474 research outputs found

    Schemes of implementation in NMR of quantum processors and Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm by using virtual spin representation

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    Schemes of experimental realization of the main two qubit processors for quantum computers and Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm are derived in virtual spin representation. The results are applicable for every four quantum states allowing the required properties for quantum processor implementation if for qubit encoding virtual spin representation is used. Four dimensional Hilbert space of nuclear spin 3/2 is considered in details for this aimComment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Logic Gates and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Pulse Sequences

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    We demonstrate how NMR can in principle be used to implement all the elements required to build quantum computers, and briefly discuss the potential applications of insights from quantum logic to the development of novel pulse sequences with applications in more conventional NMR experiments.Comment: Sixteen pages, no figures. Submitted to Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Primarily pedagogical rather than a description of novel research result

    Use of Quadrupolar Nuclei for Quantum Information processing by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Implementation of a Quantum Algorithm

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    Physical implementation of Quantum Information Processing (QIP) by liquid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), using weakly coupled spin-1/2 nuclei of a molecule, is well established. Nuclei with spin>>1/2 oriented in liquid crystalline matrices is another possibility. Such systems have multiple qubits per nuclei and large quadrupolar couplings resulting in well separated lines in the spectrum. So far, creation of pseudopure states and logic gates have been demonstrated in such systems using transition selective radio-frequency pulses. In this paper we report two novel developments. First, we implement a quantum algorithm which needs coherent superposition of states. Second, we use evolution under quadrupolar coupling to implement multi qubit gates. We implement Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm on a spin-3/2 (2 qubit) system. The controlled-not operation needed to implement this algorithm has been implemented here by evolution under the quadrupolar Hamiltonian. This method has been implemented for the first time in quadrupolar systems. Since the quadrupolar coupling is several orders of magnitude greater than the coupling in weakly coupled spin-1/2 nuclei, the gate time decreases, increasing the clock speed of the quantum computer.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Universal simulation of Hamiltonian dynamics for qudits

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    What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? Dodd et al. (quant-ph/0106064) provided a partial solution to this problem in the form of an efficient algorithm to simulate any desired two-body Hamiltonian evolution using any fixed two-body entangling N-qubit Hamiltonian, and local unitaries. We extend this result to the case where the component systems have D dimensions. As a consequence we explain how universal quantum computation can be performed with any fixed two-body entangling N-qudit Hamiltonian, and local unitaries.Comment: 13 pages, an error in the "Pauli-Euclid-Gottesman Lemma" fixed, main results unchange

    NMR quantum computation with indirectly coupled gates

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    An NMR realization of a two-qubit quantum gate which processes quantum information indirectly via couplings to a spectator qubit is presented in the context of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. This enables a successful comprehensive NMR implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm for functions with three argument bits and demonstrates a technique essential for multi-qubit quantum computation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. 10 additional figures illustrating output spectr

    Implementation of a Deutsch-like quantum algorithm utilizing entanglement at the two-qubit level, on an NMR quantum information processor

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    We describe the experimental implementation of a recently proposed quantum algorithm involving quantum entanglement at the level of two qubits using NMR. The algorithm solves a generalisation of the Deutsch problem and distinguishes between even and odd functions using fewer function calls than is possible classically. The manipulation of entangled states of the two qubits is essential here, unlike the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and the Grover's search algorithm for two bits.Comment: 4 pages, two eps figure

    Efficient and robust entanglement generation in a many-particle system with resonant dipole-dipole interactions

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    We propose and discuss a scheme for robust and efficient generation of many-particle entanglement in an ensemble of Rydberg atoms with resonant dipole-dipole interactions. It is shown that in the limit of complete dipole blocking, the system is isomorphic to a multimode Jaynes-Cummings model. While dark-state population transfer is not capable of creating entanglement, other adiabatic processes are identified that lead to complex, maximally entangled states, such as the N-particle analog of the GHZ state in a few steps. The process is robust, works for even and odd particle numbers and the characteristic time for entanglement generation scales with N^a, with a being less than unity.Comment: 4 figure

    Universal quantum computation and simulation using any entangling Hamiltonian and local unitaries

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    What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? We provide an efficient algorithm to simulate any desired two-body Hamiltonian evolution using any fixed two-body entangling n-qubit Hamiltonian and local unitaries. It follows that universal quantum computation can be performed using any entangling interaction and local unitary operations.Comment: Added references to NMR refocusing and to earlier work by Leung et al and Jones and Knil

    Development of data representation standards by the human proteome organization proteomics standards initiative.

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the goals of the Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) of the Human Proteome Organization, the methods that the PSI has employed to create data standards, the resulting output of the PSI, lessons learned from the PSI's evolution, and future directions and synergies for the group. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The PSI has 5 categories of deliverables that have guided the group. These are minimum information guidelines, data formats, controlled vocabularies, resources and software tools, and dissemination activities. These deliverables are produced via the leadership and working group organization of the initiative, driven by frequent workshops and ongoing communication within the working groups. Official standards are subjected to a rigorous document process that includes several levels of peer review prior to release. RESULTS: We have produced and published minimum information guidelines describing what information should be provided when making data public, either via public repositories or other means. The PSI has produced a series of standard formats covering mass spectrometer input, mass spectrometer output, results of informatics analysis (both qualitative and quantitative analyses), reports of molecular interaction data, and gel electrophoresis analyses. We have produced controlled vocabularies that ensure that concepts are uniformly annotated in the formats and engaged in extensive software development and dissemination efforts so that the standards can efficiently be used by the community.Conclusion In its first dozen years of operation, the PSI has produced many standards that have accelerated the field of proteomics by facilitating data exchange and deposition to data repositories. We look to the future to continue developing standards for new proteomics technologies and workflows and mechanisms for integration with other omics data types. Our products facilitate the translation of genomics and proteomics findings to clinical and biological phenotypes. The PSI website can be accessed at http://www.psidev.info

    Life after charge noise: recent results with transmon qubits

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    We review the main theoretical and experimental results for the transmon, a superconducting charge qubit derived from the Cooper pair box. The increased ratio of the Josephson to charging energy results in an exponential suppression of the transmon's sensitivity to 1/f charge noise. This has been observed experimentally and yields homogeneous broadening, negligible pure dephasing, and long coherence times of up to 3 microseconds. Anharmonicity of the energy spectrum is required for qubit operation, and has been proven to be sufficient in transmon devices. Transmons have been implemented in a wide array of experiments, demonstrating consistent and reproducible results in very good agreement with theory.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Review article, accepted for publication in Quantum Inf. Pro