257 research outputs found

    Integrated canopy, building energy and radiosity model for 3D urban design

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    We present an integrated, three dimensional, model of urban canopy, building energy and radiosity, for early stage urban designs and test it on four urban morphologies. All sub-models share a common descriptions of the urban morphology, similar to 3D urban design master plans and have simple parameters. The canopy model is a multilayer model, with a new discrete layer approach that does not rely on simplified geometry such as canyon or regular arrays. The building energy model is a simplified RC equivalent model, with no hypotheses on internal zoning or wall composition. We use the CitySim software for the radiosity model. We study the effects of convexity, the number of buildings and building height, at constant density and thermal characteristics. Our results suggest that careful three dimensional morphology design can reduce heat demand by a factor of 2, especially by improving insolation of lower levels. The most energy efficient morphology in our simulations has both the highest surface/volume ratio and the biggest impact on the urban climate

    Robust estimation of fetal heart rate from US Doppler signals

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    International audienceIn utero, Monitoring of fetal wellbeing or suffering is today an open challenge, due to the high number of clinicalparameters to be considered. An automatic monitoring of fetal activity, dedicated for quantifying fetal wellbeing, becomes necessary. For this purpose and in a view to supply an alternative for the Manning test, we used an ultrasound multitransducer muligate Doppler system. One important issue (and first step in our investigation) is the accurate estimation of fetal heart rate (FHR). An estimation of the FHR is obtained by evaluating the autocorrelation function of the Doppler signals for ills and healthiness foetus. However, this estimator is not enough robust since about 20% of FHR are not detected in comparison to a reference system. These non detections are principally due to the fact that the Doppler signal generated by the fetal moving is strongly disturbed by the presence of others several Doppler sources (mother' s moving, pseudo breathing, etc.). By modifying the existing method (autocorrelation method) and by proposing new time and frequency estimators used in the audio' s domain, we reduce to 5% the probability of non-detection of the fetal heart rate. These results are really encouraging and they enable us to plan the use of automatic classification techniques in order to discriminate between healthy and in suffering foetus

    SAPOLL : A cross-border action plan for wild pollinators

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    Wild pollinators in the France-Wallonia-Vlaanderen cross-border zone represent a valuable but highly endangered resource. In order to protect these pollinators, it is essential to set up a cross-border organization that enables coordinated actions and synergies between regions. Indeed, isolated actions on both sides of the border are unlikely to lead to the sustainable management of this indispensable resource. The challenge is huge because wild pollinators, wild bees, syrphs and butterflies, are essential to maintaining agriculture and ecosystems in our regions. In order to meet this challenge, the SAPOLL project initiates the implementation of a cross-border action plan for wild pollinators with the actors from Wallonia, Flanders and northern France. This plan is the initiator of actions in favor of pollinators, bringing the necessary scientific, didactic and applied context to citizens, decision-makers, entrepreneurs or enrionmental managers. It is also adapted to the regional context of each area. The action plan, which is co-built with the partners in the cross-border territory. The SAPOLL project also organizes activities that aim to homogenize and share scientific knowledge, awareness-raising experience and naturalistic competences

    A defective Krab-domain zinc-finger transcription factor contributes to altered myogenesis in myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is an RNA-mediated disorder caused by a non-coding CTG repeat expansion that, in particular, provokes functional alteration of CUG-binding proteins. As a consequence, several genes with misregulated alternative splicing have been linked to clinical symptoms. In our search for additional molecular mechanisms that would trigger functional defects in DM1, we took advantage of mutant gene-carrying human embryonic stem cell lines to identify differentially expressed genes. Among the different genes found to be misregulated by DM1 mutation, one strongly downregulated gene encodes a transcription factor, ZNF37A. In this paper, we show that this defect in expression, which derives from a loss of RNA stability, is controlled by the RNA-binding protein, CUGBP1, and is associated with impaired myogenesis—a functional defect reminiscent of that observed in DM1. Loss of the ZNF37A protein results in changes in the expression of the subunit α1 of the receptor for the interleukin 13. This suggests that the pathological molecular mechanisms linking ZNF37A and myogenesis may involve the signaling pathway that is known to promote myoblast recruitment during development and regeneratio

    The Antitumor Activity of Combinations of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Is Model-Dependent

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    In spite of impressive response rates in multiple cancer types, immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are active in only a minority of patients. Alternative strategies currently aim to combine immunotherapies with conventional agents such as cytotoxic chemotherapies. Here, we performed a study of PD-1 or PDL-1 blockade in combination with reference chemotherapies in four fully immunocompetent mouse models of cancer. We analyzed both the in vivo antitumor response, and the tumor immune infiltrate 4 days after the first treatment. in vivo tumor growth experiments revealed variable responsiveness to ICIs between models. We observed enhanced antitumor effects of the combination of immunotherapy with chemotherapy in the MC38 colon and MB49 bladder models, a lack of response in the 4T1 breast model, and an inhibition of ICIs activity in the MBT-2 bladder model. Flow cytometry analysis of tumor samples showed significant differences in all models between untreated and treated mice. At baseline, all the tumor models studied were predominantly infiltrated with cells harboring an immunosuppressive phenotype. Early alterations of the tumor immune infiltrate after treatment were found to be highly variable. We found that the balance between effector cells and immunosuppressive cells in the tumor microenvironment could be altered with some treatment combinations, but this effect was not always correlated with an impact on in vivo tumor growth. These results show that the combination of cytotoxic chemotherapy with ICIs may result in enhanced, similar or reduced antitumor activity, in a model- and regimen-dependent fashion. The present investigations should help to select appropriate combination regimens for ICIs

    Superplasticity in Fine Grain Ti-6Al-4V Alloy: Mechanical Behavior and Microstructural Evolution

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    Titanium Ti-6Al-4V alloys are known to exhibit interesting superplastic properties for different conditions of temperature and strain rate, depending on the initial grain size. Even if superplasticity is generally explained in terms of grain boundary sliding (GBS) accompanied by several accommodation mechanisms, it appears that the micromechanisms of superplasticity are still controversial especially at the grain scale and even more at lower scale. These micromechanisms, involving microstructural evolution, depend also on the SPF conditions (temperature, strain rate and initial microstructure). In this study, the flow stress in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is investigated for different strain rate and for temperature in the range of the α/β transformation. The preferred orientation evolution of alpha phase grains for different percentage of deformation is studied for a non-optimal SPF regime (920°C-10-4 s-1) in order to highlight the microstructural evolution and so the deformation mechanisms involved. For that, mechanical interrupted test combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) are used

    Evidence of coat color variation sheds new light on ancient canids.

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    International audienceWe have used a paleogenetics approach to investigate the genetic landscape of coat color variation in ancient Eurasian dog and wolf populations. We amplified DNA fragments of two genes controlling coat color, Mc1r (Melanocortin 1 Receptor) and CBD103 (canine-β-defensin), in respectively 15 and 19 ancient canids (dogs and wolf morphotypes) from 14 different archeological sites, throughout Asia and Europe spanning from ca. 12 000 B.P. (end of Upper Palaeolithic) to ca. 4000 B.P. (Bronze Age). We provide evidence of a new variant (R301C) of the Melanocortin 1 receptor (Mc1r) and highlight the presence of the beta-defensin melanistic mutation (CDB103-K locus) on ancient DNA from dog-and wolf-morphotype specimens. We show that the dominant K(B) allele (CBD103), which causes melanism, and R301C (Mc1r), the variant that may cause light hair color, are present as early as the beginning of the Holocene, over 10 000 years ago. These results underline the genetic diversity of prehistoric dogs. This diversity may have partly stemmed not only from the wolf gene pool captured by domestication but also from mutations very likely linked to the relaxation of natural selection pressure occurring in-line with this process

    Microglia maintain structural integrity during fetal brain morphogenesis

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    Microglia (MG), the brain-resident macrophages, play major roles in health and disease via a diversity of cellular states. While embryonic MG display a large heterogeneity of cellular distribution and transcriptomic states, their functions remain poorly characterized. Here, we uncovered a role for MG in the maintenance of structural integrity at two fetal cortical boundaries. At these boundaries between structures that grow in distinct directions, embryonic MG accumulate, display a state resembling post-natal axon-tract-associated microglia (ATM) and prevent the progression of microcavities into large cavitary lesions, in part via a mechanism involving the ATM-factor Spp1. MG and Spp1 furthermore contribute to the rapid repair of lesions, collectively highlighting protective functions that preserve the fetal brain from physiological morphogenetic stress and injury. Our study thus highlights key major roles for embryonic MG and Spp1 in maintaining structural integrity during morphogenesis, with major implications for our understanding of MG functions and brain development.</p

    Deep Learning for the Automatic Quantification of Pleural Plaques in Asbestos-Exposed Subjects

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop and validate an automated artificial intelligence (AI)-driven quantification of pleural plaques in a population of retired workers previously occupationally exposed to asbestos. METHODS: CT scans of former workers previously occupationally exposed to asbestos who participated in the multicenter APEXS (Asbestos PostExposure Survey) study were collected retrospectively between 2010 and 2017 during the second and the third rounds of the survey. A hundred and forty-one participants with pleural plaques identified by expert radiologists at the 2nd and the 3rd CT screenings were included. Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) with 5 mm thickness was used to reduce the number of CT slices for manual delineation. A Deep Learning AI algorithm using 2D-convolutional neural networks was trained with 8280 images from 138 CT scans of 69 participants for the semantic labeling of Pleural Plaques (PP). In all, 2160 CT images from 36 CT scans of 18 participants were used for AI testing versus ground-truth labels (GT). The clinical validity of the method was evaluated longitudinally in 54 participants with pleural plaques. RESULTS: The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) between AI-driven and GT was almost perfect (>0.98) for the volume extent of both PP and calcified PP. The 2D pixel similarity overlap of AI versus GT was good (DICE = 0.63) for PP, whether they were calcified or not, and very good (DICE = 0.82) for calcified PP. A longitudinal comparison of the volumetric extent of PP showed a significant increase in PP volumes (p < 0.001) between the 2nd and the 3rd CT screenings with an average delay of 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: AI allows a fully automated volumetric quantification of pleural plaques showing volumetric progression of PP over a five-year period. The reproducible PP volume evaluation may enable further investigations for the comprehension of the unclear relationships between pleural plaques and both respiratory function and occurrence of thoracic malignancy

    Systematic review on the evaluation criteria of orphan medicines in Central and Eastern European countries.

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    BACKGROUND: In case of orphan drugs applicability of the standard health technology assessment (HTA) process is limited due to scarcity of good clinical and health economic evidence. Financing these premium priced drugs is more controversial in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region where the public funding resources are more restricted, and health economic justification should be an even more important aspect of policy decisions than in higher income European countries. OBJECTIVES: To explore and summarize the recent scientific evidence on value drivers related to the health technology assessment of ODs with a special focus on the perspective of third party payers in CEE countries. The review aims to list all potentially relevant value drivers in the reimbursement process of orphan drugs. METHODS: A systematic literature review was performed; PubMed and Scopus databases were systematically searched for relevant publications until April 2015. Extracted data were summarized along key HTA elements. RESULTS: From the 2664 identified publications, 87 contained relevant information on the evaluation criteria of orphan drugs, but only 5 had direct information from the CEE region. The presentation of good clinical evidence seems to play a key role especially since this should be the basis of cost-effectiveness analyses, which have more importance in resource-constrained economies. Due to external price referencing of pharmaceuticals, the relative budget impact of orphan drugs is expected to be higher in CEE than in Western European (WE) countries unless accessibility of patients remains more limited in poorer European regions. Equity principles based on disease prevalence and non-availability of alternative treatment options may increase the price premium, however, societies must have some control on prices and a rationale based on multiple criteria in reimbursement decisions. CONCLUSIONS: The evaluation of orphan medicines should include multiple criteria to appropriately measure the clinical added value of orphan drugs. The search found only a small number of studies coming from CEE, therefore European policies on orphan drugs may be based largely on experiences in WE countries. More research should be done in the future in CEE because financing high-priced orphan drugs involves a greater burden for these countries
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