4 research outputs found

    Risk Mitigation Strategy for Coal Transshipment

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    Coal transshipment necessitates efficient and prompt execution, devoid of any delays or work-related accidents. Numerous events during the transshipment process have the potential to disrupt operations and pose substantial risks. This research aims to examine the risks associated with coal transshipment by leveraging ISO 31000:2018 as the risk analysis framework. Additionally, it seeks to prioritize risk mitigation strategies employing the Techniques for Other Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solutions (TOPSIS) methodology. Data collection for this study involved surveys and expert discussions to comprehensively analyze all risks by ISO 31000:2018 guidelines. The findings were then visualized through the use of a fishbone diagram, which facilitated the identification and understanding of the generated risks. The analysis revealed several threats that could impact the coal transshipment process. These major threats include natural disasters, equipment failures, shipping accidents, health risks for workers, fire hazards, operational delays, inefficient loading and unloading processes, and transportation accidents. The proposed mitigation strategies such as designing SOPs, developing emergency response plans, implementing safety measures, providing training, conducting risk assessments, and ensuring equipment maintenance, are academically supported and practical in their application. However, challenges such as financial constraints, resistance to change, and the dynamic nature of the process need to be overcome for effective implementation. Organizations can enhance safety and operational efficiency in coal transshipment by carefully managing resources, engaging stakeholders, and continuously evaluating and improving strategies. Overall, the proposed strategies offer a feasible and proactive means to mitigate threats and promote a safer and more efficient transshipment process

    Program Pendampingan Pengendalian Kualitas Dodol “D’Tungku” Melalui Pendekatan Sanitasi Pangan

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    Dodol is classified as a semi-wet snack with a chewy texture and does not last long to be stored because it is susceptible to microbial contamination. Handling dodol from the production process to packaging needs to consider food safety so that its quality can be maintained and food contamination can be avoided. Sanitation Standard Process Procedure (SSOP) is one of the main requirements for food processing, including dodol. Food sanitation is an essential part of the dodol quality control process. This community service (PkM) aims to provide assistance and training to improve the quality of dodol in the "D'Tungku" betawi dodol business Hj Muhaya Bojong Gede Bogor. A straightforward application of food sanitation can be seen in workers' clothes. Production clothing must cover all parts of the body, thereby reducing contamination originating from the individual's body, such as sweat. Headgear and masks complement production clothing to protect against product contamination, especially hair and respiratory droplets. In addition to the dodol production process, the packaging process is also an essential part of maintaining the quality of dodol. This PkM provides several alternative proposals for dodol packaging, including vacuum packaging, which aims to make dodol more widely accepted. This PkM is expected to bring benefits to Hj. Muhaya's "D'Tungku" dodol business.Dodol digolongkan sebagai makanan ringan semi basah bertekstur kenyal serta tidak bertahan lama untuk disimpan karena rentan kontaminasi mikroorganisme. Penanganan dodol mulai dari proses produksi sampai pengemasan perlu mempertimbangkan keamanan pangan agar kualitasnya dapat dipertahankan dan kontaminasi pangan dapat dihindari. Sanitation Standard Process Procedure (SSOP) merupakan salah satu persyaratan utama yang harus dilakukan dalam pengolahan bahan pangan termasuk dodol. Sanitasi pangan menjadi bagian penting dalam proses pengendalian kualitas dodol. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini (PkM) ini adalah untuk memberikan pedampingan dan pelatihan peningkatan kualitas dodol di usaha dodol betawi “D’Tungku” Hj Muhaya Bojong Gede Bogor. Salah satu penerapan sanitasi pangan secara sederhana dapat dilihat dari pakaian pekerja. Pakaian produksi harus menutupi semua bagian tubuh, sehingga mengurangi adanya kontaminasi yang berasal dari tubuh individu, seperti keringat. Penutup kepala dan masker melengkapi pakaian produksi, dengan fungsi untuk melindungi produk kontaminasi khusunya rambut dan percikan pernapasan. Selain pada saat proses produksi dodol, proses pengemasan juga menjadi bagian penting dalam menjaga kualitas dodol. PkM ini memberikan beberapa usulan alternatif kemasan dodol termasuk kemasan vakum yang bertujuan agar dapat dodol dapat diterima lebih luas. PkM ini diharapkan membawa manfaat terhadap usaha dodol “D’Tungku” Hj Muhaya

    Pendampingan Manajemen Kualitas Produksi Tas di PT TIJ

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    PT TIJ is a company that produces the local brand "LC," which is located in Depok, West Java. According to data for June-August 2022, there are significant product returns of around 1-7%, and a repair process is needed during production. Quality control at PT TIJ is carried out by checking goods one by one by supervisors and production operators. Recording quality problems is only done by labeling the products that need repair. The Quality Assurance (QA) department only records the number of products that need repair. Documentation of specific defects that often occur has never been done. Documentation is one of the essential things for quality control because quality data plays a significant role in making process improvement decisions. This PkM program is carried out by providing training materials for implementing an integrated system of sustainable quality management and the importance of quality data providing information related to problems in the production process. The conducted training increased the participants' knowledge regarding management and quality data. The usefulness of the training was confirmed directly to the participants through a questionnaire. The results showed that 77% of participants strongly agreed that the material was helpful, and 73% strongly agreed that the presenter delivered the quality management material well. Participants also provided suggestions regarding material for further assistance related to using a computer to use quality data analysis tools.PT TIJ is a company that produces the local brand "LC," which is located in Depok, West Java. According to data for June-August 2022, there are significant product returns of around 1-7%, and a repair process is needed during production. Quality control at PT TIJ is carried out by checking goods one by one by supervisors and production operators. Recording quality problems is only done by labeling the products that need repair. The Quality Assurance (QA) department only records the number of products that need repair. Documentation of specific defects that often occur has never been done. Documentation is one of the essential things for quality control because quality data plays a significant role in making process improvement decisions. This PkM program is carried out by providing training materials for implementing an integrated system of sustainable quality management and the importance of quality data providing information related to problems in the production process. The conducted training increased the participants' knowledge regarding management and quality data. The usefulness of the training was confirmed directly to the participants through a questionnaire. The results showed that 77% of participants strongly agreed that the material was helpful, and 73% strongly agreed that the presenter delivered the quality management material well. Participants also provided suggestions regarding material for further assistance related to using a computer to use quality data analysis tools