34 research outputs found

    Signed Network Modeling Based on Structural Balance Theory

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    The modeling of networks, specifically generative models, have been shown to provide a plethora of information about the underlying network structures, as well as many other benefits behind their construction. Recently there has been a considerable increase in interest for the better understanding and modeling of networks, but the vast majority of this work has been for unsigned networks. However, many networks can have positive and negative links(or signed networks), especially in online social media, and they inherently have properties not found in unsigned networks due to the added complexity. Specifically, the positive to negative link ratio and the distribution of signed triangles in the networks are properties that are unique to signed networks and would need to be explicitly modeled. This is because their underlying dynamics are not random, but controlled by social theories, such as Structural Balance Theory, which loosely states that users in social networks will prefer triadic relations that involve less tension. Therefore, we propose a model based on Structural Balance Theory and the unsigned Transitive Chung-Lu model for the modeling of signed networks. Our model introduces two parameters that are able to help maintain the positive link ratio and proportion of balanced triangles. Empirical experiments on three real-world signed networks demonstrate the importance of designing models specific to signed networks based on social theories to obtain better performance in maintaining signed network properties while generating synthetic networks.Comment: CIKM 2018: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=327174

    Robust Graph Neural Networks via Unbiased Aggregation

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    The adversarial robustness of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has been questioned due to the false sense of security uncovered by strong adaptive attacks despite the existence of numerous defenses. In this work, we delve into the robustness analysis of representative robust GNNs and provide a unified robust estimation point of view to understand their robustness and limitations. Our novel analysis of estimation bias motivates the design of a robust and unbiased graph signal estimator. We then develop an efficient Quasi-Newton iterative reweighted least squares algorithm to solve the estimation problem, which unfolds as robust unbiased aggregation layers in GNNs with a theoretical convergence guarantee. Our comprehensive experiments confirm the strong robustness of our proposed model, and the ablation study provides a deep understanding of its advantages