40 research outputs found
An English cover-up: masks, murders, and English cruelty in Goncourt, Lorrain, and Schwob
Fin-de-siècle writers from diverse disciplines were drawn to the seductive potential of masks and disguise; mask-wearing characters of indefinite identity, indeterminate gender, and insecure psychology proliferate in their texts. However, when characters are designated as English in such stories, they are also, and with remarkable frequency, associated with cruelty or murder: the mask-wielding murderers of Marcel Schwob’s ‘MM. Burke et Hare, Assassins’ carry out their crimes in Britain upon British victims; Edmond de Goncourt weaves his theatrical narrative around the mask-like demeanour of Lord Annandale in La Faustin; and Jean Lorrain’s malicious Lord Ethal exacerbates the Duc de Fréneuse’s perverse obsessions with masks in Monsieur de Phocas. This article explores this unexpected correlation, and examines the ways that English masks are used as narrative devices – at once to mould and play with national distinctions, and to reflect upon the psychological state of the French subject
Yeni mektebde
Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Mührü Vardır
Mevki-i iktidar
İç Kapakta "Kitabhane-İ İslâm Ve Askerî " Mührü Vardır.
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Yollar: usul-i içtimaiyi yol nasıl vücuda getirir? birinci cild, ezmine-i kadime yolları
Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Mührü Vardır
Anglo - Saksonların esbab-ı faikiyeti nedir?: Anglo - Saksonlar hakkında tedkikat-ı içtimaiyye
Yayın Tarihi İç Kapakta 1330, Dış Kapakta 1331’Dir.
İç Kapakta "Kitabhane-İ İslâm Ve Askerî " Mührü Vardır.
Eserde "İstanbul Y. Öğretmen Okulu Kitaplığı" Ve "İzmir Atatürk Lisesi Müdürlüğü" Mühürleri Vardır
Comment la route crée le type social
KVK, 09/07/2009, da como fecha probable para esta ed. ca. 1901-1903t.1: Les routes de l'Antiquité -- t.2: Les routes du monde modern