43,745 research outputs found
Hubungan karnel dengan fungsi grundy dalam graph untuk permainan nim
Apabila diketahui suatu . Graph G -7(). mempunyai kernel sedemikian-hingga setiap sub graph dari G. = (X,U) juga memepunyai 'kernel, maka dapat ditunjukkan adanya fungsi Grundy g Pada G = (X,U) yang didefinisikan dari
himpunan titik X ke himpunan bilangan bulat non negatif. N.
Sebaliknya, apab.i.la diketahui graph G = (X,U) .mempunyai, fungsi Grundy, maka, dapat ditunjukkan adanya kernel di. dalam G = (X,U).
Dalam Periainan • Nim, Kernel dan fdngsi 'Grundy .dapat. digUnakan • untuk menenukan • posisi' kemenangan-.
This report is written based on the job training activities done by the writer
as an English Teacher in SDN Tugu Jebres No.120 Surakarta. The purpose of this
report is to describe the use of songs to improve English vocabulary to the first
grade student.
Using songs can be good alternation to teach English to young learners
because children like songs. In many cultures, songs are used to introduce or
practice mother tongue to young children. By implementing the songs, the
students are easier in understanding the meaning of the words and memorizing the
vocabulary. It happened because first, songs are consisted of special rhythm that
stimulates the brain to catch the lyrics. Second, there are many word repetitions in
songs that is very helpful for young learners to memorize the new vocabulary.
Third, singing is a happy and stress-free activity that brings different atmosphere
in theclassroom so that the students feel more interested in learning English
Songs are a motivating and enjoyable aid to learn language. Singing many
English songs could add the students’ vocabularies. As the result, the scores of
English is increasing well. Songs increase English vocabulary students
Abstract: This research aims to identify whether or not and to what extent animation video
can improve students' vocabulary mastery. This is a Classroom Action Research conducted at
the sixth grade students of MIN Nglungge, Polanharjo. There were 2 cycles and each cycle
consists of five steps, namely; (1) planning the action, (2) implementing the action, (3)
observing the action, (4) reflecting the result of the observation, (5) revising of the action.
The result of the research shows that animation video can improve the students' vocabulary
mastery. It could be seen from these indicators: (a) students could spell the vocabularies; (b)
most students were able to pronounce words correctly; (c) students could grasp the meaning
well; and (d) students could recognize vocabularies. In line with the result, the writer
suggests that animation video is one of the effective techniques in presentations as to increase
the students' enthusiasm and their achievement in learning vocabulary. This result hopefully
will motivate teachers to use animation video in teaching vocabulary to young learners.
Key words: animation video, teaching vocabulary, vocabulary master
Molecular epidemiology of waterborne zoonoses in the North Island of New Zealand : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science (Epidemiology and Public Health) at Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences (IVABS), Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium and Giardia species are three important waterborne
zoonotic pathogens of global public health concern. This PhD opens with an
interpretive overview of the literature on Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium and
Giardia spp. in ruminants and their presence in surface water (Chapter 1), followed
by five epidemiological studies of Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium and Giardia spp. in
cattle, sheep and aquatic environment in New Zealand (Chapters 2-6).
The second chapter investigated four years of retrospective data on Campylobacter
spp. (n=507) to infer the source, population structure and zoonotic potential of
Campylobacter jejuni from six high-use recreational rivers in the Wanganui-
Manawatu region of New Zealand through the generalised additive model,
generalised linear/logistic regression model, and minimum spanning trees. This
study highlights the ubiquitous presence of Campylobacter spp. in both low and high
river flows, and during winter months. It also shows the presence of C. jejuni in 21%
of samples containing highly diverse strains, the majority of which were associated
with wild birds only. These wild birds-associated C. jejuni have not been detected in
human, suggesting they may not be infectious to human. However, the presence of
some poultry and ruminant-associated strains that are potentially zoonotic suggested
the possibility of waterborne transmission of C. jejuni to the public. Good biosecurity
measures and water treatment plants may be helpful in reducing the risk of
waterborne Campylobacter transmission
In the third study, a repeated cross-sectional study was conducted every month for
four months to investigate the source of drinking source-water contamination. A total
of 499 ruminant faecal samples and 24 river/stream water samples were collected
from two rural town water catchments (Dannevirke and Shannon) in the Manawatu-
Wanganui region of New Zealand, and molecular analysis of those samples was
performed to determine the occurrence of Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, and
Giardia spp. and their zoonotic potential. The major pathogens found in faecal
samples were Campylobacter (n=225 from 7/8 farms), followed by Giardia (n=151
from 8/8 farms), whereas Giardia cysts were found in many water samples (n=18),
followed by Campylobacter (n=4). On the contrary, Cryptosporidium oocysts were
only detected in a few faecal (n=18) and water (n=3) samples. Cryptosporidium and
Giardia spp. were detected in a higher number of faecal samples from young animals
(≤ 3 months) than juvenile and adult animals, whereas Campylobacter spp. were
highly isolated in the faecal samples from juvenile and adult ruminants. PCRsequencing
of the detected pathogens indicated the presence of potentially zoonotic
C. jejuni and C. coli, Cryptosporidium parvum (gp60 allelic types IIA18G3R1 and
IIA19G4R1) and Giardia duodenalis (assemblages AII, BII, BIII, and BIV) in cattle and
sheep. In addition, potentially zoonotic C. jejuni and Giardia duodenalis assemblages
AII, BI, BII, and BIV were also determined in water samples. These findings indicate
that these three pathogens of public health significance are present in ruminant faecal
samples of farms and in water, and may represent a possible source of human
infection in New Zealand.
In the fourth study, PCR-sequencing of Cryptosporidium spp. isolates obtained from
the faeces of 6-week- old dairy calves (n=15) in the third study were investigated at
multiple loci (18S SSU rDNA, HSP70, Actin and gp60) to determine the presence of
mixed Cryptosporidium spp. infections. Cryptosporidium parvum (15/15), C. bovis
(3/15) and C. andersoni (1/15), and two new genetic variants were determined along
with molecular evidence of mixed infections in five specimens. Three main
Cryptosporidium species of cattle, C. parvum, C. bovis and C. andersoni, were detected
together in one specimen. Genetic evidence of the presence of C. Anderson and two
new Cryptosporidium genetic variants are provided here for the first time in New
Zealand. These findings provided additional evidence that describes Cryptosporidium
parasites as genetically heterogeneous populations and highlighted the need for
iterative genotyping at multiple loci to explore the genetic makeup of the isolates.
The C. jejuni and C. coli isolates (n=96) obtained from cattle, sheep and water in the
third study were subtyped to determine their genetic diversity and zoonotic
potential using a modified, novel multi-locus sequence typing method (“massMLST”;
Chapter 5). Primers were developed and optimised, PCR-based target-MLST alleles’
amplification were performed, followed by next generation sequencing on an
Illumina MiSeq machine. A bioinformatics pipeline of the sequencing data was
developed to define C. jejuni and C. coli multi-locus sequence types. This study
demonstrated the utility and potential of this novel typing method, massMLST, as a
strain typing method. In addition to identifying the possible C. jejuni/coli clonal
complexes or sequence types of 68/96 isolates from ruminant faeces and water
samples, this study reported three new C. jejuni strains in cattle in New Zealand, along
with many strains, such as CC-61, CC-828 and CC-21, that have also been found in
humans, indicating the public health significance of these isolates circulating on the
farms in the two water catchment areas. Automation of the massMLST method and
may allow a cost-effective high-resolution typing method in the near future for multilocus
sequence typing of large collections of Campylobacter strains.
In the final study (Chapter 6), a pilot metagenomic study was carried out to obtain a
snapshot of the microbial ecology of surface water used in the two rural towns of
New Zealand for drinking purposes, and to identify the zoonotic pathogens related to
waterborne diseases. Fresh samples collected in 2011 and 2012, samples from the
same time that were frozen, and samples that were kept in the preservative RNAlater
were sequenced using whole-genome shotgun sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq
machine. Proteobacteria was detected in all the samples characterised, although there
were differences in the genus and species between the samples. The microbial
diversity reported varied between the grab and stomacher methods, between
samples collected in the year 2011 and 2012, and among the fresh, frozen and
RNAlater preserved samples. This study also determined the presence of DNA of
potentially zoonotic pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter and
Mycobacterium spp. in water. Use of metagenomics could potentially be used to
monitor the ecology of drinking water sources so that effective water treatment plans
can be formulated, and for reducing the risk of waterborne zoonosis.
As a whole, this PhD project provides new data on G. duodenalis assemblages in cattle,
sheep and surface water, new information on mixed Cryptosporidium infections in
calves, a novel “massMLST” method to subtype Campylobacter species, and shows the
utility of shotgun metagenomic sequencing for drinking water monitoring. Results
indicate that ruminants (cattle and sheep) in New Zealand shed potentially zoonotic
pathogens in the environment and may contribute to the contamination of surface
water. A better understanding of waterborne zoonotic transmission would help in
devising appropriate control strategies, which could reduce the shedding of
Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia spp. in the environment and thereby
reduce waterborne transmission
This reseach has title the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure to firm value with management ownership as the moderating variable. The reseach purpose to know the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure to firm value and to know management ownership would be get strong relations Corporate Sosial Responsibility disclosure with firm value. Hipotesis of this reseach though Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure can be influence to firm value and management ownership would be get strong relations between Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure with firm value. Sample of this reseach is the high profile company with natural resources of Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) listing in 2008. There are 34 company of 68 population fulfilling criterian by using purposive sampling methode. The methode analysis of this research used multiple regression analysis. The result of study show that nothing influence of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure to firm value. And management ownership wouldn’t be get strong relations between Corporate Socioal Responsibility disclosure with firm value
The Chinese and Crime in the Ommelanden of Batavia 1780-1793
Batavia dan wilayah Ommelanden pada era akhir abad ke-18 berada dalam krisis keamanan di mana angka kriminalitas terus meningkat. Kejahatan dalam berbagai bentuk, mulai dari perampokan, pembunuhan, pencurian, sampai perkelahian antar-etnis menjadi suatu pemandangan yang biasa di wilayah ini. Kondisi VOC yang mulai runtuh saat itu berdampak pada runtuhnya keamanan publik di daerah koloni. Lebih jauh, kondisi ini merefleksikan semakin melemahnya kontrol administrasi pemerintah kolonial terhadap Batavia dan Ommelanden. Meningkatnya angka kriminalitas di wilayah Ommelanden juga memengaruhi masyarakat Cina, baik sebagai pelaku maupun sebagai korban dari kejahatan tersebut. Kedudukan dan status mereka yang cenderung lebih tinggi dalam hal finansial dari masyarakat lokal menjadi sumber pemicu kebencian antaretnis di Ommelanden. Masyarakat Cina menjadi rentan terhadap tindak kejahatan. Paper ini mengeksplorasi berbagai kasus kriminal di Ommelanden Batavia yang terkait masyarakat Cina, baik sebagai korban maupun pelaku, yang terekam dalam arsip Schepenbank. Paper ini memberikan sebuah gambaran relasi masyarakat Cina dengan etnis lainnya di Ommelanden Batavia dalam kasus-kasus hukum, sifat dan kekhasan kriminalitas di Ommelanden Batavia, serta sistem yudisial VOC di Ommelanden Batavia
Analisis Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Minyak Atsiri Dari Bunga Kamboja Putih (Plumeria acuminata W.T.Ait.) dan Bunga Kamboja Merah (Plumeria rubra L.)
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif minyak atsiri bunga kamboja putih (Plumeria acuminata W.T.Ait.) dan bunga kamboja merah (Plumeria rubra L.). Hasil uji kualitatif minyak atsiri bunga kambojaputih meliputi bentuk cair, bau khas aromatik bunga kamboja, warna kuning muda, rasa manis agak pedas, bobot jenis 0,6956 ± 0,0217, indeks bias (nD250) = 1,4788 ±
10-04 dan kadar minyak atsiri0 0,12 ± 0,02%(v/b). Minyak atsiri bunga kamboja merah memiliki bentuk cair, bau khas aromatik bunga kamboja, warna jingga kecoklatan,rasa manis agak pedas, bobot jenis 0,3844 ± 0,005, indeks bias (nD250) = 1,4197 ± 10-04 dan kadar minyak atsiri 0,09 ± 0,03%(v/b). Noda KLT masing-masing menunjukan jumlah yang sama yaitu terdapat 8 noda. Analisis KG-SM menunjukkan bahwa minyak atsiri atsiri bunga kamboja putih memiliki 19 senyawa dengan area lebih dari 1% tapi yang teranalisis didominasi oleh 5 komponen senyawa antara lain Pentakosan (5,69%), Heksakosan (4,88%), Benzil alkohol (4,35%), Tetrakosan
(4,18%), dan Heptakosan (3,01%). Minyak atsiri atsiri bunga kamboja merah memiliki 17 senyawa dengan area lebih dari 1 %, 5 komponen senyawa yang mendominasi antara lain Feniletilalkohol (12,43%), Benzenasetonitril (6,30%),
Pentakosan (3,48%), Tetrakosan (3,14%), dan Trikosan (2,27%). Kandungan yang sama pada kedua jenis minyak atsiri adalah Pentakosan dan Tetrakosan dalam jumlah berbeda
The determination of gold in vegetation and its application to specific problems in biogeochemistry : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry in the Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Massey University
Studies were carried out to devise a method for determining nanogram quantities of gold in vegetation.
The samples (0.5g) were digested with fuming nitric acid over a water bath. After addition of hydrochloric acid, the gold was extracted into a small volume (1 ml) of methylisobutyl ketone (MIBK). The organic layer was back-extracted with distilled water to remove iron interference and gold in the MIBK was determined by an electro thermal atomization technique with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.
The optimum instrumental conditions for drying, ashing and atomization of gold were as follows: drying, 4.5V, 20 secs; ashing 6V, 20 secs; atomization 8V, 4 secs. A furnace cooling time of 50 sec. was allowed to attain high precision of signal heights.
Tests on the efficiency of the method developed, showed high precision, good accuracy with the limit of detection of 1 ng/g.
Recovery studies on the known amounts of gold added to vegetation, showed an average recovery of 99.4%. On the basis of these results, the method developed and outlined can be used on a routine basis for analysis of vegetation, soils and rocks.
Biogeochemical and geochemical studies were carried out at 4 areas having different geological, topographical and climatic conditions.
These were: Waihi, New Zealand, Seruwila in Sri Lanka, the SerbomacedÂonian massif in Northern Greece, and Yathkyed Lake in Arctic Canada.
At each of these study areas, different plant species were collected and analyzed together with the soil for biogeochemical studies.
Investigations were carried out to determine whether the concentÂration of gold in plants could be used to predict the concentration of this element in the soil and also whether any other elements present could be used as a pathfinder for gold.
The results of biogeochemistry showed good correlation existing between gold in plant and gold in soil provided the gold concentration in the substrate was sufficiently high. Arsenic was found to be a possible pathfinder element for gold, particularly when the latter is present with chalcophile elements.
The range of plant species analyzed in this study suggest that gold uptake is not restricted to any particular plant species or to plants with deep rooting system provided the substrate is auriferous
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