141 research outputs found

    Le rĂŽle des syndicats quĂ©bĂ©cois en matiĂšre d’accommodement des personnes handicapĂ©es

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    L’obligation d’accommodement des salariĂ©s handicapĂ©s, Ă  la faveur de dĂ©veloppements jurisprudentiels importants, a pris une certaine ampleur au QuĂ©bec, de sorte que le rĂŽle de reprĂ©sentation des syndicats a Ă©voluĂ© dans le cadre de ces changements. Le syndicat doit composer avec une modification de son rĂŽle qui lui est imposĂ©e, qui lui donne des outils puissants pour revendiquer des mesures facilitant l’intĂ©gration et le maintien en emploi des salariĂ©s aux prises avec des limitations fonctionnelles, mais qui le place dans une situation de devoir arbitrer des intĂ©rĂȘts divergents chez ses membres. Le prĂ©sent texte expose le rĂŽle des syndicats dans cette dynamique nouvelle en relations de travail, ainsi que les limites de l’action syndicale en matiĂšre d’accommodement des personnes handicapĂ©es.The obligation to accommodate workers with disabilities, due to significant developments in case law, has gained importance in QuĂ©bec, such that the role of trade unions has evolved in the context of these changes. Unions are faced with a change in their role that is imposed, that provides them with powerful tools to demand measures to facilitate the integration and retention of employees with disabilities, but that also creates a situation where union representatives have to arbitrate conflicting interests among their members. This text explains the role of unions in this new dynamic in labour relations, and discusses the limitations in trade union action with respect to the duty to accommodate persons with disabilities.La obligaciĂłn de acomodamiento de los asalariados discapacitados, tomĂł una cierta importancia en Quebec, gracias al gran desarrollo de la jurisprudencia. AsĂ­ mismo, el rol de representaciĂłn, que incumbe a los sindicatos, evolucionĂł en el contexto de estos cambios. El sindicato debe transigir con una modificaciĂłn del rol que le es impuesto, lo que le provee de herramientas de gran alcance para revindicar medidas que faciliten la integraciĂłn y el mantenimiento en empleo de los asalariados que presentan limitaciones funcionales. Sin embargo, la modificaciĂłn de su rol, pone al sindicato en una situaciĂłn en que debe arbitrar entre intereses divergentes de sus propios miembros. Este texto expone el rol de los sindicatos en esta nueva dinĂĄmica de las relaciones de trabajo, asĂ­ como los lĂ­mites de la acciĂłn sindical en materia de acomodamiento razonable de los asalariados discapacitados

    La constitutionnalisation du droit de négociation collective : ses effets sur les régimes législatifs de représentation collective

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    Dans un important arrĂȘt rendu en 2007 dans l’affaire Health Services and Support, la Cour suprĂȘme du Canada a reconnu pour la premiĂšre fois que la libertĂ© d’association Ă©noncĂ©e Ă  la Charte canadienne des droits et libertĂ©s protĂ©geait la «capacitĂ© des syndiquĂ©s d’engager des nĂ©gociations collectives sur des problĂšmes reliĂ©s au milieu de travail». Pour conclure ainsi, la Cour trouve appui dans le droit international du travail. Avec cette dĂ©cision, la Cour renverse sa position Ă©tablie une vingtaine d’annĂ©es plus tĂŽt voulant que la nĂ©gociation collective ne soit pas une activitĂ© bĂ©nĂ©ficiant d’une protection Ă  titre de droit fondamental. Suite Ă  ce changement de paradigme, nombre d’auteurs ont Ă©tĂ© d’avis que la constitutionnalisation du droit de nĂ©gociation collective pourrait avoir des effets sur la validitĂ© de diffĂ©rentes mesures lĂ©gislatives et sur l’interprĂ©tation des lois encadrant les rĂ©gimes de relations de travail. De plus, la nĂ©gociation collective Ă©tant historiquement indissociable de la grĂšve, il y avait tout lieu de croire que la protection de la Charte pourrait ĂȘtre Ă©tendue au droit de grĂšve. Par la suite, en 2011, la Cour suprĂȘme a rendu la dĂ©cision Fraser portant sur l’accĂšs Ă  un rĂ©gime de reprĂ©sentation collective, prĂ©cisant la portĂ©e du droit de nĂ©gociation collective tel qu’envisagĂ© dans Health Services. Le prĂ©sent mĂ©moire recense la jurisprudence qui a abordĂ© la protection constitutionnelle de la nĂ©gociation collective en droit public canadien et en droit privĂ© quĂ©bĂ©cois depuis l’arrĂȘt Health Services afin d’identifier ses effets sur la validitĂ© des restrictions au droit de grĂšve, sur la validitĂ© des restrictions au contenu des nĂ©gociations et sur l’imposition de conditions de travail, sur la validitĂ© des exclusions de certaines catĂ©gories de travailleurs des rĂ©gimes de reprĂ©sentation collective, et sur l’interprĂ©tation des dispositions de ces rĂ©gimes. Les rĂ©sultats de la recherche nous permettent de conclure que la constitutionnalisation du droit de nĂ©gociation collective a engendrĂ© un certain volume de contestations de la part d’organisations syndicales. Ces procĂ©dures ont portĂ© fruit dans des situations oĂč l’atteinte aux droits Ă©tait similaire aux prĂ©cĂ©dents de la Cour suprĂȘme ainsi que dans un cas liĂ© au droit de grĂšve. Les effets plus vastes envisagĂ©s dans la recension de la littĂ©rature ne se sont pas matĂ©rialisĂ©s. Par ailleurs, nos rĂ©sultats en droit privĂ© indiquent que la constitutionnalisation du droit de grĂšve n’a pas eu d’impact sur l’interprĂ©tation des rĂ©gimes de relations industrielles. Enfin, le recours ou non au droit international par les tribunaux n’a pas d’effet sur nos rĂ©sultats.In 2007, the Supreme Court of Canada issued an important decision in the case Health Services and Support, as it recognised for the first time that the guarantee of freedom of association under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects the capacity of members of labour unions to engage in collective bargaining on workplace issues. The Court finds support in international labour law in order to come to this conclusion. With this decision, the Supreme Court overturns its position established some twenty years before that collective bargaining does not benefit from the protection of the Charter as a fundamental right. This paradigm change led many authors to comment that the shift would probably lead to the constitutional invalidity of a number of legislative measures and would affect the interpretation of labour law regimes. Furthermore, collective bargaining being historically interrelated with strikes, it would be logical that Charter protection be extended to the right to strike. Later on, in 2011, the Supreme Court issued a decision in the Fraser case on the right to access a labour relations regime, shedding light on the ambit of the constitutional guarantee. This research surveys case law that dealt with the constitutional protection of collective bargaining after Health Services in order to assess its influence on the validity of restrictions on the right to strike, on the validity of restrictions on bargaining and the imposition of working conditions, on the validity of exclusions of certain categories of workers from labour relations legal regimes and on their interpretation. Our results show that the constitutionalization of the right to bargain collectively has led to a certain volume of legal challenges by labour unions, which were successful in instances where the infringement on bargaining rights were similar to the Supreme Court precedents as well as one case related to the right to strike. The larger influence as foreseen in our literature review did not materialize. The constitutionalization of collective bargaining has had no effect on the interpretation of labour law regimes in private law. Finally, the use of international labour law has no measurable effect on our results

    Interstitial chemotherapy with biodegradable BCNU (GliadelÂź) wafers in the treatment of malignant gliomas

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    Malignant gliomas represent the majority of primary brain tumors, and the prognosis of the patients afflicted with these tumors has been historically dismal, with almost uniform progressive neurologic impairment and rapid death. Even with multimodal treatment using surgery, focal radiation, and chemotherapy, no major strides were made until recently. The development of interstitial BCNU wafers (carmustine wafers, GliadelÂź) has led to promising results in the treatment of a selected patients with malignant gliomas, as well as with other intracranial malignancies.BCNU is one of the first systemic chemotherapies which had obtained United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the treatment of brain tumors. However, systemic use has been hampered by the modest prolongation of survival and by the prolonged myelosuppression and potentially fatal pulmonary toxicity. The development of interstitial therapies with BCNU represented a great step forward, allowing direct delivery to the tumor bed, with virtually no systemic toxicities. Clinical studies of BCNU wafers have showed good efficacy in both newly diagnosed and recurrent gliomas, as well as a possible therapeutic role in other primary or secondary intracranial malignancies. New studies are currently underway trying to improve the efficacy of the BCNU wafers (GliadelÂź) by combining them with different systemic chemotherapies. An overview of the current knowledge ranging from the preclinical developments, to the efficacy and safety seen in the clinical trials and in clinical practice following the drug approval to the future avenues of research is therefore timely

    Confinement of Dyes inside Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Photostable and Shifted Fluorescence down to the Near Infrared

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    Fluorescence is ubiquitous in life science and used in many fields of research ranging from ecology to medicine. Among the most common fluorogenic compounds, dyes are being exploited in bioimaging for their outstanding optical properties from UV down to the near IR (NIR). However, dye molecules are often toxic to living organisms and photodegradable, which limits the time window for in vivo experiments. Here, it is demonstrated that organic dye molecules are passivated and photostable when they are encapsulated inside a boron nitride nanotube (dyes@BNNT). The results show that the BNNTs drive an aggregation of the encapsulated dyes, which induces a redshifted fluorescence from visible to NIR‐II. The fluorescence remains strong and stable, exempt of bleaching and blinking, over a time scale longer than that of free dyes by more than 104. This passivation also reduces the toxicity of the dyes and induces exceptional chemical robustness, even in harsh conditions. These properties are highlighted in bioimaging where the dyes@BNNT nanohybrids are used as fluorescent nanoprobes for in vivo monitoring of Daphnia Pulex microorganisms and for diffusion tracking on human hepatoblastoma cells with two‐photon imaging

    A Pilot Study of IL-2Rα Blockade during Lymphopenia Depletes Regulatory T-cells and Correlates with Enhanced Immunity in Patients with Glioblastoma

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    Preclinical studies in mice have demonstrated that the prophylactic depletion of immunosuppressive regulatory T-cells (T(Regs)) through targeting the high affinity interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor (IL-2Rα/CD25) can enhance anti-tumor immunotherapy. However, therapeutic approaches are complicated by the inadvertent inhibition of IL-2Rα expressing anti-tumor effector T-cells.To determine if changes in the cytokine milieu during lymphopenia may engender differential signaling requirements that would enable unarmed anti-IL-2Rα monoclonal antibody (MAbs) to selectively deplete T(Regs) while permitting vaccine-stimulated immune responses.A randomized placebo-controlled pilot study was undertaken to examine the ability of the anti-IL-2Rα MAb daclizumab, given at the time of epidermal growth factor receptor variant III (EGFRvIII) targeted peptide vaccination, to safely and selectively deplete T(Regs) in patients with glioblastoma (GBM) treated with lymphodepleting temozolomide (TMZ).Daclizumab treatment (n = 3) was well-tolerated with no symptoms of autoimmune toxicity and resulted in a significant reduction in the frequency of circulating CD4+Foxp3+ TRegs in comparison to saline controls (n = 3)( p = 0.0464). A significant (p<0.0001) inverse correlation between the frequency of TRegs and the level of EGFRvIII specific humoral responses suggests the depletion of TRegs may be linked to increased vaccine-stimulated humoral immunity. These data suggest this approach deserves further study.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00626015
