212 research outputs found

    Ackerman\u27s Civil Rights Revolution and Modern American Racial Politics

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    Reparations for Police Killings

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    After a fatal police shooting in the United States, it is typical for city and police officials to view the family of the deceased through the lens of the law. If the family files a lawsuit, the city and police department consider it their legal right to defend themselves and to treat the plaintiffs as adversaries. However, reparations and the concept of “reparative justice” allow authorities to frame police killings in moral rather than legal terms. When a police officer kills a person who was not liable to this outcome, officials should offer monetary reparations, an apology, and other redress measures to the victim’s family. To make this argument, the article presents a philosophical account of non-liability hailing from self-defense theory, centering the distinction between reasonableness and liability. Reparations provide a non-adversarial alternative to civil litigation after a non-liable person has been killed by a police officer. In cases where the officer nevertheless acted reasonably, “institutional agent-regret” rather than moral responsibility grounds the argument for reparations. Throughout the article, it is argued that there are distinct racial wrongs both when police kill a non-liable black person and when family members of a black victim are treated poorly by officials in the civil litigation process

    Service and Citizenship: Examining the Historical Relationship between Immigration and Military Service in the United States

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    The purpose of this project is to examine the many different groups of people who used military service in order to gain the political and civil rights of citizenship. I begin with a history of immigration and military service, throughout American history. I particularly concentrate on World War II, a pivotal moment for immigration and the military. I will then cover the historiography that informed my research. I include some research on immigrants who used military service to become naturalized citizens, such as those from Ireland, Germany, and the Philippines. I also include those who were born on American soil, such as African Americans and Native Americans, who hoped to gain civil rights through military service. Immigration legislation affects all those who immigrate to the United States. Therefore, I include these laws and how they affected those who wished to become citizens and how xenophobic attitudes influenced these regulations. I then explain the research process that went into my capstone project, which was the creation of teachers’ guides for the Kennesaw State University’s Museum of History and Holocaust Education. I focus on two groups in particular, The Ritchie Boys and Nisei in the Military Intelligence Service. The first are a group of European Jews who joined the military in World War II to become linguists for the Military Intelligence Service in the European Theater. The second group is a group of Japanese Americans who served in the Pacific Theater for the Military Intelligence Service as linguists. Finally, I discuss the importance of the study of military service in obtaining American citizenship and what it means today

    In Quest of the Political: The Political Economy of Development Policy Making

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    This paper explores some of the central debates in the application of political economy to development policy making. It is particularly concerned with the connection between theory, empirical observation, and the practice of policy decision making. It explores distinct traditions of political economy, some drawn from economics, others based in sociological theory, that generate distinct insights about why and when change is likely to occur in policies and institutions. The paper then raises the question of whether such traditions provide effective guidance about the politics of decision making and the process of policy reform and whether they generate helpful insights for reformers interested in encouraging such processes. It suggests that current approaches to political economy present a stark tradeoff between parsimony and elegance on the one hand and insight into conflict and process on the other. Both both traditions of political economy borrow assumptions about political interactions from contexts that may not be fully relevant to developing and transitional countries. In addition, when theory is compared to the extensive empirical literature that now exists about experiences for policy and institutional change, it fails to provide convincing explanations for some of the most important characteristics of real world politics--leadership, ideas, and success. Further, much theoretical and empirical work in political economy has fallen far behind in exploring the policy agendas that now confront developing and transitional countries.political economy of development, policy making in developing countries, policy reform, development policy choice

    Ironies of state building: a comparative perspective on the American state

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    This paper challenges prevailing assumptions about the American State. It rejects the conventional distinctions between strong and weak and activism and inactivism as no longer adequate to the modern reality of the expansive and extensive American State. With this premise, the paper undertakes three tasks. First, it examines the reasons for the scholarly neglect of the State amongst students of American government and politics, concluding that the level of federal activism (including taxing, spending, regulating and war making) observable in respect to both Democrat and Republican administrations renders this oversight unsustainable intellectually and analytically. Second, the paper develops a typology of ways in which the American State has been an effective presence in the US political system including its role in sustaining and then ending segregation, in standardizing national rights of citizenship, and in militarizing society. Last, the paper shows how recent advances in comparative studies of the state, notably with respect to federalism and state-society relations, offer lessons for developing scholarly knowledge of the American State. -- In diesem Arbeitspapier sollen die Annahmen über den amerikanischen Staat überprüft werden, die üblicherweise in der Wissenschaft gemacht werden: Die Unterscheidungen zwischen starkem und schwachem sowie zwischen aktivem und inaktivem Staat werden zurückgewiesen, da sie der heutigen Wirklichkeit eines expandierenden und ausgreifenden amerikanischen Staatswesens überhaupt nicht mehr angemessen sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund leistet das Arbeitspapier ein Mehrfaches: Erstens werden die Gründe dafür geprüft, warum die Forscher, die sich mit der US-amerikanischen Regierung und Politik befassten, den Staat so stark vernachlässigt haben. Dabei wird festgestellt, dass ein steigendes Niveau von Bundesaktivitäten das schließt Steuern, Ausgaben, Gesetzgebung und Kriegsführung ein - sowohl unter demokratischen wie republikanischen Präsidentschaften zu beobachten ist, sich diese Achtlosigkeit also intellektuell wie analytisch nicht rechtfertigen lässt. Zweitens wird in diesem Arbeitspapier eine Typologie der effektiven Präsenz des amerikanischen Staates im US-Politiksystem entwickelt, was dessen Rolle bei der Unterstützung wie der Beendigung der Rassentrennung, beim Durchsetzen nationaler Bürgerrechtsstandards und bei der der Militarisierung der Gesellschaft einschließt. Drittens wird gezeigt, wie jüngste Fortschritte in der vergleichenden Staatswissenschaft - vornehmlich bezogen auf den föderalen Staatsaufbau und die Beziehungssysteme zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft - Impulsgeber für die Weiterentwicklung des Wissens zum amerikanischen Staat sein können.

    Politics and power in Neuquén, Argentina (1958 1999)

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    History goes through new spaces renewing its proposals, reviewing concepts, and creating new and more rigorous instruments of understanding and with the participation of other areas of knowledge. In this complex and dense territory, our intention is to approach some considerations about the shapes that politics and power formation acquire in a peripheral, Mediterranean Argentine province and that is lately introduced in the capitalistic development : Neuquén2. The period that is presented here goes from the moment Neuquén is converted into province in 1958 and the 90´s, in which the accumulation regime is defined in the country, and the local state must readjust its relations with politics, society, and economy due to the crack of the welfare policy that is extended for two decades

    The Comparative Politics of Colonialism and Its Legacies: An Introduction

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    What are the causes and consequences of colonial rule? This introduction to the special issue "Comparative Politics of Colonialism and Its Legacies" surveys recent literature in political science, sociology, and economics that addresses colonial state building and colonial legacies. Past research has made important contributions to our understanding of colonialism's long-term effects on political, social, and economic development. Existing work emphasizes the role of critical junctures and institutions in understanding the transmission of those effects to present-day outcomes and embraces the idea of design-based inference for empirical analysis. The four articles of this special issue add to existing research but also represent new research trends: increased attention to (1) the internal dynamics of colonial intervention; (2) noninstitutional transmission mechanisms; (3) the role of context conditions at times of colonial intervention; and (4) a finer-grained disaggregation of outcomes, explanatory factors, and units of analysis