49 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study was to establish the parameters of sexual behavior and contraception use among full time male students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In a prospective study that included 2128 male students aged 19-24, an anonymous survey was conducted on sexual behavior and contraception use in four university cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 2007-2009 period. Out of the total number of surveyed students (N=2118), 74.6% (n=1581) were sexually active and the largest number of students (16.7%, n=614) had sexual relations with one partner. In the group of subjects with one sex partner, there was a signifi cant difference according to universities (Cilj rada je defi nirati parametre spolnog ponaÅ”anja i upotrebu metoda kontracepcije kod redovnih studenata u BiH. Ispitanici i metode: U prospektivnoj studiji na 2.128 redovnih studenata, u dobi od 19 do 24. godine života provedena je anonimna anketa o spolnom ponaÅ”anju i koriÅ”tenju kontracepcije u 4 univerzitetska grada u BiH u razdoblju od 2007. do 2009. god. Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja anketiranih studenata (N=2.118) spolno aktivnih je bilo 74,6 % (N=1.581), a najveći broj studenata - 16,7 % (N=614) imao je spolne odnose s jednim partnerom. U proporciji ispitanika s jednim spolnim partnerom postoji značajna razlika po univerzitetima za muÅ”ke ispitanike (x2=13,62; p=0,009). Ne postoji značajna razlika u broju spolnih partnera studenata prema studijskim skupinama, prema proporciji ispitanika s jednim i dva partnera (x2=1,41; p=0,492), ali postoji značajna razlika po godinama studija studenata muÅ”karaca (x2=10,13; p=0,038). Srednja dob seksarhe je 17,35Ā±1,71 godina, te postoji statistički značajna razlika srednjih vrijednosti seksarhe (F(4,1576)=9,273; p<0,001). Kontracepciju je koristilo 74,3 % spolno aktivnih studenata. Kondom kao metodu kontracepcije koristili su u 79% (N=1249) slučajeva, a druge metode u 21 % (N=332) slučajeva. Zaključak: Porast spolne aktivnosti među studentima muÅ”kog spola registriran je uz visoku stopu koriÅ”tenja kontracepcije tijekom spolnog odnosa


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    Introduction: Reasons for acute renal failure in hospitalized infants were sepsis, hypovolemia, asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome, surgical interventions and congenital heart defects. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and and main etiologies, and early outcome of neonatal acute renal failure. Materials and Methods: At Intensive Care Unit, Clinical Center Tuzla, from 15. 01. 2013 to 15. 01. 2015 in 21 newborn was diagnosed renal failure, based on the amount of excreted urine and serum creatinine. Results: The prevalence of renal failure was 6.84%, with a higher incidence of female. 33.3% of infants were term neonates. Oliguria was diagnosed in 71.4% of newborns. Sepsis was the most common predisposing factor for the development of renal failure, associated with high mortality. Other causes of renal failure were perinatal hypoxia, RDS, surgical interventions and congenital heart defects. There was a positive correlation between the gestational age of the newborn and serum creatinine. Discussion: Early prevention of risk factors with rapid diagnosis and effective treatment, can affect further outcome of acute renal failure in infants

    Isolation of Tobacco Necrosis Virus from Buckwheat Plants

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    From leaves of naturally infected buckwheat plants (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), cultivar Bcdnaja, an isolate of tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) was obtained. The virus was isolated mechanically, i. e. by means of sap inoculation, from infected buckwheat to healthy bean plants. The infected buckwheat plants were collected in north Bosnia and showed necrotic symptoms. This isolate differed from other TNV strains found in Yugoslavia earlier. The virus was identified as stipple streak strain of TNV following host plants reactions, stability in sap, serology, and electron microscopy. It provokes local necrotic reaction on many host plants, but systemic symptoms on beans (Fig. 1 B, C) and buckwheat cultivars (Fig. 1 A). The systemic reaction of bean consisted of necroses along the leaf veins, stems and fruits (Fig. 1 C). The buckwheat plants reacted with necroses on inoculated and young leaves, sometimes on the stem too, and with mosaic on top leaves. The thermal inactivation point was between 86 and 88 Ā°C and longevity in vitro took more than 60 days at room temperature. In purified TNV preparations isometric particles with a diameter of about 26 nm were found (Fig. 1 D). In double diffusion serological reaction in agar-gel the TNV isolate from buckwheat reacted positively with an antiserum of TNV serotype A but not with an antiserum of serotype D

    Tretman stolburne rajčice (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) kinetinom i mogućnost njegove primjene u kemoterapiji

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    In this study we investigated the influence of kinetin (6- furfurylaminopurine) on stolbur infected tomato plants. By using electron microscopy we analysed the starch accumulation and the thylakoid membranes in the chloroplast and we quantified the photosynthetic pigments by spectrophotometry. Consideration was also given to the growth and general appearance of the plants. We proved that in stolbur infected plants kinetin provoked the degeneration of MLO (mycoplasma like organism), the syntesis of photosynthetic pigments, regenerated the thylakoid membranes, and increased the hydrolysis of starch accumulated in the chloroplast. After kinetin treatment, diseased sterile plants produced normal flowers, fruit, and viable seeds which gave healthy progeny.Ispitivali smo djelovanje kinetina (6-furfurilaminopurina) na stolburnu infekciju rajčice. Analizirali smo elektronsko-mikroskopski akumulaciju Å”kroba i tilakoidne membrane u kloroplastima, a spektrofoto- metrijski određivali smo koncentraciju fotosintetskih pigmenata. IzvrÅ”ena su zapažanja habitusa ispitivanih biljaka. Utvrdili smo da kinetin izaziva degeneraciju OSM (organizama sličnih mikoplazmi), stimulira sintezu fotosintetskih pigmenata, regenerira tilakoidne membrane i pojačava hidrolizu akumuliranog Å”kroba u kloroplastima. Nakon tretmana kinetinom bolesne sterilne biljke normalno su procvjetale, dale su plodove i vitalno sjeme koje je dalo zdravo potomstvo


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    Prikazana je 38-godiÅ”nja bolesnica koja je zanijela nakon ekstrakcije iz materiÅ”ta komadića fetalne kosti zaostalog nakon prekida trudnoće učinjenog 20 mjeseci ranije. Cijelo je vrijeme imala probleme s produženim i bolnim menstruacijama zbog kojih je čak tri puta hospitalizirana i dva puta podvrgnuta eksplorativnoj kiretaži. Iako je ultrazvučno u materiÅ”tu uočena neobična hiperehogena formacija nije bila postavljena sumnja na zaostali dio fetalne kosti, nego su sve terapijske procedure bile usmjerene liječenju upale i zaustavljanju krvarenja.There was presented a case of secondary infertility, dysmenorrhoea and metrorrhagia after induced abortion and a pregnancy after extraction of fetal bone fragment by curettage. The ultrasound examination showed an unusually hyperechogenic structure in uterine cavity but nobody did not think about possibility of retained fetal bone because all therapeutic procedures were anti-inflammatory and stop bleeding

    Nalaz virusa mozaika lobode u Å”ećernoj repi

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    Sowbane mosaic virus (SMV) was isolated from sugar beet found in the central part of Yugoslavia (Semberia, Bosnia). Serological tests performed by single and double diffusion tests showed that the investigated isolate could not be distinguished from an American isolate of SMV and two SMV isolates found in Yugoslavia earlier.U toku istraživanja virusnih bolesti Å”ećerne repe na području Bosne, iz jednog zaraženog uzorka izolirali smo virus mozaika lobode (sowbane mosaic virus; SMV) koji smo u radu označili kraticom SMV-S. Repa iz koje je virus izoliran sabrana je u Semberiji kod mjesta Batković (okolica Bijeljine). U literaturi nema podataka o dolaženju SMV u Å”ećernoj repi. Virusni izolat SMV-S identificirali smo na osnovi reakcija na pokusnim biljkama, vladanja in vitro i seroloÅ”kih osobina. SMV-S smo uspjeli mehaničkom inokulacijom prenijeti samo na biljke iz kruga domaćina SMV-a (Tabla 1). I po vladanju in vitro SMV-S nije se razlikovao ot tipičnog SMV. U seroloÅ”kim pokusim (si. 1) koji su bili izvedeni metodama jednostruke i dvostruke radijalne imunođifuzije u agarskom gelu, izolat SMV-S nije se razlikovao od dvaju izolata SMV ranije nađenih u Jugoslaviji (Å arić i Juretić 1976, Juretić 1976) niti od američkog izolata SMV koji nam je poslao dr. H. E. Waterworth (Glenn Dale, USA)

    Rani ishod masivnog plućnog krvarenja kod nedonoŔčadi u Tuzlanskom kantonu

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    Massive pulmonary hemorrhage (MPH) in neonates is a severe condition followed by many complications and associated with a high mortality rate. The aim of this study was to present the incidence, possible risk factors, and short-term outcome of neonatal MPH in Tuzla Canton. We retrospectively analyzed data on neonates with MPH from January 2015 to December 2017. On statistical analysis, standard methods of descriptive statistics were used. During the three-year study period, 16 neonates developed MPH, 5 (31.25%) male and 11 (68.75%) female. Their mean gestational age was 29.48Ā±2.21 weeks and mean birth weight 1276.69Ā±387.65 grams. Seven (43.75%) neonates survived and 9 (56.25%) died. Significant differences between the two outcome groups (survivors/ died) were found in gestational age, birth weight, birth length, 5-minute Apgar score, and length of treatment at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. In Tuzla Canton, MPH occurred mainly in preterm neonates requiring mechanical ventilation, with the incidence of 1.91% of total premature births. The short-term outcome was uncertain, with a high mortality rate of 56.25%. Lower gestational age, lower birth weight, lower birth length and lower 5-minute Apgar score were confirmed as risk factors for poor short-term outcome.Masivna plućna hemoragija (MPH) u novorođenčadi je teÅ”ko stanje koje prati mnoÅ”tvo komplikacija i visoka stopa smrtnosti. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi incidenciju, moguće čimbenike rizika i kratkoročni ishod neonatalne MPH u Tuzlanskom kantonu. Retrospektivno smo analizirali podatke o novorođenčadi s MPH od siječnja 2015. do prosinca 2017. godine. U statističkoj obradi primijenjene su standardne metode deskriptivne statistike.Tijekom promatranog trogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja MPH se razvila u 16 novorođenčadi, 5 dječaka (31,25%) dječaka i 11 (68,75%) djevojčica. Srednja gestacijska dob bila je 29,48Ā±2,21 tjedana, a srednja porođajna težina 1276,69Ā±387,65 grama. Svih 16 bili su neonoŔčad niske porođajne težine od kojih je 7 (43,75%) preživjelo, a 9 (56,25%) umrlo. Značajne razlike među dvjema skupinama ishoda nađene su za gestacijsku dob, porođajnu težinu, porođajnu duljinu, Apgar indeks u petoj minuti i dužinu intenzivnog liječenja. U zaključku, u Tuzlanskom kantonu neonatalna MPH javljala se kod nedonoŔčadi koja su zahtijevala mehaničku ventilaciju, s incidencijom od 1,91% od ukupnog broja prijevremeno rođenih. Kratkoročni ishod bio je neizvjestan, s visokom stopom smrtnosti od 56,25%. Kraća gestacijska dob, niža porođajna težina, niža porođajna duljina i niži Apgar indeks u petoj minuti potvrđeni su kao čimbenici rizika za loÅ” kratkoročni ishod

    On the geographical distribution of tomato black ring virus in Yugoslavia

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    Tomato black ring virus (TBRV) was previously detected on potato and grape-vine in some parts of Yugoslavia. During this investigation new isolates of TBRV were collected from sugar-beet, pepper, tobacco, and potato. The three first mentioned species are new natural hosts of this virus in Yugoslavia. The identification of TBRV was done first by means of virus analysis on differential hosts, then by examination of the stability of infective plant sap in vitro, and specially by serological double diffusion tests in agar gel. The last experiments showed that all new isolates were serologically identical because their precipitation lines coalesced together without spur formation. At the same time more evidence was obtained about the distribution of this virus in different regions of Yugoslavia. Isolates from sugar-beet (B), pepper (C), and tobacco (N) were found in North Bosnia, the second tobacco isolate (Nt) in Herzegovina, and the potato isolate (S) in West Bosnia