23 research outputs found

    AIDS knowledge, condom beliefs and sexual behaviour among male sex workers and male tourist clients in Bali, Indonesia

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    The objective of this paper is to describe the AIDS knowledge and risk behaviours of male sex workers who serve predominantly male clients in Bali, Indonesia, to discuss implications for the spread of the disease, and to discuss appropriate interventions for these groups. Data are drawn from a qualitative study of the workers and clients consisting of interviews with many open-ended questions. The results of the study are viewed in terms of the AIDS Risk Reduction Model (ARRM). The data indicate that there is a very active community of male sex workers and male clients in Bali that is at risk of AIDS infection. Multiple sexual partners, unprotected anal intercourse, and frequent experience with STDs put both workers and clients at risk. Workers had limited knowledge of AIDS and STDs, although clients were mainly well informed. Both groups were characterized by frequent mobility. High levels of alcohol use by clients were reported before and during sexual encounters and may be a factor in increasing risky sexual behaviours. Interventions for these groups should include improving knowledge of workers, improving STD treatment for both clients and workers, skills training for sex workers, and increasing availability of good quality condoms and lubricants

    Perceptions dynamics about antiretroviral treatment among HIV patients in Bali

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    Perceptions of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) about antiretroviral treatment (ART) is crucial for improving adherence. This study aims to examine the dynamics of perceptions during the early phase of ART. A longitudinal study involving newly diagnosed PLHIV was conducted. Interviews were carried out at the time of HIV diagnosis and at three months after ART initiation. Data were analyzed by comparing proportion of good perception across the continuum of HIV diagnosis, ART initiation and threemonths follow-up, and were tested using Chi-square. From 170 PLHIV participated in the study, 81.76% had initiated ART and 73.4% remained on ART at three-months of follow-up. Several positive perception items were significantly decreased: ability to take ART at work and ability to continue treatment if experiencing side effects, effectiveness of ART, confidentiality, unwanted disclosure, and level of support from outreach workers. Ability to follow instruction from physician was significantly increased, and negative attitudes toward ART were decreased across the continuum. Adherence to ART is a continuous process, and is influenced by the dynamics perceptions among PLHIV. Understanding these dynamics is crucial to formulate strategies that can promote and maintain positive attitudes toward ART as well as living with HIV more broadly

    Mechanical and thermal properties of beef tallow/rice husk charcoal-based plaster for building applications

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    The construction industry represents the largest energy-consuming sector globally, primarily due to its substantial operational processes power demand. To address this, there has been an increased emphasis on using materials capable of absorbing and storing heat as alternative energy storage in buildings. Phase Change Materials (PCMs) demonstrate this capability, harnessing the latent heat principle to absorb surplus heat energy and subsequently release it in times of deficiency. This study examines the mechanical and thermal properties of wall cladding materials integrated with PCMs, specifically beef tallow and rice husk charcoal. These composites were produced via direct incorporation, with rice husk charcoal weight fractions of 8, 10, and 12 %. This approach resulted in weight fractions of 28, 30, and 32 % in the plaster layer material. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) tests confirmed the PCM composite's chemical compatibility across all its components, with the composite morphology appearing as microcapsules. In terms of thermal conductivity, the addition of rice husk charcoal to beef tallow enhanced the PCM composite's performance. This enhancement indicated that approximately 10 % of rice husk charcoal weight fraction could be successfully incorporated into the plaster layer material without leakage. At an ambient temperature of 45 °C, a plaster composite with 30 wt. % PCM met the standard compressive strength for plaster coating. Furthermore, it was found that this composite could reduce the temperature by 2.4 °C. The results concluded that beef-tallow PCM exhibits promising potential as a heat storage system for buildings, contributing to energy conservation in the construction industr


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    Isu-isu sosial menjadi ide dalam pembuatan karya film fiksi yang mengangkat tema tentang pesugihan. Ide cerita tentang pesugihan yang menjadi ide dasar dari pembuatan karya film fiksi yang berjudul Niskala. Penciptaan karya ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknik Low Key dan High Contrast sinematografi yang digunakan untuk memvisualkan cerita dalam film fiksi Niskala. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Penerapan teori sinemtografi menghasilkan sebuah konsep ketegangan pada film Niskala yang menggunakan teknik tata kamera angle eye level dan dutch angle dengan kamera objektif memberikan kesan kamera sebagai mata penonton dan subjektif yang bertujuan memberikan kesan penonton berada didalam film. menggunakan beberapa type of shot seperti long shot, wide shot, medium shot, clouse up, big clouse up, pov untuk mendukung setiap adegan pada film. Warna pada film Niskala berwarna natural dengan temperatur sedikit kuning pada dunia nyata dan biru pada dimensi lain. Pencahayaan low key dengan teknik three point lighthing, yaitu cahaya utama (key light), cahaya pengisi (fill light), cahaya belakang (backlight), dan menggunakan teknik high contrast untuk memberikan gelap terang shadow pada gambar. Pencahayaan High Key menggunakan pencahayaan rasio 2:1 yang dapat memberikan pencahayaan yang merata pada objek atau subjek dan memperkecil intensitas bayangan dan memberikan efek Low Contrast. Teknik pencahayaan Low Key 1:2, yaitu Key Light lebih tinggi intensitasnya dari Fill Light dan Back Light. Pencahayaan rasio 1:2 akan dapat memberikan High Contrast pada objek atau subjek pada gambar. Luaran karya berjenis film fiksi dengan genre drama misteri mistik. Sasarannya remaja 13+. Premis Keegoisan Nenek akan ilmu yang dijalankannya hingga mengorbangkan keluarganya. Pesan pada karya film Niskala adalah jangan mengorbankan kebahagiaan keluarga hanya karena sebuah keegoisan diri sendiri. Kata kunci : Low Key, High Contrast, Niskala, film fiks

    Exposure to particulate matter (PM2.5) and prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia

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    Background Recently emerging evidence suggests an association between particulate matter less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5) exposure and diabetes risk. However, evidence from Asia is limited. Here, we evaluated the association between PM2.5 exposure and the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in one of the most populated countries in Asia, Indonesia. Methods We used the 2013 Indonesia Basic Health Research, which surveyed households in 487 regencies/municipalities in all 33 provinces in Indonesia (n = 647,947). We assigned individual exposure to PM2.5 using QGIS software. Multilevel logistic regression with a random intercept based on village and cubic spline analysis were used to assess the association between PM2.5 exposure and the prevalence of diabetes mellitus. We also assessed the lower exposure at which PM2.5 has potential adverse effects. Results We included 647,947 subjects with a mean age of 41.9 years in our study. Exposure to PM2.5 levels was associated with a 10-unit increase in PM2.5 (fully adjusted odds ratio: 1.09; 95% confidence interval: 1.05–1.14). The findings were consistent for quartile increases in PM2.5 levels and the cubic spline function. Even when we restricted to those exposed to PM2.5 concentrations of less than 10.0 µg/m3 in accordance with the recommended guidelines for annual exposure to PM2.5 made by the World Health Organization, the association remained elevated, especially among subjects living in the urban areas. Hence, we were unable to establish a safe threshold for PM2.5 and the risk of diabetes. Conclusions Our findings suggest a positive association between PM2.5 exposure and prevalence of diabetes mellitus, which is possibly below the current recommended guidelines. Further studies are needed to ascertain the causal association of this finding

    Film Dokumenter Potret “Yoko Unconditional Football Story”

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    Menurut UU Republik Indonesia No. 8 tahun 2016, Penyandang Disabilitas adalah orang yang mengalami keterbatasan fisik, intelektual, mental, serta sensorik. Ketika berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dapat mengalami hambatan dan kesulitan berinteraksi dengan warga negara lainnya. Dari proses riset, dan membangun ide menemukan seorang anak bernama Yoko yang merupakan penyandang disabilitas. Walaupun Yoko memiliki kekurangan menariknya, ia mempunyai semangat yang tinggi bersekolah dan bermain sepak bola.Penciptaan film dokumenter “Yoko Unconditional Football Story” dengan konsep ekspositori menitik beratkan pada informasi mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari dan cita-cita dari Yoko. Film ini diproduksi dengan bahasa visual dan audio yang sederhana agar penonton dapat mengerti. Bahasan tersebut didapat dari riset lapangan yang dilakukan sejak bulan Februari tahun 2018 di lingkungan tempat tinggal Yoko, observasi kepada lingkungan luar rumah dari Yoko, seperti sekolah dan tempat bermain dan melakukan wawancara dengan orang tua, guru dan kepala sekolahnya serta relawan team Yoko 87. Dalam penciptaan ini dipergunakan dua teori, yaitu teori Motivasi dan Pengukurannya oleh Hamzah B. Uno (2008). Hasil riset film dokumenter “Yoko Unconditional Football Story” sebagai media motivasi untuk masyarakat. Film dokumenter “Yoko Unconditional Football Story”memilik struktur tiga babak yaitu awal, tengah, dan akhir. Pada babak awal dalam film dokumenter “Yoko Unconditional Football Story” mengenalkan kehidupan seharihari dari karakter Yoko. Pada bagian isi dalam film “Yoko Unconditional Football Story” memaparkan dunia pendidikan, cita-cita dan harapan dari Yoko. Bagian akhir dalam film menjelaskan pencapaian Yoko dalam bertemu dengan idolanya yang diharapkan mampu memotivasi masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Film Dokumenter, disabilitas, Yoko, Potret, Ekspositor

    Perception of parents, teachers, and nutritionist on childhood obesity and barriers to healthy behavior: a phenomenological study

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    The worldwide epidemic of childhood obesity is progressing at an alarming rate. Obesity in childhood at high risk of becoming obese in adulthood and potentially experience metabolic disease and degenerative disease in the future. Obesity is not just an individual problem. It is a population problem and should be tackled as such. Various factors causing obesity in children include children's diet, level of physical activity, family factors, child psychological and genetic factors. This paper attempts to explore the problem more closely by conducting a qualitative study, the main objective of which is to determine barriers to a healthy lifestyle and variables that underlie overweight/obesity in children from their parents perspective. This research is a qualitative research with the phenomenological method. A total of 3 focus group discussions and 7 in-depth interviews were conducted, between July and October 2016, to explore parent’s, teacher’s, and nutritionist perceptions about underlying factors of their overweight/obesity and barriers to a healthy behavior

    Biodegradation of Turquoise Blue Textile Dye by Wood Degrading Local Fungi Isolated from a Plantation Area

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    This research aimed to investigate the potential screening of wood degrading fungi to degrade the textile dye. Nine fungi were selected based on their ability to remove the turquoise blue textile dye on liquid potatoes dextrose médium. The fungi which have a high color removal efficiency were identified and analyzed qualitatively in terms of the manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase enzymes and their enzyme activity was determined. The selected fungi were investigated for their ability to degrade turquoise blue under variations in pH, dye concentration, and contact time. The results showed that three of the nine strains of wood-degrading local fungi, identified as Trametes hirsuta, Microporus xanthopus, and Ganoderma applanatum, were able to degrade textile dye. The color removal efficiency of dye treatment was monitored under the initial pH, dye concentration, and contact time variation. The study analyzed that the optimal color removal efficiency of the turquoise blue textile dye with a concentration of 30 mg/L in an aqueous solution was achieved at 78.50 and 85.84% at pH 6 for Microporus xanthopus and Ganoderma applanatum, while the color removal efficiency was 82.17% at pH 5 for Trametes hirsuta with seven days of incubation time