3,869 research outputs found

    Ge growth on ion-irradiated Si self-affine fractal surfaces

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    We have carried out scanning tunneling microscopy experiments under ultrahigh vacuum condition to study the morphology of ultrathin Ge films eposited on pristine Si(100) and ion-irradiated Si(100) self-affine fractal surfaces. The pristine and the ion-irradiated Si(100) surface have roughness exponents of alpha=0.19+/-0.05 and alpha=0.82+/-0.04 respectively. These measurements were carried out on two halves of the same sample where only one half was ion-irradiated. Following deposition of a thin film of Ge (~6 A) the roughness exponents change to 0.11+/-0.04 and 0.99+/-0.06, respectively. Upon Ge deposition, while the roughness increases by more than an order of magnitude on the pristine surface, a smoothing is observed for the ion-irradiated surface. For the ion-irradiated surface the correlation length xi increases from 32 nm to 137 nm upon Ge deposition. Ge grows on Si surfaces in the Stranski-Krastanov or layer-plus-island mode where islands grow on a wetting layer of about three atomic layers. On the pristine surface the islands are predominantly of square or rectangular shape, while on the ion-irradiated surface the islands are nearly diamond shaped. Changes of adsorption behaviour of deposited atoms depending on the roughness exponent (or the fractal dimension) of the substrate surface are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures and 1 tabl

    Nanoscale self-affine surface smoothing by ion bombardment

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    The topography of silicon surfaces irradiated by a 2-MeV Si+ ion beam at normal incidence and ion fluences in the range 1015-1016ions/cm2 has been investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy. At length scales below ~50 nm, surface smoothing is observed; the smoothing is more prominent at smaller length scales. The smoothed surface is self-affine with a scaling exponent α=0.53± 0.03

    Band Structure of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    The eigenstates of interacting electrons in the fractional quantum Hall phase typically form fairly well defined bands in the energy space. We show that the composite fermion theory gives insight into the origin of these bands and provides an accurate and complete microscopic description of the strongly correlated many-body states in the low-energy bands. Thus, somewhat like in Landau's fermi liquid theory, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the low energy Hilbert space of strongly interacting electrons in the fractinal quantum Hall regime and that of weakly interacting electrons in the integer quantum Hall regime.Comment: 10 page

    Anisotropic static solutions in modelling highly compact bodies

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    Einstein field equations for anisotropic spheres are solved and exact interior solutions obtained. This paper extends earlier treatments to include anisotropic models which accommodate a wider variety of physically viable energy densities. Two classes of solutions are possible. The first class contains the limiting case μr2\mu\propto r^{-2} for the energy density which arises in many astrophysical applications. In the second class the singularity at the center of the star is not present in the energy density. The models presented in this paper allow for increasing and decreasing profiles in the behavior of the energy density.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in Pramana - J. Phy

    A new algorithm for anisotropic solutions

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    We establish a new algorithm that generates a new solution to the Einstein field equations, with an anisotropic matter distribution, from a seed isotropic solution. The new solution is expressed in terms of integrals of an isotropic gravitational potential; and the integration can be completed exactly for particular isotropic seed metrics. A good feature of our approach is that the anisotropic solutions necessarily have an isotropic limit. We find two examples of anisotropic solutions which generalise the isothermal sphere and the Schwarzschild interior sphere. Both examples are expressed in closed form involving elementary functions only.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in Pramana - J. Phy

    Neutrino Mass Hierarchy and neutron-anti-neutron Oscillation from Baryogenesis

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    It has been recently proposed that the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe may have its origin in "post-sphaleron baryogenesis" (PSB). It is a TeV scale mechanism that is testable at the LHC and other low energy experiments. In this paper we present a theory of PSB within a quark-lepton unified scheme based on the gauge group SU(2)L×SU(2)R×SU(4)cSU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times SU(4)_c that allows a direct connection between the baryon asymmetry and neutrino mass matrix. The flavor changing neutral current constraints on the model allow successful baryogenesis only for an inverted mass hierarchy for neutrinos, which can be tested in the proposed long base line neutrino experiments. The model also predicts observable neutron--antineutron oscillation accessible to the next generation of experiments as well as TeV scale colored scalars within reach of LHC.Comment: 23 pages and seven figures; Fifure 4 replaced; references updated; typos correcte

    Light propagation in nanorod arrays

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    We study propagation of TM- and TE-polarized light in two-dimensional arrays of silver nanorods of various diameters in a gelatin background. We calculate the transmittance, reflectance and absorption of arranged and disordered nanorod arrays and compare the exact numerical results with the predictions of the Maxwell-Garnett effective-medium theory. We show that interactions between nanorods, multipole contributions and formations of photonic gaps affect strongly the transmittance spectra that cannot be accounted for in terms of the conventional effective-medium theory. We also demonstrate and explain the degradation of the transmittance in arrays with randomly located rods as well as weak influence of their fluctuating diameter. For TM modes we outline the importance of skin-effect, which causes the full reflection of the incoming light. We then illustrate the possibility of using periodic arrays of nanorods as high-quality polarizers.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Half-Integral Spin-Singlet Quantum Hall Effect

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    We provide numerical evidence that the ground state of a short range interaction model at ν=1/2\nu=1/2 is incompressible and spin-singlet for a wide range of repulsive interactions. Furthermore it is accurately described by a trial wave function studied earlier. For the Coulomb interaction we find that this wave function provides a good description of the lowest lying spin-singlet state, and propose that fractional quantum Hall effect would occur at ν=1/2\nu=1/2 if this state became the global ground state.Comment: Latex 13 pages, 3 figures upon reques

    Compact anisotropic spheres with prescribed energy density

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    New exact interior solutions to the Einstein field equations for anisotropic spheres are found. We utilise a procedure that necessitates a choice for the energy density and the radial pressure. This class contains the constant density model of Maharaj and Maartens (Gen. Rel. Grav., Vol 21, 899-905, 1989) and the variable density model of Gokhroo and Mehra (Gen. Rel. Grav., Vol 26, 75-84, 1994) as special cases. These anisotropic spheres match smoothly to the Schwarzschild exterior and gravitational potentials are well behaved in the interior. A graphical analysis of the matter variables is performed which points to a physically reasonable matter distribution.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra