32 research outputs found

    Efikasni algoritmi kompjuterskih metoda pri utvrđivanju stanja naprezanja kočionih mehanizama metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE)

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    Designing of the high-performance algorithms by the computer methods at the establishing of the states of stress of the brake mechanisms by the methods of the final elements is very substantial with fast and precise analysis of the state of stress and rigidity of the machine parts and the fits of machine parts affter forming its virtual, and later as well as real geometry. There are multiple reasons for it, and they include: economy, interchangeability and primarily its operating certainty, whose function is unavoidable especially with the parts as the brake mechanisms. To that effect are the results in the designing obtained by final elements analysis (FEA) or similar methods, very useful.Algoritmi su vrlo bitni kod brze i točne analize naprezanja i krutosti strojnih djelova i sklopova poslije obrazovanja njegove virtuelne, a kasnije i stvarne geometrije. ViŔestruki su razlozi za to, kao Ŕto su: ekonomičnost, izmjenljivost djelova a prvenstveno njegova eksploataciona pouzdanost čija je funkcija nezaobilazna naročito kod djelova kao Ŕto su kočioni mehanizmi

    Enterocytozoon bieneusi as a cause of acute enteritis in an immunocompromised patient

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    43-godiÅ”nji bolesnik pod imunosupresivnom terapijom radi prije dvije godine presađenog srca, hospitaliziran je s kliničkom slikom akutnog enteritisa. Rutinskim mikrobioloÅ”kim analizama stolica nije dokazan uzročnik. Modificiranim Ziehl-Nielsenovim bojanjem kao i trikromnim bojanjem na mikrosporidije dokazane su spore mikrosporidija koje morfoloÅ”ki odgovaraju Enterocytozoon bieneusi. Na simptomatsku terapiju je bolesnik ozdravio.43-year-old patient receiving immunosuppressive therapy for two years after heart transplantation was admitted because of acute enteritis. Routine stool examinations did not reveal causative agent. Modified Ziehl-Nielsen stain and trichrome stain revealed microsporidia spores shaped as Enterocytozoon bieneusi. Patient recovered completely after symptomatic treatment

    Optimization of commodity portfolio management

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    The problem we consider is introduced by Uljarice Bačka, LLC. The core business activities of the company are trade of agriculture commodities, warehousing and distribution and crops production. The main traded goods are: corn, wheat, barely, sunflower, soybean, soybean meal and raw material for crops production: fertilizers, plant protection products, seeds and other. Since a large part of companyā€™s activities relays on corn, predicting the price of that good is of the main interest. In order to make a reasonable predictions, models which incorporate the crucial factors influencing the corn prices are needed. Of course, the important issue is which data are available. Within the data that we obtained, a correlation analysis is performed to point out the relevant parameters. We introduce different methods for obtaining the predictions and provide some numerical results

    Epidemiologic characteristics of campylobacteriosis in hospitalized patients

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    Među 1632 bolesnika s kampilobakteriozom hospitalizirana od 1994.ā€“2002. godine, nije utvrđen porast udjela kampilobakterioza u odnosu na sve druge uzročnike proljeva (p=0,333), niti u odnosu na salmoneloze (p=0,751), te je utvrđen porast bolesnika s C. jejuni (71,7%) u odnosu na one s C. coli (28,3%) infekcijom (p<0,001). NajviÅ”e je bolesnika u dobnoj skupini mlađih od tri godine (38,5 %), zatim u skupini 18ā€“29 g. (9,9 %). Mu{karci prevladavaju u svim dobnim skupinama, osim u najstarijoj (ā‰„60 g.) (p<0,001). Značajno najveći broj bolesnika je hospitaliziran u toplijim mjesecima godine; 14,3% bolesnika s C. jejuni tijekom lipnja, a po 11,5 % bolesnika s C. coli u lipnju i kolovozu (p<0,001). U skupinama seoskog, prigradskog i gradskog stanovniÅ”tva je omjer bolesnika s C. jejuni i C. coli infekcijom podjednak (p=0,289). Bolest se u 83,9% bolesnika javila sporadično, a u 13,1% bolesnika nakon putovanja. Pohađanje kolektiva se pokazalo značajnim u odnosu na epidemijski oblik pojavnosti bolesti (p<0,001).Among 1632 patients with campylobacteriosis hospitalized in the period from 1994ā€“2002, we did not record an increase in the ratio of campylobacteriosis compared to all other causative agents of diarrhoeal diseases (p=0.333), nor in comparison to salmonelloses (p=0.751), but a significant increase in the number of C. jejuni (71.7%) compared to C. coli infections (28.3 %) was noticed (p<0.001). The majority of patients belonged to age group of three years and younger (38.5 %), and to 18 ā€“29 years group (9.9 %), respectively. Males predominated in all age groups, except in the oldest one (ā‰„60 years) (p<0.001). Significantly highest number of patients was hospitalized during warm months of the year; 14.3% patients with C. jejuni infection during June, and 11.5 % of patients with C. coli infection in both June and August (p<0.001). In the groups of rural and urban population, the difference in the ratio between C. jejuni and C. coli infections was not recorded (p=0.289). The disease appeared in 83.9% of patients sporadically, and in 13.1% after travelling. Community setting was a significant factor in epidemic pattern of the disease (p<0.001)

    Clinical characteristic of campylobacteriosis in hospitalised patients

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    Bolest izazavana gram-negativnim bakterijama iz roda Campylobacter u ljudi najčeŔće prolazi kao akutna proljevna bolest u trajanju do tjedan dana. Komplikacije bolesti su rijetke, a najznačajnije su među njima sepsa, bakterijemija s vancrijevnim žariÅ”tima zaraze, septički pobačaj, te imunoloÅ”ki uvjetovan Guillain-BarrĆ©ov sindrom. Među 1632 bolesnika s kampilobakteriozom hospitalizirana od 1994.ā€“2002. godine analizom pojedinih kliničkih parametara logističkom regresijom uočeno je značajno duže trajanje proljeva u bolesnika zaraženih s C. jejuni (p = 0,014, OR 1,06, 95 % CI 1,01ā€“1,11). Komplikacije bolesti su zabilježene u 4,6 % bolesnika, a smrtni ishod ili naknadna hospitalizacija zbog Guillain-BarrĆ©ovog sindroma u klinikama zagrebačkog područja nisu u njih zabilježeni. S učestaloŔću od 7,2 % komplikacije su bile značajno čeŔće u dobnoj skupini mlađih od tri godine (p = 0,010). Odgovarajućim antimikrobnim lijekom je liječeno 78,7 %, neodgovarajućim antimikrobnim lijekom 6,7 %, a simptomatski 14,6 % bolesnika. Kliničke osobine u naÅ”ih bolesnika s kampilobakteriozom ne odudaraju znatnije od onih opisanih u populacijama razvijenih zemalja. Kao osobitost bilježi se česta primjena antimikrobnog liječenja, a azitromicin, kojeg je dobijalo 46,4 % bolesnika liječenih odgovarajućim antimikrobnim lijekom, je najčeŔće primjenjivani lijek.Diseases caused by gram-negative bacteria from genus Campylobacter in humans are most often presented as an acute diarrhoeal illness, which lasts up to seven days. Complications are rare, and among them the most important are: sepsis, bacteremia with extraintestinal sites of infection, septic abortion, and immunologically triggered Guillain-BarrĆ© syndrome. Among 1632 hospitally treated patients in the period from 1994ā€“2002, the analysis of a particular clinical parameters using logistic regression showed significantly longer duration of diarrhoea among patients with C. jejuni infection (p = 0.014, OR 1.06, 95 % CI 1.01ā€“1.11). Disease complications were observed in 4.6 % patients, and no fatalities or hospitalisations of observed patients due to Guillain-BarrĆ© syndrome in any of the hospitals from Zagreb region were recorded. Complications were significantly more frequent (7.2 %) in the age group younger than three years (p = 0.010). Adequate antimicrobial treatment received 78.7 % of patients, unadequate antimicrobial treatment 6.7 %, and 14.6 % of patients were treated symptomaticaly. Clinical characteristics in our patients with campylobacteriosis do not differ significantly from those described in populations of developed countries. As a peculiarity, a common use of antimicrobial therapy is recorded, and azithromycin, used in 46.4 % of patients treated with adequate antimicrobial treatment, was the most frequently used drug

    Deep level investigation In Fe-doped semi-insulating indium phosphide crystals

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    It has recently been reported that high-resistivity Fe-doped InP wafers can present very different compensation conditions. This gives rise to different mobility and conductivity characteristics. The high-resistivity InP samples can basically be assigned to three categories: (A) samples with high mobilities and thermal activation energies ā‰ˆ 0.60 eV; (B) samples with intermediate mobilities and activation energies below 0.60 eV; (C) samples with low mobilities and activation energies around 0.40 eV. Some reasons at the basis of the different physical properties exhibited by Fe-doped InP have already been discussed. In this work, new characterization techniques were applied in order to investigate other deep levels beside the main deep level due to iron