1,742 research outputs found

    Spectral and dynamic characteristics of buried-heterostructure single quantum well (Al,Ga)As lasers

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    We demonstrate that, as predicted, (Al,Ga)As single quantum well (SQW) lasers have substantially narrower spectral linewidths than bulk double-heterostructure lasers. We have observed a further major reduction (>3×) in the linewidth of these SQW lasers when the facet reflectivities are enhanced. This observation is explained theoretically on the basis of the very low losses in coated SQW lasers and the value of the spontaneous emission factor at low threshold currents. We also report on the modulation frequency response parameter of these SQW lasers

    Ultralow threshold graded-index separate-confinement heterostructure single quantum well (Al,Ga)As lasers

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    Broad area graded‐index separate‐confinement heterostructure single quantum well lasers grown by molecular‐beam epitaxy (MBE) with threshold current density as low as 93 A/cm^2 (520 ÎŒm long) have been fabricated. Buried lasers formed from similarly structured MBE material with liquid phase epitaxy regrowth had threshold currents at submilliampere levels when high reflectivity coatings were applied to the end facets. A cw threshold current of 0.55 mA was obtained for a laser with facet reflectivities of ∌80%, a cavity length of 120 ÎŒm, and an active region stripe width of 1 ÎŒm. These devices driven directly with logic level signals have switch‐on delays <50 ps without any current prebias. Such lasers permit fully on–off switching while at the same time obviating the need for bias monitoring and feedback control

    Pengaruh Suhu Dan Komposisi Minyak Jagung Pada Pembuatan Lilin Klowong Terhadap Pewarnaan Batik

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    Batik is one of the most highly developed Indonesian art forms that had been designated by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of oral and intangible Heritage of Humanity. It uses techniques of wax resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth and can be made by using canting or printing.Once the design applied on the cloth, then it is ready to be waxed and the staining of the batik cloth depends on the quality of the wax. Therefore, batik wax is considered as the main material to make batik, especially for handmade batik in which the pattern and carve applied directly by the artisans.  Vegetable oil is to improvement viscosity level in liquidity of batik waxes and to knowing the effect of the dyed batik.This research aims to knowing the composition of the required yellow paraffin waxes batik and to knowing the effect of the composition of the yellow paraffin dyed batik. This study uses qualitative and quantitative methods with material measurement techniques, and test a questionnaire to evaluate the response of the respondents to the sharpness of the color produced. In the process of making batik wax, the composition of the materials used are Lilin tawon, damar mata kucing, gondorukem, yellow parafin, and  vegetable oils. In this research, yellow paraffin as an independent variable with variations in different compositions (10 g, 15 g, 20 g and 25 g). To test the composition of the wax batik then made 4 different samples, each sample has a different composition yellow paraffin. To view a sample of the batik conducted several tests, including testing the sharpness of color, smearing of colors, as well as washing with soap, while the qualitative testing done by kuisioer to test visually, from the test results of samples both quantitative and qualitative data show that the results of batik using sample C gives better results than other samples

    Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation for the X-43A (Hyper-X) from Flight Data

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    Aerodynamic parameters were estimated based on flight data from the third flight of the X-43A hypersonic research vehicle, also called Hyper-X. Maneuvers were flown using multiple orthogonal phase-optimized sweep inputs applied as simultaneous control surface perturbations at Mach 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3 during the vehicle descent. Aerodynamic parameters, consisting of non-dimensional longitudinal and lateral stability and control derivatives, were estimated from flight data at each Mach number. Multi-step inputs at nearly the same flight conditions were also flown to assess the prediction capability of the identified models. Prediction errors were found to be comparable in magnitude to the modeling errors, which indicates accurate modeling. Aerodynamic parameter estimates were plotted as a function of Mach number, and compared with estimates from the pre-flight aerodynamic database, which was based on wind-tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics. Agreement between flight estimates and values computed from the aerodynamic database was excellent overall

    Numbers needed to treat calculated from responder rates give a better indication of efficacy in osteoarthritis trials than mean pain scores

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    INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis trials usually report average changes in visual analogue scale (VAS) pain, and examine the difference between treatment and placebo. We investigated whether dichotomous responder analysis provides a more informative interpretation of drug efficacy. METHODS: Merck supplied the number of patients who, by 6 weeks, had achieved pain relief compared with a baseline of 0% or more, 10% or more, 20% or more, and so on at equal intervals up to 90% or more. These different levels of pain relief were used to distinguish different definitions of responders, for example at least 50% pain relief from baseline. Numbers and percentages of patients achieving each level were identified. Information was sought from a dose-response trial over 6 weeks in osteoarthritis using placebo and using etoricoxib at 5, 10, 30 and 60 mg daily. RESULTS: With placebo, the proportions of patients achieving at least 20%, 50% and 70% pain relief over baseline at 6 weeks were 30%, 11% and 2%. With 60 mg etoricoxib the equivalent percentages were 74%, 49% and 29%. The numbers needed to treat for 30 mg and 60 mg etoricoxib to produce at least 50% pain relief at 6 weeks compared with placebo were 4.2 (95% confidence interval 3.8 to 8.6) and 2.6 (2.0 to 3.9), respectively. Levels of pain relief of 50% and above discriminated best between different doses of etoricoxib. CONCLUSION: Responder analysis seemed to be more sensitive than examination of average changes in VAS pain scores. Validation would require calculations to be performed on a set of trials using individual patient data not available in publications

    Orientasi Bangunan dan Penggunaan Material Pendukung Kenyamanan Termal pada Ruang dalam Rumah Susun Sewa Sederhana Cingised

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    Orientasi Bangunan dan Penggunaan Material Pendukung Kenyamanan Termal pada Ruang Dalam Rumah Susun Sewa Sederhana Cingised ASEP RENDI RAHARJA , CITRA FATWA NURINDAH, RIZKA ANNA MEILINA, DERRY SURENDRA, ACHSIEN HIDAjAT Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : [email protected] Abstrak Pertumbuhan penduduk yang semakin meningkat di Indonesia mengharuskan pemerintah melakukan antisipasi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan tempat tinggal. Persediaan lahan yang terbatas membuat pemerintah memberikan solusi dengan membangun hunian vertikal. Rumah susun adalah bangunan bertingkat yang dibangun untuk dijadikan alternatif hunian diperkotaan. Pembangunan rumah susun masih perlu dikaji kembali dalam hal Kenyamanan bangunan yang berkaitan dengan kondisi iklim di Indonesia. Salah satu rumah susun yang dikelola oleh pemerintah adalah Rumah Susun Sewa Sederhana Cingised. Kajian dilakukan dengan metoda penelitian kuantitatif yaitu membandingkan teori mengenai orientasi massa bangunan dan penggunaan material dengan keadaan di lapangan. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penerapan desain yang berkaitan dengan orientasi matahari, orientasi view, orientasi bukaan udara, lokasi bukaan udara, tipe bukaan udara, pengaruh bukaan udara, penghalang dalam ruang, material struktur, material pengisi, dan material finishing sebagai acuan standar Kenyamanan termal. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa orientasi massa bangunan dan penerapan material bangunan berpengaruh terhadap Kenyamanan termal. Kata kunci: Kenyamanan termal, material, orientasi, rumah susun Abstract The increase of population growth in Indonesia requires the governments act to anticipate fulfillment needs of living place. A limited place of land made the government to provide a solution to build a residential vertically. Flats are a building to be used as an alternative residence in the city. Contruction of flats still need to be examined in terms of comfort building related to the climatic conditions in Indonesia. Rumah Susun Sewa Sederhana Cingised is one of the flats that is maintained by the governments. The study will be conducted by the method of quantitative research, that is compare theories about the mass of building orientation and the material used with the field circumstances. The purpose of this study is to determine the design application related to solat orientation, view orientation, air-openings orientation. Air-openings location, air-openings type, air-openings effect, space barrier, structure materials, fillers, and finishing as the reference of standard thermal comfort. This research concluded that the building mass orientation and application of building materials affect a thermal comfort

    Contrasting soil organic matter properties of a Hawaiian Andosol revealed by fractionations procedures

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    Volcanic Andosols are recognized by their strong capacity to accumulate soil organic carbon (SOC), and for presenting a singular aggregation pattern. However, the factors that govern their SOC storage and aggregation hierarchy are still poorly understood. In this way, the objective of this study was to evaluate the soil organic matter (SOM) properties of an Andosol through CN analysis, NMR spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with subsequent nano scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) analysis in the soil mineral fraction testing different fractionation methods. We tested three Andosol samples from two sites of the Kohala region – Hawaii with contrasting precipitation levels. The samples tested were as follow: 1784-60, 1784-80 and 2286-50 (precipitation - average depth in cm). We performed the SOM fractionation using ultrasonic dispersion at 1500 J ml-1, wet sieving and sedimentation. The procedure was carried out in three sets: in deionized water, in 1M NaCL solution, and in polytungstate solution (SPT) 1.8 g cm-3. Six fractions were obtained as follow: free particulate organic matter (fPOM), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM), 4000-63, 63-20, 20-2 and &lt; 2”m, respectively. Overall, the pre-dispersion treatment with NaCL saturation did not influence the C content and its distribution, as well as the SOM composition observed by NMR and NanoSIMS analysis. The oPOM fraction revealed great differences between the contrasting samples 1784-60 and 2286-50 in C content and SOM composition. More than 90% of the soil mass was concentrated in the fractions below 20 ”m. The &lt;2”m fraction was the most representative for the evaluated Andosol, accounting with 83% of the C content and 74% of the soil mass for the three samples evaluated overall. The 2286-50 presented a higher C content than the other samples especially for fPOM and the &lt; 2 ”m fraction. The 2286-50 sample presented overall a dominance of alkyl-C, while 1784-60 showed higher amounts of carboxyl-C and O/N alkyl groups, which can be explained by differences in the mineral composition of each sample. In addition, the NanoSIMS analysis demonstrated distinct spatial differences in the distribution of 12C- and 12C14N- in organo-mineral associations at the micro scale between the two sites. The results of this study suggest that mineral interactions in the smaller size-fractions (&lt;2”m) can be the key to explain the mechanisms of C storage in Andosols
