649 research outputs found

    Od političkog kapitalizma do klijentelističkog kapitalizma? Slučaj Hrvatske

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    The paper analyses the typology of capitalism in Croatia. The Croatian form of capitalism is specific, in form and origin, with links between the pre-independence and post-independence periods, implying that capitalism has gradually evolved – from the political during the eighties towards current clientelistic capitalism. The manufacturing focus aims to facilitate the analysis of institutional, political and economic changes over the past forty years, emphasising the implications of institutional changes which have to a great extent, apart from the war of course, influenced the evolution of capitalism. The paper finds that the transition generated a number of costs, mainly generated by the state (fall in employment, manufacturing and social capital). The claim that the manufacturing industry has inherited low competitiveness neglects the necessary discussion on the role of the state in the formation of industrial policy and market actions. It is also an ex post argument for the claim that restructuring should have been implemented prior to privatisation as this would reduce negative impacts. Institutional changes led to a drastic reduction of the role of the manufacturing sector in the economy. The main finding in this paper is that the change in the interaction between the financial and the real sectors of the economy, the educational system and industrial relations system exposed the vulnerability of the current institutional environment. Despite similarities, institutional advantages of political capitalism are lost in the new type of Croatian capitalism, due to the complexity of the double transition process and the institutional or socio-economic particularities.Cilj je istraživanja analiza tipologije kapitalizma u Republici Hrvatskoj. Hrvatski je oblik kapitalizma specifičan, u formi i nastajanju, te postoje poveznice između perioda bivše države i Republike Hrvatske zbog kojih možemo govoriti o postupnom procesu evolucije kapitalizma, iz političkog tijekom osamdesetih godina prema kapitalizmu s klijentelističkim karakteristikama – kakvog uočavamo danas. Izdvojena je prerađivačka industrija kao ogledan primjer kroz kojeg se mogu bolje sagledati institucionalne, političke i ekonomske promjene tijekom posljednjih 40-ak godina. Pritom je naglasak na implikacijama institucionalnih promjena koje su, osim dakako učinka Domovinskog rata, u velikoj mjeri utjecale na proces evolucije kapitalizma u Republici Hrvatskoj. Glavni rezultat istraživanja je kako je tranzicija generirala niz troškova, najveći dio kojih je snosila upravo država, kroz povećanje broja nezaposlenih te smanjenja industrijske proizvodnje i razine socijalnog kapitala. Tvrdnja da prerađivačka industrija nosi breme nekonkurentnosti iz prošlih razdoblja zapravo zanemaruje nužnu raspravu o ulozi države u formiranju industrijske politike i djelovanju na tržištu. Također, to je post festum argument za tvrdnju da je restrukturiranje prerađivačkog sektora trebalo provesti prije privatizacije, jer bi se tako smanjio njezin negativni učinak. Međutim institucionalne su promjene dovele do drastičnog smanjenja uloge prerađivačke industrije u ekonomiji. Temeljni je zaključak rada kako je promjena međuodnosa financijskog i realnog sektora ekonomije, obrazovnog sustava te sustava industrijskih odnosa razotkrila ranjivost sadašnjeg institucionalnog okružja, u koji je uklopljena prerađivačka industrija. Određene institucionalne prednosti političkog kapitalizma gube se u novom tipu hrvatskog kapitalizma, unatoč svim sličnostima. Razlozi leže u složenosti procesa dvostruke »tranzicije« i institucionalnim odnosno socio-ekonomskim specifičnostima

    Development of Student Worksheet Discovery Model Based on Video Logger Pro Analysis to Improve Problem-Solving Skills of Physics Teacher Candidates

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    Students are less active in learning, lack motivation, textbooks are full of mathematical equations without detailed explanations, and use conventional methods. LKS can be used as an alternative medium to improve problem-solving skills. This study aims to develop pro video logger-based worksheets based on the guided discovery that is valid and effective to improve problem-solving for prospective physics teachers. The research method used is ADDIE. The research subjects were 36 mechanical engineering students. The research instrument used was a validation sheet and a test instrument for problem-solving skills. LKS is feasible to use if it is valid in the category of high validity and reliability, there are significant differences in the pretest and posttest, and the increase in problem-solving skills in the medium N-gain test category is minimal. The results showed that the LKS is valid with an average validity of 0.88 with a high validity category, the value of R = 0.752 > 0.70 means reliable, the Wilcoxon equation. Sig. = 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there is a significant difference pretest and posttest, and the average N-gain = 0.64 in the medium category, minimum and maximum N-gain = 0.087 and 0.640Siswa kurang aktif dalam belajar, kurang motivasi, buku teks penuh dengan persamaan matematika tanpa penjelasan detail, dan menggunakan metode konvensional. LKS dapat digunakan sebagai media alternatif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan lembar kerja pro video logger berbasis penemuan terbimbing yang valid dan efektif untuk meningkatkan pemecahan masalah bagi calon guru fisika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah ADDIE. Subyek penelitian adalah 36 mahasiswa teknik mesin. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi dan instrumen tes keterampilan pemecahan masalah. LKS layak digunakan jika valid pada kategori validitas dan reliabilitas tinggi, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada pretest dan posttest, dan peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada kategori tes N-gain sedang minimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKS valid dengan validitas rata-rata 0,88 dengan kategori validitas tinggi, nilai R = 0,752 > 0,70 berarti reliabel, persamaan Wilcoxon. Sig. = 0,000 < 0,05, artinya ada perbedaan yang signifikan pretest dan posttest, dan rata-rata N-gain = 0,64 pada kategori sedang, N-gain minimum dan maksimum = 0,087 dan 0,64


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    ABSTRAKTarian okomama merupakan tarian dari suku Amanuban untuk penerimaan tamu. Tarian ini hanya dilatihkan kepada siswa di sekolah dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Akan tetapi, belum adanya kajian etnofisika dalam gerak tarian okomama. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis konsep fisika dalam gerak tarian okomama. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif pendekatan etnofisika. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data melalui tahap reduksi, interpretasi dan verifikasi data. Validasi data dilakukan dengan teknik triangulasi sumber data dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep fisika dalam gerak tarian okmama adalah konsep perubahan energi potensial okomama sesuai gerak penari pada fase gerak awal masuk, fase gerak persiapan dan fase gerak penyerahan okomama. Materi fisika SMA yang dapat dikaitkan dengan tarian okomama adalah konsep perubahan energi potensial dan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan demikian, kajian konsep fisika dalam tarian okomama dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar fisika. Kata kunci: tarian okomama; energi potensial; etnofisika; etonsains. ABSTRACTThe okomama dance is a dance from the Amanuban tribe for receiving guests. This dance is only taught to students at school in extracurricular activities. However, there has been no ethnophysics study on the okomama dance movement. The purpose of this research is to analyze the concept of physics in the okomama dance moves. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with an ethnophysics approach. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques through the stages of data reduction, interpretation, and verification. Data validation was carried out using data source triangulation techniques and literature studies. The results showed that the concept of physics in the motion of the okomama dance is the concept of changing the potential energy of the okomama according to the movement of the dancers in the initial entry phase, the preparatory phase, and the delivery phase of the okomama. High school physics material that can be related to the okomama dance is the concept of potential energy change and its application in everyday life. Thus, the study of physics concepts in the okomama dance can be used as a source of learning physics. Keywords: okomama dance; potential energy; etnophysics; etnoscience

    Consumer responses to brands placed in YouTube movies: the effect of prominence and endorser expertise

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    Despite the vast growth of web 2.0., academic research has not kept pace with the development of advertising techniques for user-generated content. The present study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to investigate the effects of brand placement techniques in user-generated content. Using a 2x2 full-factorial between-subjects design with self-produced videos posted on a major social media platform (YouTube), we investigate the effects of prominence (how conspicuously the brand is used or mentioned), celebrity endorser expertise (celebrity expert versus amateur) and their interaction on brand recognition and purchase intention of brands that appear in the video. While the prominence of one brand was manipulated, we also tested the effects on both the manipulated brand and the other brands that subtly appeared in the video. We further study the moderating role of video liking on these relationships using associative network theory and the Persuasion Knowledge Model. The results indicate a strong positive effect of brand placement prominence on brand recognition of both the manipulated brand and a subtly placed complementary brand (a brand that is explicitly used together with the manipulated brand). A prominent endorsement by a celebrity expert enhances the purchase intention of the focal brand compared to a subtle endorsement. This effect is stronger for viewers who strongly liked the video than for viewers who liked the video less. Although our study is limited to only one platform and content type, our results are of importance to practitioners who are interested in integrating their brands in online content. The study aims to advance both the theoretical and practical knowledge of brand placement effects by studying the effects of different placement characteristics and brands in a user-generated content setting

    Analysis of Amanuban Feuk Bia Harmonic Series for Open Organ Pipe

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    The study has been conduucted analyze Amanuban feuk bia hrmonic series an experiment toward two open organ pipe. The method used is experimental. The result showed that there was compatibility between the series of Amanuban feuk bia harmonic with the theory of two open organ pipe harmonic series. The value of speed sound in the air was 310,8 m/s different from the value of theory which was 8,8%. The tone frequency was apparently up-side down with the harmonic series. It is suggested that the musical instrument (feuk bia harmonic) can be used to do an experiment on two point of open organ pipe. Keywords: organ pipe, speed, sound audacit

    Children's responses to traditional versus hybrid advertising formats

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    Research on the impact of advertising on children has failed to keep pace with the rapidly changing media environment. Using an experimental approach, children’s responses towards traditional (television advertisement) versus new, hybrid advertising techniques (trailer, advergame, and their combination), and the moderating role of persuasion knowledge, are investigated. Results show that children who played an advergame have more difficulty recalling the advertised brand than children who saw a traditional television advertisement. When confronted with integrated marketing communications (a trailer followed by an advergame), children without knowledge of persuasive intent developed a more positive brand attitude than children with persuasion knowledge. The implications of these results are discussed