76 research outputs found

    In Vitro versus in Mice: Efficacy and Safety of Decoquinate and Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Experimental Infection with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites.

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    The effects of decoquinate (DCQ) and three O-quinoline-carbamate-derivatives were investigated using human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. These compounds exhibited half-maximal proliferation inhibition (IC50s) from 1.7 (RMB060) to 60 nM (RMB055). Conversely, when applied at 5 (DCQ, RMB054) or 10µM (RMB055, RMB060), HFF viability was not affected. Treatments of infected cell cultures at 0.5µM altered the ultrastructure of the parasite mitochondrion and cytoplasm within 24 h, most pronounced for RMB060, and DCQ, RMB054 and RMB060 did not impair the viability of splenocytes from naïve mice. Long-term treatments of N. caninum-infected HFF monolayers with 0.5µM of each compound showed that only exposure to RMB060 over a period of six consecutive days had a parasiticidal effect, while the other compounds were not able to kill all tachyzoites in vitro. Thus, DCQ and RMB060 were comparatively assessed in the pregnant neosporosis mouse model. The oral application of these compounds suspended in corn oil at 10 mg/kg/day for 5 d resulted in a decreased fertility rate and litter size in the DCQ group, whereas reproductive parameters were not altered by RMB060 treatment. However, both compounds failed to protect mice from cerebral infection and did not prevent vertical transmission/pup mortality. Thus, despite the promising in vitro efficacy and safety characteristics of DCQ and DCQ-derivatives, proof of concept for activity against neosporosis could not be demonstrated in the murine model

    Vaccine-Linked Chemotherapy Approach: Additive Effects of Combining the Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 With the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 Against Neospora caninum Infection in Mice.

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    The apicomplexan parasite Neospora (N.) caninum causes neosporosis in numerous host species. There is no marketed vaccine and no licensed drug for the prevention and/or treatment of neosporosis. Vaccine development against this parasite has encountered significant obstacles, probably due to pregnancy-induced immunomodulation hampering efficacy, which has stimulated the search for potential drug therapies that could be applied to limit the effects of neosporosis in dams as well as in offspring. We here investigated, in a pregnant neosporosis mouse model, the safety and efficacy of a combined vaccination-drug treatment approach. Mice were vaccinated intramuscularly with 1 × 107 CFU of our recently generated Listeria (L.) monocytogenes vaccine vector expressing the major N. caninum tachyzoite surface antigen NcSAG1 (Lm3Dx_SAG1). Following mating and experimental subcutaneous infection with 1 × 105 N. caninum (NcSpain-7) tachyzoites on day 7 of pregnancy, drug treatments were initiated using the bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 at 20 mg/kg/day for 5 days. In parallel, other experimental groups were either just vaccinated or only treated. Dams and offspring were followed-up until day 25 post-partum, after which all mice were euthanized. None of the treatments induced adverse effects and neither of the treatments affected fertility or litter sizes. Cerebral infection in dams as assessed by real-time PCR was significantly reduced in the vaccinated and BKI-1748 treated groups, but was not reduced significantly in the group receiving the combination. However, in non-pregnant mice, all three treatment groups exhibited significantly reduced parasite burdens. Both, vaccination as well BKI-1748 as single treatment increased pup survival to 44 and 48%, respectively, while the combination treatment led to survival of 86% of all pups. Vertical transmission in the combination group was 23% compared to 46 and 50% in the groups receiving only BKI-treatment or the vaccine, respectively. In the dams, IgG titers were significantly reduced in all treatment groups compared to the untreated control, while in non-pregnant mice, IgG titers were reduced only in the group receiving the vaccine. Overall, vaccine-linked chemotherapy was more efficacious than vaccination or drug treatment alone and should be considered for further evaluation in a more relevant experimental model

    Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin.

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    Leucinostatins are antimicrobial peptides with a broad range of activities against infectious agents as well as mammalian cells. The leucinostatin-derivative peptide ZHAWOC_6027 (peptide 6027) was tested in vitro and in vivo for activity against the intracellular apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. While highly efficacious in vitro (EC50 = 2 nM), subcutaneous application of peptide 6027 (3 mg/kg/day for 5 days) in mice experimentally infected with T. gondii oocysts exacerbated the infection, caused mild clinical signs and elevated cerebral parasite load. Peptide 6027 also impaired the proliferation and viability of mouse splenocytes, most notably LPS-stimulated B cells, in vitro. To identify common potential targets in Toxoplasma and murine splenocytes, we performed differential affinity chromatography (DAC) with cell-free extracts from T. gondii tachyzoites and mouse spleens using peptide 6027 or an ineffective analogue (peptide 21,358) coupled to N-hydroxy-succinimide sepharose, followed by mass spectrometry. Proteins specifically binding to peptide 6027 were identified in eluates from the peptide 6027 column but not in peptide 21,358 nor the mock column eluates. In T. gondii eluates, 269 proteins binding specifically to peptide 6027 were identified, while in eluates from mouse spleen extracts 645 proteins specifically binding to this peptide were detected. Both datasets contained proteins involved in mitochondrial energy metabolism and in protein processing and secretion. These results suggest that peptide 6027 interacts with common targets in eukaryotes involved in essential pathways. Since this methodology can be applied to various compounds as well as target cell lines or organs, DAC combined with mass spectrometry and proteomic analysis should be considered a smart and 3R-relevant way to identify drug targets in pathogens and hosts, thereby eliminating compounds with potential side effects before performing tedious and costly safety and efficacy assessments in animals or humans

    The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy.

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    Exposure of Neospora caninum tachyzoites to BKI-1294 in vitro results in the formation of long-lived multinucleated complexes (MNCs). However, in vivo treatment of BALB/c mice with BKI-1294 shortly after N. caninum infection during pregnancy was safe and profoundly reduced pup mortality and vertical transmission. We hypothesized that the formation of MNCs could trigger immune responses that contribute to BKI efficacy in vivo. In this study, mice were first vaccinated with a sublethal dose of N. caninum tachyzoites and were treated with BKI-1294. We then investigated the effects of these treatments after mating and re-infection during pregnancy. Effects on fertility, pup survival, vertical transmission, and parasite load in dams were evaluated. Cytokines in sera or splenocyte culture supernatants were assessed by either ELISA or the Luminex™ 200 system, and humoral immune responses against tachyzoite and MNC antigens were compared by ELISA, Western blotting and immunoproteomics. Our results showed that BKI-1294 treatment of live-vaccinated mice reduced the cerebral parasite load in the dams, but resulted in higher neonatal pup mortality and vertical transmission. In live-vaccinated mice, cytokine levels, most notably IFN-y, IL-10, and IL-12, were consistently lower in BKI-1294 treated animals compared to non-treated mice. In addition, comparative Western blotting identified two protein bands in MNC extracts that were only recognized by sera of live-vaccinated mice treated with BKI-1294, and were not found in tachyzoite extracts. We conclude that treatment of live-vaccinated mice with BKI-1294 influenced the cellular and humoral immune responses against infection, affected the safety of the live-vaccine, and decreased protection against re-infection and vertical transmission during pregnancy

    In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii.

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    Organometallic compounds, including Ruthenium complexes, have been widely developed as anti-cancer chemotherapeutics, but have also attracted much interest as potential anti-parasitic drugs. Recently hybrid drugs composed of organometallic Ruthenium moieties that were complexed to different antimicrobial agents were synthesized. One of these compounds, a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex (RU) conjugated to sulfadoxine (SDX), inhibited proliferation of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites grown in human foreskin fibroblast (HFF) monolayers with an IC50 < 150 nM, while SDX and the non-modified RU complex applied either individually or as an equimolar mixture were much less potent. In addition, conjugation of SDX to RU lead to decreased HFF cytotoxicity. RU-SDX did not impair the in vitro proliferation of murine splenocytes at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 μM but had an impact at 2 μM, and induced zebrafish embryotoxicity at 20 μM, but not at 2 or 0.2 μM. RU-SDX acted parasitostatic but not parasiticidal, and induced transient ultrastructural changes in the mitochondrial matrix of tachyzoites early during treatment. While other compounds that target the mitochondrion such as the uncouplers FCCP and CCCP and another trithiolato-Ruthenium complex conjugated to adenine affected the mitochondrial membrane potential, no such effect was detected for RU-SDX. Evaluation of the in vivo efficacy of RU-SDX in a murine T. gondii oocyst infection model comprised of non-pregnant outbred CD1 mice showed no effects on the cerebral parasite burden, but reduced parasite load in the eyes and in heart tissue

    Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio.

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    Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite closely related to Toxoplasma gondii, and causes abortions, stillbirths and/or fetal malformations in livestock. Target-based drug development has led to the synthesis of calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 inhibitors, collectively named bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs). Previous studies have shown that several BKIs have excellent efficacy against neosporosis in vitro and in vivo. However, several members of this class of compounds impair fertility in pregnant mouse models and cause embryonic malformation in a zebrafish (Danio rerio) model. Similar to the first-generation antiprotozoal drug quinine, some BKIs have a quinoline core structure. To identify common targets in both organisms, we performed differential affinity chromatography with cell-free extracts from N. caninum tachyzoites and D. rerio embryos using the 5-aminopyrazole-4-carboxamide (AC) compound BKI-1748 and quinine columns coupled to epoxy-activated sepharose followed by mass spectrometry. BKI-binding proteins of interest were identified in eluates from columns coupled to BKI-1748, or in eluates from BKI-1748 as well as quinine columns. In N. caninum, 12 proteins were bound specifically to BKI-1748 alone, and 105 proteins, including NcCDPK1, were bound to both BKI-1748 and quinine. For D. rerio, the corresponding numbers were 13 and 98 binding proteins, respectively. In both organisms, a majority of BKI-1748 binding proteins was involved in RNA binding and modification, in particular, splicing. Moreover, both datasets contained proteins involved in DNA binding or modification and key steps of intermediate metabolism. These results suggest that BKI-1748 interacts with not only specific targets in apicomplexans, such as CDPK1, but also with targets in other eukaryotes, which are involved in common, essential pathways

    Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo.

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    The apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum is an important causative agent of congenital neosporosis, resulting in abortion, birth of weak offspring and neuromuscular disorders in cattle, sheep, and many other species. Among several compound classes that are currently being developed, two have been reported to limit the effects of congenital neosporosis: (i) bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs) target calcium dependent protein kinase 1 (CDPK1), an enzyme that is encoded by an apicoplast-derived gene and found only in apicomplexans and plants. CDPK1 is essential for host cell invasion and egress; (ii) endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) are inhibitors of the cytochrome bc1 complex of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and thus inhibit oxidative phosphorylation. We here report on the in vitro and in vivo activities of BKI-1748, and of ELQ-316 and its respective prodrugs ELQ-334 and ELQ-422, applied either as single-compounds or ELQ-BKI-combinations. In vitro, BKI-1748 and ELQ-316, as well as BKI-1748 and ELQ-334, acted synergistically, while this was not observed for the BKI-1748/ELQ-422 combination treatment. In a N. caninum-infected pregnant BALB/c mouse model, the synergistic effects observed in vitro were not entirely reproduced, but 100% postnatal survival and 100% inhibition of vertical transmission was noted in the group treated with the BKI-1748/ELQ-334 combination. In addition, the combined drug applications resulted in lower neonatal mortality compared to treatments with single drugs

    Epigenome Microarray Platform for Proteome-Wide Dissection of Chromatin-Signaling Networks

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    Knowledge of protein domains that function as the biological effectors for diverse post-translational modifications of histones is critical for understanding how nuclear and epigenetic programs are established. Indeed, mutations of chromatin effector domains found within several proteins are associated with multiple human pathologies, including cancer and immunodeficiency syndromes. To date, relatively few effector domains have been identified in comparison to the number of modifications present on histone and non-histone proteins. Here we describe the generation and application of human modified peptide microarrays as a platform for high-throughput discovery of chromatin effectors and for epitope-specificity analysis of antibodies commonly utilized in chromatin research. Screening with a library containing a majority of the Royal Family domains present in the human proteome led to the discovery of TDRD7, JMJ2C, and MPP8 as three new modified histone-binding proteins. Thus, we propose that peptide microarray methodologies are a powerful new tool for elucidating molecular interactions at chromatin

    Proteomic Interrogation of Human Chromatin

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    Chromatin proteins provide a scaffold for DNA packaging and a basis for epigenetic regulation and genomic maintenance. Despite understanding its functional roles, mapping the chromatin proteome (i.e. the “Chromatome”) is still a continuing process. Here, we assess the biological specificity and proteomic extent of three distinct chromatin preparations by identifying proteins in selected chromatin-enriched fractions using mass spectrometry-based proteomics. These experiments allowed us to produce a chromatin catalog, including several proteins ranging from highly abundant histone proteins to less abundant members of different chromatin machinery complexes. Using a Normalized Spectral Abundance Factor approach, we quantified relative abundances of the proteins across the chromatin enriched fractions giving a glimpse into their chromosomal abundance. The large-scale data sets also allowed for the discovery of a variety of novel post-translational modifications on the identified chromatin proteins. With these comparisons, we find one of the probed methods to be qualitatively superior in specificity for chromatin proteins, but inferior in proteomic extent, evidencing a compromise that must be made between biological specificity and broadness of characterization. Additionally, we attempt to identify proteins in eu- and heterochromatin, verifying the enrichments by characterizing the post-translational modifications detected on histone proteins from these chromatin regions. In summary, our results provide insights into the value of different methods to extract chromatin-associated proteins and provide starting points to study the factors that may be involved in directing gene expression and other chromatin-related processes