13 research outputs found

    Influence of Waldeyer's ring hypertrophy on snoring and sleep apnea.

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    Severe adenotonsillar hypertrophy can be the main cause of nocturnal respiratory affections, as confirmed by the improvement of symptoms seen after adenotonsillectomy. Unsuccessful surgical treatment can be due to craniofacial morphological alterations. Hypotony of the pharyngeal muscles could also be responsible together with tonsil hypertrophy. In our study, we enrolled 125 patients (87 males and 38 females), aged from 3 to 8 years, suffering from chronic snoring. All the patients underwent adenotonsillectomy. The follow-up was carried out at 2, 4 and 6 months after the operation. Snoring and nocturnal apneas were no longer present in almost all the patients. Overnight polysomnography remains the gold standard diagnostic test for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, but its feasibility in clinical practice is debated. Rhinomanometry, which gives an objective evaluation of ventilatory nasal function, acoustic rhinometry, which measures the cross-section in fixed nasal areas, and nasal mucociliary transport time can be considered useful tests to evaluate the cause of respiratory obstruction

    The role of rhinomanometry, acoustic rhinometry, and mucociliary transport time in the assessment of nasal patency.

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    We conducted a study of 60 patients with different nasal pathologies who complained of nasal obstruction. Our goal was to evaluate the reliability of rhinomanometry, acoustic rhinometry, and the measurement of mucociliary transport time in helping make the diagnosis of nasal pathologies. We also sought to discover whether there is a correlation between the findings of these objective tests and the results of patients' own subjective assessments of nasal obstruction. We found that acoustic rhinometry was more specific and more sensitive than rhinomanometry in diagnosing rhinopathies in patients with structural anomalies. Symptom scores as rated by patients on the visual analog scale frequently did not correlate with objective measures, as patients often overestimated the severity of their obstruction. However, for a few patients, there was a correlation between symptom scores and mucociliary transport times

    Structural and Immunological Characteristics of Chronically Inflamed Adenotonsillar Tissue in Childhood

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    Recurrent or chronic adenotonsillar infections mainly affect children and frequently involve otherwise healthy subjects. Therefore, having excluded systemic immunological deficiencies, this disease may be due to a local dysfunction of the epithelial structures at either the rhino or oropharyngeal level. The aim of the present investigation was to analyze structural and immunological aspects of tonsils and adenoids in subjects who underwent adenotonsillectomy because of recurrent inflammatory episodes with fever. Histological studies and analyses of the cytokine patterns were carried out in palatine tonsils and adenoid samples from 105 patients who underwent adenoidectomy and bilateral extracapsular tonsillectomy for chronic inflammatory hypertrophy of these organs; 46 of the 105 cases examined presented hyperkeratosis of the crypt epithelium; in the remaining 59, the epithelium was hyperplastic with no signs of keratosis. Scanning electron microscopy revealed a continuous epithelial surface of polygon-shaped flattened cells with fissures towards the cryptic depressions. Titration of interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor alpha in serum and tissues demonstrated higher concentrations in the adenotonsillar specimens, whereas the rise in interleukin-6 was more modest

    Structural and Immunological Characteristics of Chronically Inflamed Adenotonsillar Tissue in Childhood

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    Recurrent or chronic adenotonsillar infections mainly affect children and frequently involve otherwise healthy subjects. Therefore, having excluded systemic immunological deficiencies, this disease may be due to a local dysfunction of the epithelial structures at either the rhino or oropharyngeal level. The aim of the present investigation was to analyze structural and immunological aspects of tonsils and adenoids in subjects who underwent adenotonsillectomy because of recurrent inflammatory episodes with fever. Histological studies and analyses of the cytokine patterns were carried out in palatine tonsils and adenoid samples from 105 patients who underwent adenoidectomy and bilateral extracapsular tonsillectomy for chronic inflammatory hypertrophy of these organs; 46 of the 105 cases examined presented hyperkeratosis of the crypt epithelium; in the remaining 59, the epithelium was hyperplastic with no signs of keratosis. Scanning electron microscopy revealed a continuous epithelial surface of polygon-shaped flattened cells with fissures towards the cryptic depressions. Titration of interleukin-1beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha in serum and tissues demonstrated higher concentrations in the adenotonsillar specimens, whereas the rise in interleukin-6 was more modest

    Nasal decongestants in the treatment of chronic nasal obstruction: efficacy and safety of use

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    Nasal decongestants are the most powerful drugs in the reduction of nasal obstruction. Despite their large use, local and systemic adverse reactions are frequent. The authors focus on the pharmacology of these kinds of drugs in light of the most recent knowledge on nasal pathophysiology. The ultrastructural anatomy of nasal mucosa explains the complexity of the possible interactions between the sympathomimetics and imidazoles derivates, and the submucosal layer. Nasal obstruction is one of the most frequent clinical problems that otorhinolaryngologists encounter daily, both in adults and children. All possible predisposing conditions to nasal obstruction are documented along with the better ways to diagnose them through nasal functionality tests. Active anterior rhinomanometry, acoustic rhinometry and the determination of mucociliary transport time represent, together with nasal endoscopy, the gold standard for an accurate diagnosis and the follow-up of the patient to cure. An updated review of the most significant works in this field and the best treatment protocol to avoid adverse effects, such as rhinitis medicamentosa, are reported

    Efficacia e modalitá di distribuzione del presidio medico Prima Difesa® sul distretto rinosinusale. [Efficacy and distribution pattern of the medical device Prima Difesa on rhinosinusal area]

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    Aim. Common cold is the commonest form of acute rhinitis and the first pathology of the upper airways. Viruses, the main responsible of this pathology, carry out their cytopathic effect on the ciliated cells of the airways mucosa. Mucociliary transport shows their dangerous effect. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effect of the medical device Prima Difesa® on the functioning of the mechanism thanks to its composition and its distribution modality in the nasal cavities. Materials and Methods. The present study has been performed on three groups of subjects with their informed consent: Group A (30 healthy subjects: 19 M, 11 F; 18-36 yrs, mean age: 29.1 yrs), Gruppo B (30 patients affected by rhinosinusal pathology: 7 M, 13 F; 19-38 yrs, mean age 30.7 yrs) and Group C (20 healthy subjects: 12 M, 8 F; 20-40 yrs, mean age: 32.2 yrs). The protocol of administration for the Group A and B, in order to evaluate the efficacy of Prima Difesa®, consisted of 2 puff per nostril of Prima Difesa® 4 times a day over 15 days. The follow-up of patients belonging to Grup A and Group B was articulated in three consecutive visits, each consisting of: anterior rhinoscopy, active anterior rhinomanometry, measurement of mucociliary transport (TMCt). The C patients underwent only one administration of the device to the extent of evaluating through endoscopy its distribution modality in the nasal cavities. Results. The results show that clinical effects, evaluated in term of improvement of MCTt and in term of decreasing of nasal resistance, are particularly clear in patients with alterations of these parameters caused by rhinosinusal pathologies. The device can reach the "key" areas of rhinosinusal pathologies that are: middle turbinate and ostiomeatal complex. Beside, the percentage of diffusion, about 30% of the middle turbinate head, giustifies its clinical effect. Conclusions. The medical device Prima Difesa® has resulted to be able in interfering with the correct maintenance and performance of the Mucociliary Transport mechanism, that represents an important aspecific machinery for the local defence of nasal mucosa by microbial injuries