7 research outputs found

    Synthesis-Analysis of the Use of Cavitation Technologies

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    Анализ литературных источников в области использования кавитационных технологий показал, что эффекты кавитации используются в широком спектре промышленных технологий. В данной работе приведены основные результаты работ по кавитационной обработке различных жидких композиций, многокомпонентных сред в последние десятилетия. Представленный обзор позволяет сделать вывод об актуальности использования кавитационных технологий в различных областях техники и технологии для решения важных практических задач и, как следствие, необходимости их всестороннего изученияAn analysis of literature sources in the field of the use of cavitation technologies has shown that the effects of cavitation are used in a wide range of industrial technologies. This paper presents the main results of work on the cavitation treatment of various liquid compositions, multicomponent media in recent decades. The presented review allows us to conclude that the use of cavitation technologies in various fields of engineering and technology is relevant for solving important practical problems and, as a result, the need for their comprehensive stud

    Methods and Means of Determination Dynamic Strength of Water

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    В настоящей работе представлены результаты исследований с целью определения кавитационной прочности воды. Предложено использовать изменение зависимости скорости сдвига от сдвигающих напряжений в качестве критерия, позволяющего определить момент перехода от сплошного потока к кавитационному. Для обработки экспериментальных результатов проведены численные расчеты с использованием метода локальной полиномиальной регрессии. Обработка данных методами аппроксимации позволила продемонстрировать, что коэффициент динамической вязкости воды, в области однофазного течения являющийся константой при постоянной температуре, снижается при начале нарушения сплошности потока, т.е. кавитационных процессах в жидкостиThis paper presents the results of studies to determine the cavitation strength of water. It is proposed to use the change in the dependence of the shear rate on shear stresses as a criterion for determining the moment of transition from a continuous flow to a cavitation one. To process the experimental results, numerical calculations were carried out using the method of local polynomial regression. Data processing by approximation methods made it possible to demonstrate that the coefficient of dynamic viscosity of water, which is a constant at a constant temperature in the region of a single-phase flow, decreases at the onset of flow discontinuity, i.e., cavitation processes in the liqui

    Arylamine Analogs of Methylene Blue: Substituent Effect on Aggregation Behavior and DNA Binding

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    The synthesis of new phenothiazine derivatives, analogs of Methylene Blue, is of particular interest in the design of new drugs, as well as in the development of a new generation of agents for photodynamic therapy. In this study, two new derivatives of phenothiazine, i.e., 3,7-bis(4-aminophenylamino)phenothiazin-5-ium chloride dihydrochloride (PTZ1) and 3,7-bis(4-sulfophenylamino)phenothiazin-5-ium chloride (PTZ2), are synthesized for the first time and characterized by NMR, IR spectroscopy, HRMS and elemental analysis. The interaction of the obtained compounds PTZ1 and PTZ2 with salmon sperm DNA is investigated. It is shown by UV-Vis spectroscopy and DFT calculations that substituents in arylamine fragments play a crucial role in dimer formation and interaction with DNA. In the case of PTZ1, two amine groups promote H-aggregate formation and DNA interactions through groove binding and intercalation. In the case of PTZ2, sulfanilic acid fragments prevent any dimer formation and DNA binding due to electrostatic repulsion. DNA interaction mechanisms are studied and confirmed by UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy in comparison with Methylene Blue. The obtained results open significant opportunities for the development of new drugs and photodynamic agents

    Catechol-Containing Schiff Bases on Thiacalixarene: Synthesis, Copper (II) Recognition, and Formation of Organic-Inorganic Copper-Based Materials

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    For the first time, a series of catechol-containing Schiff bases, tetrasubstituted at the lower rim thiacalix[4]arene derivatives in three stereoisomeric forms, cone, partial cone, and 1,3-alternate, were synthesized. The structure of the obtained compounds was proved by modern physical methods, such as NMR, IR spectroscopy, and HRMS. Selective recognition (Kb difference by three orders of magnitude) of copper (II) cation in the series of d-metal cations (Cu2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Zn2+) was shown by UV-vis spectroscopy. Copper (II) ions are coordinated at the nitrogen atom of the imine group and the nearest oxygen atom of the catechol fragment in the thiacalixarene derivatives. High thermal stable organic-inorganic copper-based materials were obtained on the base of 1,3-alternate + Cu (II) complexes

    Supramolecular Amphiphiles Based on Pillar[5]arene and Meroterpenoids: Synthesis, Self-Association and Interaction with Floxuridine

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    In recent years, meroterpenoids have found wide biomedical application due to their synthetic availability, low toxicity, and biocompatibility. However, these compounds are not used in targeted drug delivery systems due to their high affinity for cell membranes, both healthy and in cancer cells. Using the approach of creating supramolecular amphiphiles, we have developed self-assembling systems based on water-soluble pillar[5]arene and synthetic meroterpenoids containing geraniol, myrtenol, farnesol, and phytol fragments. The resulting systems can be used as universal drug delivery systems. It was shown by turbidimetry that the obtained pillar[5]arene/synthetic meroterpenoid systems do not interact with the model cell membrane at pH = 7.4, but the associates are destroyed at pH = 4.1. In this case, the synthetic meroterpenoid is incorporated into the lipid bilayer of the model membrane. The characteristics of supramolecular self-assembly, association constants and stoichiometry of the most stable pillar[5]arene/synthetic meroterpenoid complexes were established by UV-vis spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering (DLS). It was shown that supramolecular amphiphiles based on pillar[5]arene/synthetic meroterpenoid systems form monodisperse associates in a wide range of concentrations. The inclusion of the antitumor drug 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine (floxuridine) into the structure of the supramolecular associate was demonstrated by DLS, 19F, 2D DOSY NMR spectroscopy

    Novel Bis-Ammonium Salts of Pyridoxine: Synthesis and Antimicrobial Properties

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    A series of 108 novel quaternary bis-ammonium pyridoxine derivatives carrying various substituents at the quaternary nitrogen’s and acetal carbon was synthesized. Thirteen compounds exhibited antibacterial and antifungal activity (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 0.25–16 µg/mL) comparable or superior than miramistin, benzalkonium chloride, and chlorhexidine. A strong correlation between the lipophilicity and antibacterial activity was found. The most active compounds had logP values in the range of 1–3, while compounds with logP > 6 and logP < 0 were almost inactive. All active compounds demonstrated cytotoxicity comparable with miramistin and chlorhexidine on HEK-293 cells and were three-fold less toxic when compared to benzalkonium chloride. The antibacterial activity of leading compound 5c12 on biofilm-embedded Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa was comparable or even higher than that of the benzalkonium chloride. In vivo 5c12 was considerably less toxic (LD50 1705 mg/kg) than benzalkonium chloride, miramistine, and chlorhexidine at oral administration on CD-1 mice. An aqueous solution of 5c12 (0.2%) was shown to be comparable to reference drugs efficiency on the rat’s skin model. The molecular target of 5c12 seems to be a cellular membrane as other quaternary ammonium salts. The obtained results make the described quaternary bis-ammonium pyridoxine derivatives promising and lead molecules in the development of the new antiseptics with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity