14 research outputs found

    Modeling process-switching decisions under product life cycle uncertainty

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    We address the process-switching decision of a firm that adopts a mixed process strategy with respect to a new product in the context of product life cycle uncertainty. A mixed process strategy uses a flexible process in the early stages of the product's life cycle and later switches to a dedicated process to gain cost economies. We present a model that captures uncertainty through alternative life-cycle demand functions to guide the process-switching decision. We develop a dynamic decision rule that can be used with any uncertainty-resolution scheme and demonstrate its application and robustness using an illustrative numerical example.Process-switching strategy Product life cycle uncertainty Production economics Conceptual modeling Decision support

    A Model-Based Approach for Planning and Developing a Family of Technology-Based Products

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    In this paper, we address the product-family design problem of a firm in a market in which customers choose products based on some measure of product performance. By developing products as a family, the firm can reduce the cost of developing individual product variants due to the reuse of a common product platform. Such a platform, designed in an aggregate-planning phase that precedes the development of individual product variants, is itself expensive to develop. Hence, its costs must be weighted against the benefits of its reuse in a family. We offer a model for capturing costs of product development when the family consists of variants based on a common platform. It is shown that the model can be converted into a network-optimization problem, and the optimal product-family can be identified under fairly general conditions by determining the shortest path of its network formulation. We also analytically examine the effect of alternative product designs on product-family composition, and discuss the implications of investing in new-product technology. Finally, we illustrate our model and managerial insights with an application from the electronics industry.Product Family, Platform, Reusability