759 research outputs found
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Cost thresholds for dynamic resource location
AbstractThe traditional dynamic resource location problem attempts to minimize the cost of servicing a number of sequential requests, given foreknowledge of a limited number of requests. One artificial constraint of this problem is the presumption that resource relocation and remote servicing of requests have identical costs. Parameterizing the ratio of relocation cost to service cost leads to two extreme behaviors in terms of dynamic optimizability. The threshold at which a specific graph transitions between these behaviors reveals certain characteristics of the graph's decomposability into cycles
Datos de gestión, registros quirúrgicos y resultados. ¿Por qué una Base de Datos Española de Cirugía Cardíaca?
El acceso a la información y la difusión de técnicas y resultados es una tendencia creciente, y la cirugía cardíaca no es ajena a ello. Por ello, la medición y el análisis de resultados y otros aspectos que conciernen al desempeño de nuestra especialidad deben ser hechos por los cirujanos antes de que gestores o la Administración pública lo hagan con datos y parámetros que en ocasiones se alejan de nuestra realidad. La valoración de la mortalidad hospitalaria y el cálculo preciso del riesgo individualizado son puntos de partida en ese análisis.La convergencia hacia Europa y el hecho de que la cirugía cardíaca sea un objetivo atractivo para los departamentos de Salud Pública implicados en programas de calidad asistencial movió a la Asociación Europea de Cirugía Cardiotorácica (EACTS) a impulsar una base de datos sólida de cirugía cardíaca de adultos; la coordinación depende de los cirujanos y la recogida de datos se hace de forma unificada a través de las sociedades nacionales implicadas, elaborándose anualmente informes detallados.La existencia de esa base de datos europea es una referencia para un proyecto nacional que unifique esfuerzos e información, por lo que la SECTCV acordó la participación oficial española en el «registro» europeo, dando lugar a una iniciativa que pretende consolidar una base de datos que abarque, intervención a intervención, toda la cirugía cardíaca del país, la Base de Datos EspañolaThe access to information and expansion of techniques are a growing tendency that also involves cardiac surgery. The measurement and analysis of outcomes and other aspects concerning to the performance of our specialty should be made by the heart surgeons instead of the public Administration, which uses some inaccurate parameters. Hospital mortality and the precise assessment of the individual risk are starting points.The convergence in Europe and cardiac surgery as an attractive target for Public Health departments wishing to embark on programs of quality of care provoked the European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS) to promote a robust database of adult cardiac surgery; the co-ordination depends on the surgical community and the collection of data is made in a unified approach through the implied national societies. Annual reports will be produced.This European database is a starting point and the reference for a national project that unifies efforts and information expanding our presence and respect in Europe. The SECTCV supported the Spanish official participation in the European “registry” with an ambitious initiative: to consolidate the Spanish Cardiac Surgical Database (BDECC) including, case by case, the whole heart surgery in our country
Sant Martí en xifres
Guies estadístiques. Aquesta col·lecció continua a la web del Departament d'Estadístic
Approximation properties of Gamma operators
AbstractIn this paper the approximation properties of Gamma operators Gn are studied to the locally bounded functions and the absolutely continuous functions, respectively. Firstly, in Section 2 of the paper a quantitative form of the central limit theorem in probability theory is used to derive an asymptotic formula on approximation of Gamma operators Gn for sign function. And then, this asymptotic formula combining with a metric form Ωx(f,λ) is used to derive an asymptotic estimate on the rate of convergence of Gamma operators Gn for the locally bounded functions. Next, in Section 3 of the paper the optimal estimate on the first order absolute moment of the Gamma operators Gn(|t−x|,x) is obtained by direct computations. And then, this estimate and Bojanic–Khan–Cheng's method combining with analysis techniques are used to derive an asymptotically optimal estimate on the rate of convergence of Gamma operators Gn for the absolutely continuous functions
Journal of Meridian and Acupoint
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Barcelona en xifres
Guies estadístiques. Aquesta col·lecció continua a la web del Departament d'Estadístic
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