58 research outputs found

    The sea surface salinity in the Tropical Atlantic between 10°S and 30°N seasonal and interannual variations (1977-1989)

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    The sesonal and interannual variations of the Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) are analysed in the Tropical Atlantic (15°S-30°N, 80°W-15°E) from observations collected by merchant ships between 1977 and 1989 and earlier by ORSTOM research vessels. The harmonic analysis of SSS shows a well defined seasonal cycle both within a 5°N-15°N zonal belt and west of 50°W at higher latitudes. In the Eastern Atlantic between 10 and 20°N (along the shipping lanes West Africa-South Africa and West Africa-Brazil), SSS increased from 1977 to 1985, particularly near 10°N. SSS variability is mostly related to the river outflow (Amazon, Orinoco and Congo) west of 40°W and in Southern Gulf of Guinea. In the Eastern Atlantic, precipitation associated with the ITCZ largely control the SSS seasonal variations. (Résumé d'auteur

    Wind and thermal conditions along the equatorial Pacific

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    Variability in heat storage of the equatorial Pacific Ocean during El Nino Southern Oscillation episodes is analyzed from subsurface temperature observations in order to show how the patterns of heat content are related to changes in the Walker Circulation. Large-scale zonal gradients in depth of the thermocline (and dynamic height) are largely in equilibrium with local zonal wind stress. Depth of the thermocline is positively correlated with mixed layer heat content and sea-surface temperature in the central Pacific during a minor El Nino/Southern Oscillation episode in 1969, indicating that the oceanic dynamic response to wind forcing as well as thermodynamic response to surface heat fluxes influence local heat storage. The distribution of heat in the mixed layer along the equator has distinctive patterns associated with pre-El Nino and mature El Nino stages. Heat is accumulated in the western Pacific during the first stage and in the central Pacific during the second. The shift in pattern is associated with a change in direction of zonal wind stress in the western Pacific. Rainfall observations show that the ascending branch of the Walker cell is always located over the region where heat is accumulated in the ocean. These observations are incorporated into a hypothetical model of the mechanism by which the equatorial ocean and atmosphere become locked into an anomalous pattern during El Nino periods

    Heat content displacement in the Pacific during the 1982-1983 El Nino event

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    Le contenu thermique intégré de la surface à 300 m de profondeur est calculé dans la partie tropicale de l'Océan Pacifique, en utilisant les données XBT recueillies de 1979 à 1985 le long des lignes de navigation qui coupent l'équateur à 160°E, 160°W et 100°W. L'analyse du contenu thermique montre que pendant El Nino 1982-1983, les parties nord et sud de l'océan tropical ne présentent pas la même évolution à 160°E et 160°W. Par contre, à 100°W, les variations du contenu thermique sont semblables de part et d'autre de l'équateur. Les variations de contenu thermique peuvent être interprétées comme résultant de l'influence d'ondes planétaires, ainsi que le suggèrent des corrélations croisées significatives. Une simulation à l'aide d'un modèle linéaire simple, forcé par des anomalies de vent provenant du Florida State University (FSU), est en accord avec l'évolution du contenu thermique dans l'hémisphère Sud et dans la zone équatoriale mais pas dans l'hémisphère Nord. (Résumé d'auteur