1,152 research outputs found


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    Cases of mixed total anomalous pulmonary venous connection were rare, while cases of the vertical vein drained to jugular vein were even rarer. Pay attention to the size of pulmonary vein and left atrial anastomosis, increase the left atrium volume with pericardial patch, which play an important role to prevent postoperative pulmonary edema caused by anastomosis stenosis, poor back flow of coronary sinus and smaller left atrial volume.混合型完全性肺静脉异位连接(total anomalous pulmonary venous connection,TAPVC)罕见,而垂直静脉异位引流至颈静脉者更为罕见。术中应注意肺静脉与左房吻合口应足够大,心包补片应扩大左心房容积,防治术后吻合口狭窄、冠状静脉窦回流不畅、以及左房容积过小引起的肺水肿等并发症

    Proizvodnja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina s pomoću plijesni Mucor recurvus sp. upotrebom melase šećerne trske kao izvora ugljika

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    Sugarcane molasses is rich in nutriments and vitamins. It may be used as the carbon source for the production of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) by Mucor recurvus sp. Using sugarcane molasses, the effects of fermentation parameters and media components on polyunsaturated fatty acid production through both linear and orthogonal array experiments were investigated. The best fermentation conditions for PUFA production were found as follows: 15 % sugarcane molasses, pH=6.0, 28 °C, 5 days, 160 rpm. It was also found that molasses and urea enhanced PUFA production with the optimal carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio of 35. Under the most favourable conditions, the total lipid content at 7.13 g/L and PUFA up to 5.74 g/L including (0.82±0.05) g/L of linolenic acid (LA), (1.35±0.02) g/L of γ-linolenic acid (GLA), (0.17±0.06) g/L of α-linolenic acid (ALA), (0.57±0.06) g/L of arachidonic acid (ARA), (0.46±0.07) g/L of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and (0.34±0.08) g/L of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were obtained. Our study suggests that sugarcane molasses is a superior alternative carbon source for industrial PUFA production.Melasa šećerne trske je bogata hranjivim tvarima i vitaminima. Upotrebljava se kao izvor ugljika za proizvodnju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina s pomoću plijesni Mucor recurvus sp. Linearnom i ortogonalnom metodom istražen je utjecaj uvjeta fermentacije i sastojaka podloge, uz dodatak melase šećerne trske, na proizvodnju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina. Najbolji uvjeti fermentacije za proizvodnju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina bili su: 15 % melase šećerne trske; pH=6,0; 28 °C; 5 dana i 160 rpm. Također je utvrđeno da dodatak melase i uree povećava proizvodnju pri optimalnom omjeru ugljika i dušika C/N=35. Pri optimalnim uvjetima proizvedeno je ukupno 7,13 g/L lipida i 5,74 g/L polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, od toga (0,82±0,05) g/L linolenske kiseline, (1,35±0,02) g/L γ-linolenske kiseline, (0,17±0,06) g/L α-linolenske kiseline, (0,57±0,06) g/L arahidonske kiseline, (0,46±0,07) g/L eikosapentenoične kiseline i (0,34±0,08) g/L dokosaheksaenoične kiseline. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da je melasa šećerne trske najbolji alternativni izvor ugljika za industrijsku proizvodnju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina

    Proizvodnja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina s pomoću plijesni Mucor recurvus sp. upotrebom melase šećerne trske kao izvora ugljika

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    Sugarcane molasses is rich in nutriments and vitamins. It may be used as the carbon source for the production of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) by Mucor recurvus sp. Using sugarcane molasses, the effects of fermentation parameters and media components on polyunsaturated fatty acid production through both linear and orthogonal array experiments were investigated. The best fermentation conditions for PUFA production were found as follows: 15 % sugarcane molasses, pH=6.0, 28 °C, 5 days, 160 rpm. It was also found that molasses and urea enhanced PUFA production with the optimal carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio of 35. Under the most favourable conditions, the total lipid content at 7.13 g/L and PUFA up to 5.74 g/L including (0.82±0.05) g/L of linolenic acid (LA), (1.35±0.02) g/L of γ-linolenic acid (GLA), (0.17±0.06) g/L of α-linolenic acid (ALA), (0.57±0.06) g/L of arachidonic acid (ARA), (0.46±0.07) g/L of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and (0.34±0.08) g/L of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were obtained. Our study suggests that sugarcane molasses is a superior alternative carbon source for industrial PUFA production.Melasa šećerne trske je bogata hranjivim tvarima i vitaminima. Upotrebljava se kao izvor ugljika za proizvodnju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina s pomoću plijesni Mucor recurvus sp. Linearnom i ortogonalnom metodom istražen je utjecaj uvjeta fermentacije i sastojaka podloge, uz dodatak melase šećerne trske, na proizvodnju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina. Najbolji uvjeti fermentacije za proizvodnju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina bili su: 15 % melase šećerne trske; pH=6,0; 28 °C; 5 dana i 160 rpm. Također je utvrđeno da dodatak melase i uree povećava proizvodnju pri optimalnom omjeru ugljika i dušika C/N=35. Pri optimalnim uvjetima proizvedeno je ukupno 7,13 g/L lipida i 5,74 g/L polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, od toga (0,82±0,05) g/L linolenske kiseline, (1,35±0,02) g/L γ-linolenske kiseline, (0,17±0,06) g/L α-linolenske kiseline, (0,57±0,06) g/L arahidonske kiseline, (0,46±0,07) g/L eikosapentenoične kiseline i (0,34±0,08) g/L dokosaheksaenoične kiseline. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da je melasa šećerne trske najbolji alternativni izvor ugljika za industrijsku proizvodnju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina

    Changes of plasma fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF-21) in oral glucose tolerance test and effects of metformin on FGF-21 levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Wstęp: Badanie przeprowadzono w celu ustalenia, czy czynnik wzrostu fibroblastów-21 (FGF-21) uczestniczy w regulacji stężenia glukozy i czy zastosowanie metforminy u chorych na cukrzycę wpływa na stężenie FGF-21. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 43 osoby, w tym 27 chorych z nowo rozpoznaną cukrzycą typu 2 (nT2DM). U wszystkich przeprowadzono test doustnego obciążenia 75 g glukozy (OGTT). Próbki krwi pobrano w 0., 60.,120. i 180. minucie testu. Osobom z nT2DM zaproponowano udział w dalszych badaniach; zastosowano u nich metforminę w dawce 1,0 g/dobę przez tydzień. Wyniki: Zmiany stężenia FGF-21 w osoczu podczas OGTT zaobserwowano tylko w grupie chorych na nT2DM; w grupie kontrolnej stężenie FGF-21 pozostało niezmienione. Nie stwierdzono, by stężenia FGF-21 w poszczególnych punktach czasowych różniły się w zależności od płci badanych (p < 0,05). Zastosowanie metforminy u osób z nT2DM spowodowało istotne zmniejszenie stężeń glukozy i FGF-21 we wszystkich punktach czasowych OGTT oraz zmniejszenie stężenia insuliny w 60. i 180. minucie, co wskazuje na obniżenie wskaźnika HOMA-IR. Wnioski: FGF-21 nie uczestniczy w krótkoterminowej regulacji glikemii u ludzi, a zmiany jego stężenia podczas OGTT są opóźnione w T2DM. Być może FGF-21 bierze udział w metabolizowaniu metforminy, zwiększając wrażliwość na glukozę i insulinę. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3): 220&#8211;224)Introduction: The objectives of our study were to investigate whether fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF-21) is involved in short-term regulation of glucose and the change of FGF-21 after metformin use in diabetic subjects. Material and methods: 43 subjects were recruited in the study, including 27 new-onset type 2 diabetes patients (nT2DM). A 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was administered to them. Blood samples were taken at 0, 60 ,120 and 180 minute of OGTT. nT2DM subjects were invited for further investigation, metformin was administered in a dose of 1.0 g every day for 1 week. Results: Plasma FGF-21 changed significantly in the nT2DM group during the OGTT administration but not in the control group. No gender differences were observed at different time points in FGF-21 levels (p < 0.05). Administration of metformin for nT2DM resulted in a significant decrease in both glucose and FGF-21 at all OGTT times and in insulin at 60 min and 180 min, indicative of a decrease in HOMA-IR. Conclusion: FGF-21 does not seem to be involved in short-term regulation of glycaemia in human subjects, and the change in OGTT delayed in T2DM. FGF-21 may participate in the processing of metformin, improving glucose and insulin sensitivity. (Pol J Endocrinol 2013; 64 (3): 220&#8211;224

    Differential Strategies to Tolerate Flooding in Polygonum hydropiper Plants Originating From Low- and High-Elevation Habitats

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    In species that occur over a wide range of flooding conditions, plant populations may have evolved divergent strategies as a consequence of long-term adaptation to local flooding conditions. In the present study, we investigated the effects of a flooding gradient on the growth and carbohydrate reserves of Polygonum hydropiper plants originating from low- and high-elevation habitats in the Dongting Lake wetlands. The results indicated that shoot length did not differ, whereas the total biomass and carbohydrate reserves were reduced under flooded compared to well-drained conditions for plants originating from both habitat types. However, shoot length, shoot mass, rhizome mass, and total biomass were lower in plants from low-elevation habitats than in those from high-elevation habitats in the flooded condition. Soluble sugar and starch contents in belowground biomass were higher in plants from low-elevation habitats than in those from high-elevation habitats independently of the water level. Therefore, P. hydropiper plants from low-elevation habitats exhibit a lower growth rate and more conservative energy strategy to cope with flooding in comparison with plants from high-elevation habitats. Differential strategies to cope with flooding among P. hydropiper populations are most likely a response to the flooding pressures of the habitat of origin and may potentially drive ecotype differentiation within species along flooding gradients

    High-quality multi-wavelength quantum light sources on silicon nitride micro-ring chip

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    Multi-wavelength quantum light sources, especially at telecom band, are extremely desired in quantum information technology. Despite recent impressive advances, such a quantum light source with high quality remains challenging. Here we demonstrate a multi-wavelength quantum light source using a silicon nitride micro-ring with a free spectral range of 200 GHz. The generation of eight pairs of correlated photons is ensured in a wavelength range of 25.6 nm. With device optimization and noise-rejecting filters, our source enables the generation of heralded single-photons - at a rate of 62 kHz with gh(2)(0)=0.014±0.001g^{(2)}_{h}(0)=0.014\pm0.001, and the generation of energy-time entangled photons - with a visibility of 99.39±0.45%99.39\pm 0.45\% in the Franson interferometer. These results, at room temperature and telecom wavelength, in a CMOS compatible platform, represent an important step towards integrated quantum light devices for the quantum networks.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure