20 research outputs found

    Nanomaterials exposure as an occupational risk in metal additive manufacturing

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    Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a process of joining metallic materials based on 3D model data, aiming the manufacture of three dimensional parts by the successive addition of material, usually layer upon layer. This technology is nowadays seen as an emerging one, showing exceptional perspectives of growth, being able to produce parts in various materials such as precious metals (for example gold, silver and platinum) and several metal alloys, such as aluminium, titanium, nickel, cobalt and magnesium based alloys, among others. However, as the range of feedstock materials, technologies and applications increases, so do the concerns about its impact on health and safety of those who are exposed to the particles emitted during these processes, particularly when AM uses metal powder. Regarding emissions, studies thus far show that nanomaterials are emitted during AM processes, a fact that rises the concern about its impacts and enhances the complexity of risk management on these processes. When risk management aims nanoscale, it becomes a true challenge as it deals with several different nanomaterials and the lack of systematic and standardized risk assessment methodologies. At this scale, risk management raises many doubts regarding the selection of quantitative or qualitative approaches, the identification, characterization and quantification of nanomaterials, the definition of occupational exposure limits and the outlining of control measures. Having this conscience, a review was developed to summarize some of the recent developments in the field of risk management of occupational exposure to nanomaterials during metal additive manufacturing. Additionally, this review emphasizes the need for more investigation about risks regarding nanomaterials in workplaces, which is essential to ensure workers' safety conditions and preserve their health, as well as to make conscious decisions on risk assessment, public health, medical monitoring and control measures,- (undefined

    Concepts of skin protection:Considerations for the evaluation and terminology of the performance of skin protective equipment

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    This article proposes a common language for better understanding processes involved in dermal exposure and skin protection. A conceptual model has been developed that systematically describes the transport of agent mass from sources, eventually resulting in "loading" of the skin surface or the skin contaminant layer. In view of a harmonized glossary of exposure terminology this is considered the exposure surface. Loading is defined as agent mass present in this layer divided by the exposure surface area. Skin protective equipment (SPE) is meant to reduce uptake, that is, an agent crosses the absorption barrier of the skin, by intervening in the processes of loading the exposure surface; however, the design of the equipment may fail to cover skin surface entirely. In addition, part of the mass intercepted by the SPE may reach the skin surface either by permeation, penetration, or by transfer when touching the contaminated exterior of the SPE. Evaluation of SPE performance has earlier focused on chemical resistance performance testing for permeation, penetration, or degradation of SPE-materials. In use-scenario practice, however, all processes will occur concurrently. Thus, SPE field performance evaluation including user-SPE interaction complementary to material testing is warranted. Results of laboratory testing for SPE-materials are reported as substance-specific breakthrough times and permeation rates. SPE field performance should be evaluated for reduction of either uptake or parameters that reflect the outcome of dermal exposure. Ideally, this should be based on the results of intervention-type workplace studies, for (e.g., assessment of exposure loading). The level of reduction can be expressed as a protection factor (ratio without/with SPE) for different parameters of dermal exposure or uptake. It is concluded that for evaluation of SPE-type performance, generic protection factors can be derived for substance-independent processes (e.g., reduction of exposure loading) but not for substance-specific reduction of uptake. Copyright © 2005 JOEH, LLC

    Occupational Exposure to Nano-Objects and Their Agglomerates and Aggregates Across Various Life Cycle Stages; A Broad-Scale Exposure Study

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    BACKGROUND: Occupational exposure to manufactured nano-objects and their agglomerates, and aggregates (NOAA) has been described in several workplace air monitoring studies. However, data pooling for general conclusions and exposure estimates are hampered by limited exposure data across the occupational life cycle of NOAA and a lack in comparability between the methods of collecting and analysing the data. By applying a consistent method of collecting and analysing the workplace exposure data, this study aimed to provide information about the occupational NOAA exposure levels across various life cycle stages of NOAA in the Netherlands which can also be used for multi-purpose use. METHODS: Personal/near field task-based exposure data was collected using a multi-source exposure assessment method collecting real time particle number concentration, particle size distribution (PSD), filter-based samples for morphological, and elemental analysis and detailed contextual information. A decision logic was followed allowing a consistent and objective way of analysing the exposure data. RESULTS: In total, 46 measurement surveys were conducted at 15 companies covering 18 different exposure situations across various occupational life cycle stages of NOAA. Highest activity-effect levels were found during replacement of big bags (<1000-76000 # cm(-3)), mixing/dumping of powders manually (<1000-52000 # cm(-3)) and mechanically (<1000-100000 # cm(-3)), and spraying of liquid (2000-800000 # cm(-3)) showing a high variability between and within the various exposure situations. In general, a limited change in PSD was found during the activity compared to the background. CONCLUSIONS: This broad-scale exposure study gives a comprehensive overview of the NOAA exposure situations in the Netherlands and an indication of the levels of occupational exposure to NOAA across various life cycle of NOAA. The collected workplace exposure data and contextual information will serve as basis for future pooling of data and modelling of worker exposure

    Use of qualitative and quantitative fluorescence techniques to assess dermal exposure

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    Fluorescent tracers provide a way of simultaneously assessing the mass of a contaminant hazardous substance on the surface of the skin of a worker and the area of skin exposed. These parameters, along with the duration of exposure and the estimated contaminant concentration in the skin contamination layer, can be used to calculate the likely uptake through the skin. Repeated assessment of the mass of tracer on a surface within a room or on the surface of the skin can also allow the net transfer of contaminant to that compartment to be estimated. Qualitative evaluation of transfer processes using fluorescent tracers can help identify important secondary sources of exposure. (C) 2000 British Occupational Hygiene Society. Fluorescent tracers provide a way of simultaneously assessing the mass of a contaminant hazardous substance on the surface of the skin of a worker and the area of skin exposed. These parameters, along with the duration of exposure and the estimated contaminant concentration in the skin contamination layer, can be used to calculate the likely uptake through the skin. Repeated assessment of the mass of tracer on a surface within a room or on the surface of the skin can also allow the net transfer of contaminant to that compartment to be estimated. Qualitative evaluation of transfer processes using fluorescent tracers can help identify important secondary sources of exposure. Chemicals/CAS: Fluorescent Dye

    Life-cycle assessment framework for indoor emissions of synthetic nanoparticles

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    Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a well-established method to evaluate impacts of chemicals on the environment and human health along the lifespan of products. However, the increasingly produced and applied nanomaterials (defined as one dimension <100 nm) show particular characteristics which are different from conventional chemicals or larger particles. As a consequence, LCA does not provide sufficient guidance on how to deal with synthetic nanomaterials, neither in the exposure, nor in the effect assessment. This is particularly true for the workplace, where significant exposure can be expected via the lung, the route of major concern. Therefore, we developed a concise method which allows the inclusion of indoor nanoparticle exposure into LCA. New nanospecific properties are included along the LCA stages with a particular focus on the workplace environment. We built upon existing LCA methods and nanoparticle fate and exposure studies. The impact assessment requires new approaches for nanoparticles, such as guidance on relevant endpoints, nanospecific properties that are relevant for the toxicity, and guidance on the chemical identity of nanomaterials, i.e., categorization and distinction of different forms of nanomaterials. We present a framework which goes beyond traditional approaches of LCA and includes nanospecific fate parameters in the indoor exposure assessment as well as guidance on the development of effect and characterization factors for inhaled nanoparticles. Specifically, the indoor one-box model is amended with new particle-specific parameters developed in the exposure literature. A concentration conversion and parameter estimation tool are presented. Finally, the modification of the traditional intake fraction to capture size-specific deposition and retention rate are discussed along with a strategy for a more robust effect assessment. The paper is a further step toward a fair comparison between conventional and nano-enabled products by integrating occupational exposure to synthetic nanomaterials into LCA.ISSN:1388-0764ISSN:1572-896

    Assessment of dermal exposure during airless spray painting using a quantitative visualisation technique

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    The range of dermal exposure to non-volatile compounds during spray painting was studied in a semi-experimental study involving three enterprises and 12 painters. A fluorescent tracer was added to the paint and deposition of the tracer on clothing and uncovered parts of the skin was assessed using video imaging and processing techniques. A container (volume 36 m3) was sprayed with a colourless laquer (varnish) containing 66.7 mg/l fluorescent whitening agent. All painters sprayed the outside of the container. Nine painters repeated the painting a second time and five also sprayed the inside of the container. The painters wore white Tyvek ä coveralls, but no gloves. Duration of spraying the outside ranged from 4 to 21 min with a mean of 10 min and the amount of paint sprayed ranged from 3.0 to 12.8 l (mean 6.6 l). The mass of tracer deposited on the coverall ranged from 2.2 to 471 mg (90th percentile 256 mg), whereas, mass deposited on skin (i.e. the hands, wrists, and face) ranged from 0.01 to 52 mg tracer (90th percentile 20 mg). The quantity of tracer on the coverall was three times higher after spraying the inside of the container compared to spraying the outside, whereas the quantity on the skin was similar in both cases. On average 10 % of the surface area of the coverall and skin was exposed during spraying the outside. Exposures, expresse

    Occupational dermal exposure to nanoparticles and nano-enabled products:Part I − Factors affecting skin absorption

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    The paper reviews and critically assesses the evidence on the relevance of various skin uptake pathways for engineered nanoparticles, nano-objects, their agglomerates and aggregates (NOAA). It focuses especially in occupational settings, in the context of nanotoxicology, risk assessment, occupational medicine, medical/epidemiological surveillance efforts, and the development of relevant exposure assessment strategies. Skin uptake of nanoparticles is presented in the context of local and systemic health effects, especially contact dermatitis, skin barrier integrity, physico-chemical properties of NOAA, and predisposing risk factors, such as stratum corneum disruption due to occupational co-exposure to chemicals, and the presence of occupational skin diseases. Attention should be given to: (1) Metal NOAA, since the potential release of ions may induce local skin effects (e.g. irritation and contact dermatitis) and absorption of toxic or sensitizing metals; (2) NOAA with metal catalytic residue, since potential release of ions may also induce local skin effects and absorption of toxic metals; (3) rigid NOAA smaller than 45nm that can penetrate and permeate the skin; (4) non rigid or flexible NOAA, where due to their flexibility liposomes and micelles can penetrate and permeate the intact skin; (5) impaired skin condition of exposed workers. Furthermore, we outline possible situations where health surveillance could be appropriate where there is NOAA occupational skin exposures, e.g. when working with nanoparticles made of sensitizer metals, NOAA containing sensitizer impurities, and/or in occupations with a high prevalence of disrupted skin barrier integrity. The paper furthermore recommends a stepwise approach to evaluate risk related to NOAA to be applied in occupational exposure and risk assessment, and discusses implications related to health surveillance, labelling, and risk communication

    DOI: 10.1093/annhyg/meg012 DREAM: A Method for Semi-quantitative Dermal Exposure Assessment

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    This paper describes a new method (DREAM) for structured, semi-quantitative dermal exposure assessment for chemical or biological agents that can be used in occupational hygiene or epidemiology. It is anticipated that DREAM could serve as an initial assessment of dermal exposure, amongst others, resulting in a ranking of tasks and subsequently jobs. DREAM consists of an inventory and evaluation part. Two examples of dermal exposure of workers of a car-construction company show that DREAM characterizes tasks and gives insight into exposure mechanisms, forming a basis for systematic exposure reduction. DREAM supplies estimates for exposure levels on the outside clothing layer as well as on skin, and provides insight into the distribution of dermal exposure over the body. Together with the ranking of tasks and people, this provides information for measurement strategies and helps to determine who, where and what to measure. In addition to dermal exposure assessment, the systematic description of dermal exposure pathways helps to prioritize and determine most adequate measurement strategies and methods. DREAM could be a promising approach for structured, semi-quantitative, dermal exposure assessment