27 research outputs found

    Lands Under State Cultivation Under the T'Ang

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    The Cambridge history of China. Vol 3, Sui and T'ang China, 589-906, Part I

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    xx, 850p. ; 24 c

    The Inner Quarters: Marriage and Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period. By Patricia Buckley Ebrey. [Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. xviii + 332 pp. Hard cover 45.00,ISBN0520081560;paperback45.00, ISBN 0-520-08156-0; paperback 16.00, ISBN 0-520-08158-7.] - Religion and Society in Tang and Sung China. Edited by Buckley Ebrey Patricia and Peter N. Gregory. [Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993 xv + 379 pp. 35.00.ISBN0824815122.]OrderingtheWorld:ApproachestoStateandSocietyinSungDynastyChina.EditedbyRobertP.HymesandSchirokauerConrad.[Berkeley:UniversityofCaliforniaPress,1993.437pp.£50.00.ISBN0520076915.]ThisCultureofOurs:IntellectualTransitionsinTangandSungChina.ByPeterK.Bol.[Stanford:StanfordUniversityPress,1992.432pp.35.00. ISBN 0-8248-1512-2.] - Ordering the World: Approaches to State and Society in Sung Dynasty China. Edited by Robert P. Hymes and Schirokauer Conrad. [Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. 437 pp. £50.00. ISBN 0-520-07691-5.] - This Culture of Ours: Intellectual Transitions in T'ang and Sung China. By Peter K. Bol. [Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992. 432 pp. 49.50. ISBN 0-8047-1920-9.] - Liu Ts'ung-yüan and Intellectual Change in T'ang China, 773–819. By Jo-Shui Chen. [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xii + 221 pp. £40.00, $54.95. ISBN 0-521-41964-6.]

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    Chinese Studies in Britain: a Review Article

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