11 research outputs found

    Disconjugacy of a second order linear differential equation and periodic solutions

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    The present paper is devoted to a new criterion for disconjugacy of a second order linear differential equation. Unlike most of the classical sufficient conditions for disconjugacy, our criterion does not involve assumptions on the smallness of the coefficients of the equation. We compare our criterion with several known criteria for disconjugacy, for which we provide detailed proofs, and discuss the applications of the property of disconjugacy to the problem of factorization of linear ordinary differential operators, and to the proof of the generalized Rolle's theorem. The paper is self-contained, and may serve as a brief introduction to theory of disconjugacy of a second order linear differential equation

    On uniform continuous dependence of solution of Cauchy problem on a parameter

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    Suppose that an nn-dimensional Cauchy problem \frac{dx}{dt}=f(t,x,\mu) (t \in I, \mu \in M), x(t_0)=x^0 satisfies the conditions that guarantee existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence of solution x(t,t_0,\mu) on parameter \mu in an open set M. We show that if one additionally requires that family \{f(t,x,\cdot)\}_{(t,x)} is equicontinuous, then the dependence of solution x(t,t_0,\mu) on parameter \mu \in M is uniformly continuous. An analogous result for a linear n \times n-dimensional Cauchy problem \frac{dX}{dt}=A(t,\mu)X+\Phi(t,\mu) (t \in I, \mu \in M), X(t_0,\mu)=X^0(\mu) is valid under the assumption that the integrals \int_I\|A(t,\mu_1)-A(t,\mu_2)\|dt and \int_I \|\Phi(t,\mu_1)-\Phi(t,\mu_2)\|dt can be made smaller than any given constant (uniformly with respect to \mu_1, \mu_2 \in M) provided that \|\mu_1-\mu_2\| is sufficiently small

    Computational methods of linear algebra

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