79 research outputs found

    Approximation of quasi-stationary distributions for 1-dimensional killed diffusions with unbounded drifts

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    The long time behavior of an absorbed Markov process is well described by the limiting distribution of the process conditioned to not be killed when it is observed. Our aim is to give an approximation's method of this limit, when the process is a 1-dimensional It\^o diffusion whose drift is allowed to explode at the boundary. In a first step, we show how to restrict the study to the case of a diffusion with values in a bounded interval and whose drift is bounded. In a second step, we show an approximation method of the limiting conditional distribution of such diffusions, based on a Fleming-Viot type interacting particle system. We end the paper with two numerical applications : to the logistic Feller diffusion and to the Wright-Fisher diffusion with values in ]0,1[]0,1[ conditioned to be killed at 0

    Uniform tightness for time-inhomogeneous particle systems and for conditional distributions of time-inhomogeneous diffusion processes

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    In this article, we consider time-inhomogeneous diffusive particle systems, whose particles jump from the boundary of a bounded open subset of Rd\R^d, d≥1d\geq 1. We give a sufficient criterion for the family of empirical distributions of such systems to be uniformly tight, independently of the jump location of the particles. As an application, we show that the conditional distribution of a family of time-inhomogeneous and environment-dependent diffusions conditioned not to hit the boundary of a bounded open subset of Rd\R^d is uniformly tight.Comment: 20 page

    Minimal quasi-stationary distribution approximation for a birth and death process

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    In a first part, we prove a Lyapunov-type criterion for the ξ_1\xi\_1-positive recurrence of absorbed birth and death processes and provide new results on the domain of attraction of the minimal quasi-stationary distribution. In a second part, we study the ergodicity and the convergence of a Fleming-Viot type particle system whose particles evolve independently as a birth and death process and jump on each others when they hit 00. Our main result is that the sequence of empirical stationary distributions of the particle system converges to the minimal quasi-stationary distribution of the birth and death process.Comment: The new version provides an original Lyapunov-type criterion for the ξ_1\xi\_1-positive recurrence of a birth and death process. An original result on the domain of attraction of the minimal quasi-stationary distribution of a birth and death processes is also included. (26 pages

    Interacting particle systems and Yaglom limit approximation of diffusions with unbounded drift

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    We study the existence and the exponential ergodicity of a general interacting particle system, whose components are driven by independent diffusion processes with values in an open subset of \mathds{R}^d, d≥1d\geq 1. The interaction occurs when a particle hits the boundary: it jumps to a position chosen with respect to a probability measure depending on the position of the whole system. Then we study the behavior of such a system when the number of particles goes to infinity. This leads us to an approximation method for the Yaglom limit of multi-dimensional diffusion processes with unbounded drift defined on an unbounded open set. While most of known results on such limits are obtained by spectral theory arguments and are concerned with existence and uniqueness problems, our approximation method allows us to get numerical values of quasi-stationary distributions, which find applications to many disciplines. We end the paper with numerical illustrations of our approximation method for stochastic processes related to biological population models

    General approximation method for the distribution of Markov processes conditioned not to be killed

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    We consider a strong Markov process with killing and prove an approximation method for the distribution of the process conditioned not to be killed when it is observed. The method is based on a Fleming-Viot type particle system with rebirths, whose particles evolve as independent copies of the original strong Markov process and jump onto each others instead of being killed. Our only assumption is that the number of rebirths of the Fleming-Viot type system doesn't explode in finite time almost surely and that the survival probability of the original process remains positive in finite time. The approximation method generalizes previous results and comes with a speed of convergence. A criterion for the non-explosion of the number of rebirths is also provided for general systems of time and environment dependent diffusion particles. This includes, but is not limited to, the case of the Fleming-Viot type system of the approximation method. The proof of the non-explosion criterion uses an original non-attainability of (0,0)(0,0) result for pair of non-negative semi-martingales with positive jumps.Comment: 33 pages, additional correction

    Quasi-stationary distribution for multi-dimensional birth and death processes conditioned to survival of all coordinates

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    This article studies the quasi-stationary behaviour of multidimensional birth and death processes, modeling the interaction between several species, absorbed when one of the coordinates hits 0. We study models where the absorption rate is not uniformly bounded, contrary to most of the previous works. To handle this natural situation, we develop original Lyapunov function arguments that might apply in other situations with unbounded killing rates. We obtain the exponential convergence in total variation of the conditional distributions to a unique stationary distribution, uniformly with respect to the initial distribution. Our results cover general birth and death models with stronger intra-specific than inter-specific competition, and cases with neutral competition with explicit conditions on the dimension of the process.Comment: 18 page
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