10 research outputs found
Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) yang melanda dunia telah memberikan banyak dampak dalam kehidupan manusia. Salah satunya adalah timbulnya kecemasan. Kecemasan ini bukanlah sesuatu yang tidak beralasan. Hal ini dikarenakan angka kasus positif dan angka kematian terus meningkat. Sementara obat untuk covid-19 ini belum ditemukan. Kecemasan yang dirasakan masyarakat bukan hanya pada kelompok usia tua, namun juga usia muda seperti mahasiswa. Kecemasan yang berliebihan akan berdampak pada kualitas tidur yang buruk. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin melihat hubuangan antara kualitas tidur dengan kecemasan yang melanda mahasiswa akibat pandemi covid-19. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan desain cross-sectional dan bersifat observasional. Sebanyak 442 mahasiswa terlibat dalam penelitian ini dan diambil dengan teknik snowballing sampling. Mahasiswa diminta mengisi kuesioner online melalui Google form. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 13.1% responden memiliki kualitas tidur yang sangat buruk dan 21.7% mengalami kecemasan tingkat berat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis bivariat diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecemasan mahasiswa dengan kualitas tidur selama pandemi Covid-19 (p<0.001), dimana mereka yang mengalami kecemasan berisiko 3.10 kali (95% CI 2.09-4.62) untuk memiliki kualitas tidur yang buruk. Kesimpulan: Responden perlu mengurangi kecemasannya dengan cara menambah wawasan tentang Covid-19 melalui seminar ataupun informasi resmi dari laman satgas Covid-19, agar bisa mengelola stres dan kecemasan akibat Covid-1
The Establishment of Poskestren (Islamic Boarding School Health Center) at Kampung At-Tauhid Islamic Boarding School, Ogan Ilir Regency
Health issues are important in the world of education, including in Islamic boarding schools. To support the health status of santri (students at the Islamic boarding school), Islamic boarding schools need to facilitate them through Pos kesehatan pesantren or Poskestren (Islamic Boarding School Health Center). This community service aimed to establish a Poskestren at an Islamic boarding school. The methods adopted in this community service included advocacy, education, socialization, promotion, and empowerment for santri. This study used action research design. There is collaborative between researcher and student in Islamic boarding school. We collected data by survey, taking action and evaluating action. Data analysed used descriptive. The result of this community service showed the establishment of a Poskestren was supported by all parties, and a special room was provided for this health service with the necessary facilities and infrastructure at Kampung At-Tauhid Islamic Boarding School. In addition, this community service also established Kader Santri Husada (Santri Husada Cadres) consisting of nine santri whom the campus and community health center had trained regarding emergencies, use of medical devices, personal hygiene, and prevention of sexually deviant behavior. It is expected that the Poskestren can provide services for all communities at the Islamic boarding school on an ongoing basis. It is also expected that the Islamic boarding school and community health center can continue the development of this Poskestren service
Latar belakang. Sumber kalsium dapat diperoleh dari ikan, terutama tulangnya. Pemanfaatan tepung tulang ikan gabus dalam pembuatan sempol merupakan salah satu alternatif pangan sumber kalsium. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis parameter sensorik dari formulasi sempol dan menganalisis kandungan kalsium pada formulasi sempol daging ikan gabus dengan substitusi tepung tulang ikan gabus yang terpilih dan sempol kontrol. Metode. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen dengan menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Terdapat 4 perlakuan penambahan tepung tulang ikan gabus pada bahan pembuatan sempol, yaitu 0%, 25%, 37,5% dan 50%. Hasil. Hasil uji organoleptik oleh panelis semi terlatih sebanyak 30 orang menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan F1, yaitu sempol dengan penambahan tepung tulang ikan gabus sebanyak 25 persen merupakan perlakuan sempol terbaik. Analisis data organoleptik menggunakan uji Kruskall Wallis dan uji lanjut Mann Whitney sedangkan untuk uji data laboratorium menggunakan uji one way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tepung tulang ikan gabus pada pembuatan sempol dapat memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap parameter organoleptik, yaitu tekstur, tetapi warna, rasa, dan aroma tidak berpengaruh nyata. Sempol kontrol (F0) memiliki kandungan kadar air 55,08 persen, kadar abu 1,78 persen, protein 13,11 persen, lemak 1,82 persen, karbohidrat 28,2 persen, energi 181,64 kkal, dan kalsium 149,03 mg/g. Sedangkan, sempol terpilih (F1) memiliki kandungan kadar air 50,73 persen, kadar abu 5,17 persen, protein 13,89 persen, lemak 2,78 persen, karbohidrat 27,43 persen, energi 190,3 kkal, dan kalsium 1207,21 mg/g. Kesimpulan. Kandungan gizi sempol terpilih (F1) mengalami peningkatan terutama pada kalsium dan apabila anak-anak mengonsumsi 3 sempol F1 untuk cemilan makan, akan mencukupi 5 persen dari AKG anak-anak
The Correlation Between the Household Food Security and the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers 6-59 Months in Seberang Ulu I Palembang
Toddlers are one of the vulnerable groups experiencing stunting nutritional problems. Households with good food security can prevent toddlers from nutritional problems such as stunting. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between food security and the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Palembang City, especially in the Seberang Ulu 1 area. The cross-sectional study designs with a sample of 200 toddlers aged 6-59 months in Seberang Ulu I District who were taken by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed of bivariate used the Chi-Square Test (crude) and multiple logistic regression analysis was used as a multivariate analysis (adjusted). The incidence of stunting under five occurs more in households with food insecure conditions, high food expenditure, low income and low maternal education. There was a relationship between household food security and the incidence of stunting (p0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that toddlers in households in food insecure conditions had a 1.7 times higher risk of experiencing stunting than toddlers in households in food secure conditions after controlling for family income. Food insecurity is a risk factor for stunting in toddlers. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that the government provide guidance to increase family income through improving entrepreneurship skills for families in Seberang Ulu 1 to prevent stunting
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Terhadap Paparan Debu Pada Pekerja Pasir di Kota Palembang
Setiap tempat kerja mengandung berbagai potensi bahaya yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan pekerja salah satunya paparan debu. Paparan debu salah satunya terjadi di lingkungan kerja tambang pasir. Kota Palembang merupakan daerah yang dialiri oleh Sungai Mus yang menjadi tempat penambangan pasir di Palembang. Kegiatan penambangan pasir ini dapat menimbulkan resiko paparan debu seperti PM10 dan TSP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis risiko kesehatan lingkungan akibat paparan debu pada pengumpul pasir di Palembang. Metode ARKL digunakan untuk mengambil sampel udara di 19 titik pengukuran untuk menentukan kadar PM10 dan TSP di area kerja. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan 74 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 2 titik yang berisiko akibat paparan PM10 dengan nilai RQ di Depot 1 sebesar 5,4 dan Depot 2 sebesar 2,7. Sedangkan kadar TSP tidak menimbulkan risiko kesehatan bagi pengumpul pasir di Palembang dengan nilai RQ ≤ 1. Sehingga diperlukan manajemen risiko dengan menurunkan konsentrasi PM10 hingga batas aman 1,81 mg/m³
Environmental Health Risk Analysis of Copper Exposure to Catfish Commonly Consumed By People in Ulak Jermun Village, Ogan Komering Ilir
Catfish cultivated in rivers can be contaminated by heavy metals such as copper (Cu) which come from activities around the river. Copper exposure through the consumption of catfish will be harmful to health. This research aim to  analyze the public health risks due to catfish consumption in Ulak Jermun Village, Ogan Komering Ilir. The design of study was cross sectional using the Environmental Health Risk Analysis method. The research respondents were 113 people with 5 samples of catfish taken from the river where the fish were cultivated. The analysis of heavy metal copper using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) method. The results showed copper contamination in catfish with an average concentration of 1.67 mg/kg. There were no respondents with RQ value > 1 for realtime non-carcinogenic health risks, but 11 people (9.7%) of respondents with RQ value > 1 for non-carcinogenic health risks in a lifetime. Meanwhile, for realtime carcinogenic exposure 34.5% had ECR values > 10-4 and 100% of respondents had ECR values > 10-4 for carcinogenic effects in lifetime. The conclusion was the people of Ulak Jermun are at risk of experiencing carcinogenic diseases due to copper exposure with the largest percentage of people aged> 32 years, female, and weighing ≤ 57 kg
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Pajanan Karbon Monoksida (CO) Pada Pedagang Sate di Palembang
Level of pollutants in the air that humans breathe every day will impact health for now or future. The occupational risk of satay traders who are exposed to carbon monoxide from grilling food using charcoal is often not realized. The aims of this study are to measure carbon monoxide levels exposed to satay traders in Palembang and examine the magnitude of the risk in several future time periods. This study is used a quantitative design with environmental health’s risk analysis approach. Assessment of carbon monoxide is used Carbon Monoxide Meter. Respondents were selected through the purposive sampling technique by as many as 58 persons. They were selected by criteria: used charcoal as fuel and were the street vendor. Carbon monoxide exposure was in the range of 12.3 – 163 mg/m3. The intake value is influenced by the concentration of the risk agent, rate of intake, as well as duration, frequency, and time of exposure. The results showed real-time intake value was 20,62 while the lifetime intake was 78,60. Realtime RQ calculated CO exposure will be risky if exposed within a period of 30 years. However, it was found that almost 40 percent of respondents had risk based on real-time RQ values with each duration. Analysis of CO exposure’s risk on satay traders is predicted to occur at the 10th year of exposure, which is influenced by the increasing exposure time. For reducing the level of CO exposure, satay traders are advised to use personal protective equipment such as masks and may consider using smokeless food grills/electric grills.Kadar polutan dalam udara yang manusia hirup setiap hari akan berdampak terhadap kesehatannya saat ini maupun di masa depan. Risiko pekerjaan sebagai pedagang sate yang terpapar karbon monoksida (CO) dari hasil pembakaran makanan menggunakan arang sering kali tidak disadari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kadar karbon monoksida terpajan pada pedagang sate yang menggunakan arang di kota Palembang serta menggambarkan besaran risiko tersebut dalam beberapa periode waktu mendatang. Jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan analisis kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan analisis risiko kesehatan lingkungan. Pengukuran CO menggunakan alat Carbon Monoxide Meter. Sampel dipilih melalui teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 58 orang. Kriteria pengambilan sampel yaitu menggunakan arang sebagai bahan bakar dan merupakan pedagang kaki lima. Pajanan karbon monoksida berada pada rentang 12,3 – 163 mg/m3. Nilai intake dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi agen risiko, laju asupan, serta durasi, frekuensi, dan waktu pajanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai intake realtime sebesar 20,62 sedangkan intake lifetime 78,60. Perhitungan RQ realtime menunjukkan bahwa pajanan CO akan berisiko jika terpapar dalam kurun waktu 30 tahun. Namun, ditemukan sebanyak hamper 40 persen responden memiliki risiko berdasarkan nilai RQ realtime dengan durasi pajanan masing-masing responden. Analisis risiko paparan CO pada pedagang sate diprediksi akan terjadi pada waktu pajanan ke-10 tahun yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu pajanan yang bertambah. Untuk mengurangi kadar pajanan CO tersebut, pedagang sate disarankan menggunakan alat pelindung diri seperti masker serta dapat mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan alat pemanggang makanan tanpa asap/pemanggang listrik
Deteksi dan Analisis Faktor Risiko Hipertensi pada Karyawan di Lingkungan Universitas Sriwijaya
Office workers are one group with a high proportion of hypertension compared to other types of work. Objectives: To determined the proportion of pre-hypertension, hypertension and risk factors for hypertension among employees in Sriwijaya University. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design at Sriwijaya University, and samples were taken from 4 faculties totaling 152 respondents. Sampling using cluster random sampling technique. Data were collected from September to October 2020. The analysis was carried out in univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis with logistic regression tests. Results: There were 13.2% of employees had hypertension, 40.8% had pre-hypertension, and the risk factor for hypertension among employees was age (p-value = 0.01; OR = 4.76; CI 1.50 <OR <15, 10) after controlling for the variables of the length of work, marriage status and cholesterol levels. Conclusion: There are more than 50% of employees are in a condition of pre-hypertension and hypertension, with age as the main risk; for this reason, employees who are 45 years old are expected to carry out routine health checks with the facilitation of the university and be able to implement the Dietary Approach to Stop hypertension in employees with pre-hypertension / hypertension.Keywords: Â DASH, hypertension, pre-hypertension, the risk facto
Dried noodles are a food favored by the people of Indonesia. But in general, dry noodles contain low levels of fiber and protein. Fiber and protein levels in food are needed by the body. Sources of fiber and protein can be obtained from vegetable sources, namely red dragon fruit skin and red beans. Utilization of red dragon fruit skin flour and red bean flour in the manufacture of dry noodles can make the dried noodles a source of fiber and protein. This study aims to produce the best dry noodle formulation. This study is an experimental study using the Completely Randomized Design method (CRD). There are 4 additional treatment of red dragon fruit husks and red-bean flour on dry noodles, which are added to F0 (100% : 0% : 0%), F1 (70% : 15% : 15%), F2 (60% : 20% : 20%) dan F3 (50% : 25% : 25%). Analysis is made of organoleptic (hedonic) tests and laboratory tests (protein and fiber levels). The result of this research is that F1 is declared as the most preferred formulation because F1 has a brown color, no unpleasant aroma, slightly savory taste and chewy texture. Based on the nutrient content test, F1 has a protein content of 12.04% and a fiber content of 10.12%. So that the dry noodle formulation F1 was declared the selected formulation and had fulfilled the claim requirements as a food source of fiber and protein.
Keywords: Dried noodles; Red Dragon Fruit Skin Flour; Red Bean Flour; Fiber; Protei
COVID-19 adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah kasus COVID-19, kesadaran masyarakat untuk menggunakan masker juga semakin tinggi. Peningkatan pemakaian masker tentunya harus diikuti dengan pemahaman penggunaan masker dan manajemen pembuangan limbah masker bekas pakai yang tepat untuk memastikan efektivitas maksimal dalam menghindari penularan COVID-19. Peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat dilakukan dengan penyuluhan, pembagian masker dan leaflet penanganan limbah masker. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan nilai rerata scoring pre-test pengetahuan responden adalah 79,95 dan hasil post-test dengan nilai rerata 88,41. Berdasarkan analisis paired t-test didapatkan nilai p-value < 0.05, ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat setelah dilakukan penyuluhan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berjalan dengan lancar dan mendapat respon positif dari masyarakat setempat. Melalui peningkatan pengetahuan ini diharapkan akan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya penggunaan masker dan penge sebagai upaya pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19. ABSTRACT COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Along with the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, the use of masks by the community is also increased. However, It must be followed by the correct use of masks and proper understanding of the waste management to ensure maximum effectiveness of COVID-19 prevention.This community service was carried out through counseling, distribution of masks and leaflets. The results showed that the average score of the pre-test of respondents' knowledge was 79.95 and the post-test results was 88.41. Based on the paired t-test analysis, the p-value <0.05, this indicated that there was an increase in knowledge after counseling. Community service activities went smoothly and received a positive response from the local community. By increasing knowledge, it was hoped that it would increase public awareness of using masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19