3 research outputs found

    Quality Improvement with Outcome Data in Integrated Obstetric Care Networks: Evaluating Collaboration and Learning Across Organizational Boundaries with an Action Research Approach

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    Introduction: Patient-reported outcome and experience measures (PROM and PREM) are used to guide individual care and quality improvement (QI). QI with patient-reported data is preferably organized around patients, which is challenging across organisations. We aimed to investigate network-broad learning for QI with outcome data. Methods: In three obstetric care networks using individual-level PROM/PREM, a learning strategy for cyclic QI based on aggregated outcome data was developed, implemented and evaluated. The strategy included clinical, patient-reported, and professional-reported data; together translated into cases for interprofessional discussion. This study’s data generation (including focus groups, surveys, observations) and analysis were guided by a theoretical model for network collaboration. Results: The learning sessions identified opportunities and actions to improve quality and continuity of perinatal care. Professionals valued the data (especially patient-reported) combined with in-dept interprofessional discussion. Main challenges were professionals’ time constraints, data infrastructure, and embedding improvement actions. Network-readiness for QI depended on trustful collaboration through connectivity and consensual leadership. Joint QI required information exchange and support including time and resources. Conclusions: Current fragmented healthcare organization poses barriers for network-broad QI with outcome data, but also offers opportunities for learning strategies. Furthermore, joint learning could improve collaboration to catalyse the journey towards integrated, value-based care

    Value Based Perinatal Care: Women at the centre of learning healthcare networks

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    Our healthcare system is under increasing pressure, both in terms of financial and human capacity, which forces us into difficult choices. Value-based healthcare offers a theory in which the outcomes of care that matter to patients, relative to the costs incurred, are leading in these choices. Important principles of value-based healthcare are organizing care around the patient and gaining insight into care outcomes that matter to patients. In perinatal care, collaboration around the pregnant woman (integrated maternity care) is already underway, but relatively little insight exists into care results from the patient's perspective. In this thesis, we investigated how structured questionnaires on patient-reported outcomes of perinatal care, such as breastfeeding or incontinence, and experiences, such as satisfaction or autonomy, can contribute to improved care. In clinic, we saw that discussing answers individually as part of regular care contacts helped to identify complaints and personalize care, provided that the questionnaires were properly aligned with the care path. At group level, the insight into outcome data gave healthcare providers motivation for quality improvement. Translating the data into recognizable personas helped to achieve substantive discussion and improvement actions. The network-wide approach to measuring and improving outcomes ensured patient-centeredness but hindered implementation. The iterative, context-specific approach of action research helped to achieve change. The findings in this thesis provide direction for the implementation and application of patient-reported measures around pregnancy and childbirth to strengthen the development towards a healthcare system driven by value for patients

    Patient-Reported Outcome and Experience Measures in Perinatal Care to Guide Clinical Practice: Prospective Observational Study

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    Background: The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement has published a set of patient-centered outcome measures for pregnancy and childbirth (PCB set), including patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and patient-reported experience measures (PREMs). To establish value-based pregnancy and childbirth care, the PCB set was implemented in the Netherlands, using the outcomes on the patient level for shared decision-making and on an aggregated level for quality improvement. Objective: This study aims to report first outcomes, experiences, and practice insights of implementing the PCB set in clinical practice. Methods: In total, 7 obstetric care networks across the Netherlands, each consisting of 1 or 2 hospitals and multiple community midwifery practices (ranging in number from 2 to 18), implemented the PROM and PREM domains of the PCB set as part of clinical routine. This observational study included all women participating in the clinical project. PROMs and PREMs were assessed with questionnaires at 5 time points: 2 during pregnancy and 3 post partum. Clinical threshold values (alerts) supported care professionals interpreting the answers, indicating possibly alarming outcomes per domain. Data collection took place from February 2020 to September 2021. Data analysis included missing (pattern) analysis, sum scores, alert rates, and sensitivity analysis. Results: In total, 1923 questionnaires were collected across the 5 time points: 816 (42.43%) at T1 (first trimester), 793 (41.23%) at T2 (early third trimester), 125 (6.5%) at T3 (maternity week), 170 (8.84%) at T4 (6 weeks post partum), and 19 (1%) at T5 (6 months post partum). Of these, 84% (1615/1923) were filled out completely. Missing items per domain ranged from 0% to 13%, with the highest missing rates for depression, pain with intercourse, and experience with pain relief at birth. No notable missing patterns were found. For the PROM domains, relatively high alert rates were found both in pregnancy and post partum for incontinence (469/1798, 26.08%), pain with intercourse (229/1005, 22.79%), breastfeeding self-efficacy (175/765, 22.88%), and mother-child bonding (122/288, 42.36%). Regarding the PREM domains, the highest alert rates were found for birth experience (37/170, 21.76%), shared decision-making (101/982, 10.29%), and discussing pain relief ante partum (310/793, 39.09%). Some domains showed very little clinical variation; for example, role of the mother and satisfaction with care. Conclusions: The PCB set is a useful tool to assess patient-reported outcomes and experiences that need to be addressed over the whole course of pregnancy and childbirth. Our results provide opportunities to improve and personalize perinatal care. Furthermore, we could propose several recommendations regarding methods and timeline of measurements based on our findings. This study supports the implementation of the PCB set in clinical practice, thereby advancing the transformation toward patient-centered, value-based health care for pregnancy and childbirth