candida sp. contact time l, 2, 3, 4, and 5 minutes. Suspension Candida sp. Treated with test solution and planted in the medic and then incubated SGA 2x24 hours at a temperature of 370 C. Research results showed growth of Candida sp happen. on SGA medium (Glucose Saboroud order) which has been in contact with anti-dandruff shampoos A, B, and C at concentrations of 90%, with the Relative number of colonies decreased from the previous contact time of l, 2, 3, 4, and 5 minute. Of the three shampoos that can inhibit the growth of the fungus Candida sp. well is shampoo C. Conclusion that the higher konsetrasi shampoo and more time in contact with the higher shampoo inhibit the growth of shampoo for Candida sp. SGA to the media. Shampoo C labia have good inhibitory power than shampoo shampoo A and B

    Pengaruh Pelatihan, Kompensasi Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Bagian Industri Pemasaran Di Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah

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    Perum Perhutani is a company works in the sector of forest manufacturing covering the wood base and non wood base resource. The knowldge, skill and, detail abilities are important for the high productivity. The work of employee allows the good working environment, high motivation, comapny that runs well, so that the companys' goal can be achieved. The trainings, compensation and work motivation should be taken into consideration in order to improve the achievement of the employee. The aim of this reserach is to prove the influence trainings, compensation, and work motivation both as stimolous and partial. The method of reserach used for this reserach is the explanatory research. The method was questionary method, interview, and library reserach. The total number of the respondent is 55 people taken with the propotional sampling method. The technique of analysis is the analysis of double linear regretion supperted by SPSS17 program for Windows. The result of this research is that the training, compensation, and motivation towards Perum Perhutani Unit 1 Central Java shows statisfactory result. The traiings, compensation, and motivation brings significant result towards the work achievements. The variable of trainings and motivayion gives very strong influence towards the work achivements by 66.3% and 33.7% was influenced by the other veriable. The result of this research is that the training, compensation, and motivation towards Perum Perhutani Unit 1 Central Java shows statisfactory result. The traiings, compensation, and motivation brings significant result towards the work achievements. The variable of trainings and motivayion gives very strong influence towards the work achivements by 66.3% and 33.7% was influenced by the other veriable. Suggestions can be submitted is improving the quality of equipment and comfort room, claim medical expenses of patients to be more easy. .And for further research are discussed variables other than training, compensation and motivation, among others, the work environment and work disciplin
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