56 research outputs found

    Strong planar subsystem symmetry-protected topological phases and their dual fracton orders

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    We classify subsystem symmetry-protected topological (SSPT) phases in 3 + 1 dimensions (3 + 1D) protected by planar subsystem symmetries: short-range entangled phases which are dual to long-range entangled Abelian fracton topological orders via a generalized “gauging” duality. We distinguish between weak SSPTs, which can be constructed by stacking 2 + 1D SPTs, and strong SSPTs, which cannot. We identify signatures of strong phases, and show by explicit construction that such phases exist. A classification of strong phases is presented for an arbitrary finite Abelian group. Finally, we show that fracton orders realizable via p-string condensation are dual to weak SSPTs, while those dual to strong SSPTs exhibit statistical interactions prohibiting such a realization

    Probability distribution of the entanglement across a cut at an infinite-randomness fixed point

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    We calculate the probability distribution of entanglement entropy S across a cut of a finite one dimensional spin chain of length L at an infinite randomness fixed point using Fisher's strong randomness renormalization group (RG). Using the random transverse-field Ising model as an example, the distribution is shown to take the form p(SL)Lψ(k)p(S|L) \sim L^{-\psi(k)}, where k=S/log[L/L0]k = S / \log [L/L_0], the large deviation function ψ(k)\psi(k) is found explicitly, and L0L_0 is a nonuniversal microscopic length. We discuss the implications of such a distribution on numerical techniques that rely on entanglement, such as matrix product state (MPS) based techniques. Our results are verified with numerical RG simulations, as well as the actual entanglement entropy distribution for the random transverse-field Ising model which we calculate for large L via a mapping to Majorana fermions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Many-body localization phase transition: A simplified strong-randomness approximate renormalization group

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    We present a simplified strong-randomness renormalization group (RG) that captures some aspects of the many-body localization (MBL) phase transition in generic disordered one-dimensional systems. This RG can be formulated analytically, and the critical fixed point distribution and critical exponents (that satisfy the Chayes inequality) are obtained to numerical precision by solving integro-differential equations. This reproduces many, but not all, of the qualitative features of the MBL phase transition that are suggested by previous numerical work and approximate RG studies: our RG might serve as a "zeroth-order" approximation for future RG studies. One interesting feature that we highlight is that the rare Griffiths regions are fractal. For thermal Griffiths regions within the MBL phase, this feature might be qualitatively correctly captured by our RG. If this is correct beyond our approximations, then these Griffiths effects are stronger than has been previously assumed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; added references; as in journa