506 research outputs found

    Mandatory Vaccination in Child Daycare and Its Relevance to COVID-19:Vacinação obrigatória em creches e sua relevância para a COVID-19

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    Last month, the European Human Rights Court in Strasbourg made a landmark ruling on mandatory vaccination of children. After a long legal battle that lasted 16 years, the Grand Chamber decided, in the Vavricka case, that a Czech national law imposing a statutory duty of a set of standard vaccinations for children under the age of 15 does not violate the right to private life as protected under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Although the outcome of this ruling is not surprising, it may also have consequences relating to the controversy of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination which has been raised in other European countries

    Bringing Climate Change to Strasbourg. the Convention and Healthy Environment Claims

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    Climate change profoundly impacts all aspects of human life, including health. International fora and nation States recognise the importance of urgently cutting greenhouse gas emissions as a primary cause of global warming. States' commitment to alter climate change has resulted in several treaty documents referring explicitly to human rights obligations.</p

    An Obsolute Health Act and the Rise of a Patients' Rights Act in the Netherlands:Lessons to the Ukraine?

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    Farmacie rekt octrooien op

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    Patient mobility in European Union: health spas in Ischia, Italy

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    In a new case on patients seeking medical services abroad, the Leichtle case, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) confirmed its previous rulings on patient mobility. According to the Court, patients in the European Union have a (conditional) right to receive health care abroad, whereas the sickness fund should reimburse the costs of treatment and travel expenditures. As such, the Court has strengthened patient mobility in the European Union, based on the free movement principles. Now, it is up to the European Commission to develop a communal strategy aimed at further strengthening patients' rights in the Union

    Embryonic stem cell patents at European top court

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    Embryonic Screening as A European Human Right

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    The European Court lifted the Italian ban on pre-implantation diagnostics (PGD). As such the Court accepted PGD as a generally accepted means for medically assisted procreation, which mayhaveconsequences for other member states prohibiting PGD