672 research outputs found

    Deformation pattern in vibrating microtubule: Structural mechanics study based on an atomistic approach

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    The mechanical properties of microtubules are of great importance for understanding their biological function and for applications in artificial devices. Although microtubule mechanics has been extensively studied both theoretically and experimentally, the relation to its molecular structure is understood only partially. Here, we report on the structural analysis of microtubule vibration modes calculated by an atomistic approach. Molecular dynamics was applied to refine the atomic structure of a microtubule and a C α elastic network model was analyzed for its normal modes. We mapped fluctuations and local deformations up to the level of individual aminoacid residues. The deformation is mode-shape dependent and principally different in α-tubulins and β-tubulins. Parts of the tubulin dimer sequence responding specifically to longitudinal and radial stress are identified. We show that substantial strain within a microtubule is located both in the regions of contact between adjacent dimers and in the body of tubulins. Our results provide supportive evidence for the generally accepted assumption that the mechanics of microtubules, including its anisotropy, is determined by the bonds between tubulins

    Correction: Electro-acoustic behavior of the mitotic spindle: A semi-classical coarse-grained model (PLoS ONE (2014) 9:1 (e86501) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086501)

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    There are errors in the values reported for parameters a, b, c, and V in Table 1. Please see the correct Table 1 here. [Table Preasented]. There is an error in the equation in the third sentence in the “The arrangement of microtubules” subsection of the Models section. The equation describing the distance from the origin of the coordinate system for MTOC placement on the x-axis is incorrect. Please see the correct equation here: [Formola Presented]. There is an error in the Eq (6) in the “Calculation of the intensity of the electric field” subsection of the Models section. Please see the correct Eq (6) here: [Formola Presented]. There is an error in the Eq (7) in the “Calculation of the intensity of the electric field” subsection of the Models section. Please see the correct Eq (7) here: [Formola Presented]. The authors confirm that the code used in the modelling do not contain the errors in parameters and equations, which affect only the description of the models. The results and conclusions are therefore unaffected by these corrections to the reporting of the methodology. There are errors in the scale of the y-axis shown for the bottom panel of Fig 10. Please see the correct Fig 10 here.[Figure Presented]

    Role of the Genetic Study in the Management of Carotid Body Tumor in Paraganglioma Syndrome

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    AbstractDiagnosis of carotid body tumor (CBT) was made in a 36 years old woman. The pre-operative examination included genetic analysis of the succinate dehydrogenase that showed a mutation in his subunit D responsible of multiple paraganglioma at slow growth. Subsequently a thoraco-abdominal CT and indium111 octreotide body scan were performed and another paraganglioma was detected in the anterior mediastinum. CBT was surgically removed; differently the thoracic lesion due to his benign genetic profile was not treated. During a 3-years follow-up the thoracic paraganglioma as expected, didn't increase. Genetic analysis of succinate dehydrogenase, should be performed in the management of CBT

    Free energy landscape of siRNA-polycation complexation: Elucidating the effect of molecular geometry, polymer flexibility, and charge neutralization

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    The success of medical threatments with DNA and silencing interference RNA is strongly related to the design of efficient delivery technologies. Cationic polymers represent an attractive strategy to serve as nucleic-acid carriers with the envisioned advantages of efficient complexation, low cost, ease of production, well-defined size, and low polydispersity index. However, the balance between efficacy and toxicity (safety) of these polymers is a challenge and in need of improvement. With the aim of designing more effective polycationic-based gene carriers, many parameters such as carrier morphology, size, molecular weight, surface chemistry, and flexibility/rigidity ratio need to be taken into consideration. In the present work, the binding mechanism of three cationic polymers (polyarginine, polylysine and polyethyleneimine) to a model siRNA target is computationally investigated at the atomistic level. In order to better understand the polycationic carrier-siRNA interactions, replica exchange molecular dynamic simulations were carried out to provide an exhaustive exploration of all the possible binding sites, taking fully into account the siRNA flexibility together with the presence of explicit solvent and ions. Moreover, well-tempered metadynamics simulations were employed to elucidate how molecular geometry, polycation flexibility, and charge neutralization affect the siRNA-polycations free energy landscape in term of low-energy binding modes and unbinding free energy barriers. Significant differences among polymer binding modes have been detected, revealing the advantageous binding properties of polyarginine and polylysine compared to polyethyleneimine

    Aminoacid substitutions in the glycine zipper affect the conformational stability of amyloid beta fibrils

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    The aggregation of amyloid-beta peptides is associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. The hydrophobic core of the amyloid beta sequence contains a GxxxG repeated motif, called glycine zipper, which involves crucial residues for assuring stability and promoting the process of fibril formation. Mutations in this motif lead to a completely different oligomerization pathway and rate of fibril formation. In this work, we have tested G33L and G37L residue substitutions by molecular dynamics simulations. We found that both protein mutations may lead to remarkable changes in the fibril conformational stability. Results suggest the disruption of the glycine zipper as a possible strategy to reduce the aggregation propensity of amyloid beta peptides. On the basis of our data, further investigations may consider this key region as a binding site to design/discover novel effective inhibitors. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma

    The role of structural polymorphism in driving the mechanical performance of the alzheimer's beta amyloid fibrils

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is related with the abnormal aggregation of amyloid β-peptides Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42, the latter having a polymorphic character which gives rise to U- or S-shaped fibrils. Elucidating the role played by the nanoscale-material architecture on the amyloid fibril stability is a crucial breakthrough to better understand the pathological nature of amyloid structures and to support the rational design of bio-inspired materials. The computational study here presented highlights the superior mechanical behavior of the S-architecture, characterized by a Young's modulus markedly higher than the U-shaped architecture. The S-architecture showed a higher mechanical resistance to the enforced deformation along the fibril axis, consequence of a better interchain hydrogen bonds' distribution. In conclusion, this study, focusing the attention on the pivotal multiscale relationship between molecular phenomena and material properties, suggests the S-shaped Aβ1-42 species as a target of election in computational screen/design/optimization of effective aggregation modulators

    The impact of natural compounds on s-shaped aβ42 fibril: From molecular docking to biophysical characterization

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    The pursuit for effective strategies inhibiting the amyloidogenic process in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), remains one of the main unsolved issues, and only a few drugs have demonstrated to delay the degeneration of the cognitive system. Moreover, most therapies induce severe side effects and are not effective at all stages of the illness. The need to find novel and reliable drugs appears therefore of primary importance. In this context, natural compounds have shown interesting beneficial effects on the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases, exhibiting a great inhibitory activity on the formation of amyloid aggregates and proving to be effective in many preclinical and clinical studies. However, their inhibitory mechanism is still unclear. In this work, ensemble docking and molecular dynamics simulations on S-shaped Aβ42 fibrils have been carried out to evaluate the influence of several natural compounds on amyloid conformational behaviour. A deep understanding of the interaction mechanisms between natural compounds and Aβ aggregates may play a key role to pave the way for design, discovery and optimization strategies toward an efficient destabilization of toxic amyloid assemblies

    Protein environment: A crucial triggering factor in josephin domain aggregation: The role of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol

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    The protein ataxin-3 contains a polyglutamine stretch that triggers amyloid aggregation when it is expanded beyond a critical threshold. This results in the onset of the spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. The protein consists of the globular N-terminal Josephin domain and a disordered C-terminal tail where the polyglutamine stretch is located. Expanded ataxin-3 aggregates via a two-stage mechanism: first, Josephin domain self-association, then polyQ fibrillation. This highlights the intrinsic amyloidogenic potential of Josephin domain. Therefore, much effort has been put into investigating its aggregation mechanism(s). A key issue regards the conformational requirements for triggering amyloid aggregation, as it is believed that, generally, misfolding should precede aggregation. Here, we have assayed the effect of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, a co-solvent capable of stabilizing secondary structures, especially α-helices. By combining biophysical methods and molecular dynamics, we demonstrated that both secondary and tertiary JD structures are virtually unchanged in the presence of up to 5% 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol. Despite the preservation of JD structure, 1% of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol suffices to exacerbate the intrinsic aggregation propensity of this domain, by slightly decreasing its conformational stability. These results indicate that in the case of JD, conformational fluctuations might suffice to promote a transition towards an aggregated state without the need for extensive unfolding, and highlights the important role played by the environment on the aggregation of this globular domain

    Using the gibbs function as a measure of human brain development trends from fetal stage to advanced age

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    We propose to use a Gibbs free energy function as a measure of the human brain development. We adopt this approach to the development of the human brain over the human lifespan: from a prenatal stage to advanced age. We used proteomic expression data with the Gibbs free energy to quantify human brain’s protein–protein interaction networks. The data, obtained from BioGRID, comprised tissue samples from the 16 main brain areas, at different ages, of 57 post-mortem human brains. We found a consistent functional dependence of the Gibbs free energies on age for most of the areas and both sexes. A significant upward trend in the Gibbs function was found during the fetal stages, which is followed by a sharp drop at birth with a subsequent period of relative stability and a final upward trend toward advanced age. We interpret these data in terms of structure formation followed by its stabilization and eventual deterioration. Furthermore, gender data analysis has uncovered the existence of functional differences, showing male Gibbs function values lower than female at prenatal and neonatal ages, which become higher at ages 8 to 40 and finally converging at late adulthood with the corresponding female Gibbs functions

    Structure based modeling of small molecules binding to the TLR7 by atomistic level simulations

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    Toll-Like Receptors (TLR) are a large family of proteins involved in the immune system response. Both the activation and the inhibition of these receptors can have positive effects on several diseases, including viral pathologies and cancer, therefore prompting the development of new compounds. In order to provide new indications for the design of Toll-Like Receptor 7 (TLR7)-targeting drugs, the mechanism of interaction between the TLR7 and two important classes of agonists (imidazoquinoline and adenine derivatives) was investigated through docking and Molecular Dynamics simulations. To perform the computational analysis, a new model for the dimeric form of the receptors was necessary and therefore created. Qualitative and quantitative differences between agonists and inactive compounds were determined. The in silico results were compared with previous experimental observations and employed to define the ligand binding mechanism of TLR7
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