63 research outputs found
Development of the small community according to its interpretation on maps
Predmetom tejto bakalárskej práce je pozorovanie vývoja obce Stará Turá podľa jej zobrazenia na mapách. Skúmanými podkladmi sú dostupné historické a súčasné kartografické diela stredných mierok, ktoré zobrazujú územie mesta a jeho okolie. V teoretickej časti je stručne popísaný vznik a vlastnosti použitých máp. Praktická časť sa venuje porovnaniu presnosti jednotlivých mapových podkladov a porovnaniu zmien v zákrese obce.The subject of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine the development of the town Stará Turá in its view on maps. The researched foundations represent available historical and current cartographical works in medium scales that depict the town and its environs. The theoretical part deals with the creation and qualities of used maps. The practical part is concerned with comparison of accuracy of individual maps and changes in the sketch of the commune.
The constitutional right to an effective remedy in the digital age: a perspective from Europe
The consolidation of the digital age has expanded the demand for justice. The challenges characterising digital relationships have led European policy makers to wonder about the opportunity to introduce new safeguards to ensure the right to effective remedies as enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. On the one hand, this approach has triggered the proliferation of new procedures, thus expanding potential remedies. On the other hand, the introduction of new remedies increases fragmentation and uncertainty about their access and functioning. This work examines the challenges for the right to an effective remedy raised by the proliferation of intertwined remedies in three key pieces of European digital regulation – the General Data Protection Regulation, the Digital Services Act, and the Artificial Intelligence Act. Particularly, we assess the three key avenues for remedies, namely internal complaints, independent supervision and judicial remedies. Based on this assessment, we underline the need for further clarity in the interplay between the remedial designs, central to which will be the focus on institutional collaboration across the emerging remedial frameworks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Plasmochemical treatment of natural fibres
Táto bakalárska práca sa zameriava na plazmochemické povrchové úpravy prírodných ľanových vlákien pomocou dielektrického bariérového výboja a silánovým väzbovým činidlom. Upravené vlákna boli použité ako výstuž kompozitného materiálu s epoxidovou matricou. Kompozitné materiály boli pripravené ručným kladením presýtených vlákien do silikónovej formy. Mechanické vlastnosti kompozitného materiálu boli zistené pomocou ohybovej skúšky, ťahovej skúšky a dynamicko-mechanickej analýzy (DMA). Na zistenie prítomnosti silánového väzbového činidla na povrchu vlákien bola použitá EDS analýza. Metóda SEM bola použitá tiež na zistenie vplyvu plazmy na povrch vlákien.This bachelor thesis is focused on plasmochemical surface treatment of natural flax fibres using dielectric barrier discharge and silane coupling agent. Treated fibres were used as reinforcement of composite material with an epoxy matrix. Composite materials were prepared manually, by placing saturated fibres into silicone mold. Mechanical properties of composite materials were determined by bending test, tensile test and dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA). The presence of a silane coupling agent on the surface of the fibre was detected by EDS analysis. SEM method was also used to determine the effect of plasma on the surface of fibres.
Krajinný ráz v CHKO Biele Karpaty
The landscape character has become a topical issue in many European countries in the 90's as well as in the Czech Republic. Since this period a lot of scientists and specialists of various branches have solved problems of the landscape character, the question of its terminology and evaluation. The master thesis is especially about the landscape character assessment (further only LCA). This question has been solved till today, also due to a new building law in the Czech Republic from 2006. The admission of this law means for the authorities of nature and landscape protection the statutory duty of including conditions of the protection of landscape character into the documents of territorial planning. A few methodologies of the LCA on the different area levels have been developed. The aim of the master thesis is a proposal of the methodology of the LCA and its application in the model area in the southwestern part of the Biele Karpaty Mountains (White Carphathians) in Western Slovakia. The model area is interesting because of an unique cultural landscape created by human activities and settlement during several centuries. In consequence of the social and the cultural diversity, the variety of folklore speech as well as due to typical kind of dispersed settlement ("crofts") the Landscape Protected Area Biele...Department of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Hodnotenie a zmeny v rozšírení nelesnej drevinovej vegetácie v krajine
Non-forest woody vegetation is an important landscape feature of agricultural/rural landscape. Ph.D. thesis deals with evaluation of current state of non-forest woody vegetation, historical development and changes in configuration and composition in landscape. Non-forest woody vegetation was investigated in two physical-geographical different model areas (Kutnohorsko Region and White Carpathians). The thesis is based on own data collected in the field and digitized on historical aerial photos and current ortho-photos. After that, data were analyzed in relation to natural conditions and changes of landscape structure since 50s of 20th century until present. Comparing both model areas, assumed differences in character of non-forest woody vegetation, species composition, dominated type as well as relation to habitats/locations were confirmed. However, rapid changes of landscape structure in the last 60 years were caused by the same driving forces such as re-allotment, mechanization and intensification of agriculture. After 1989, processes such extensification of agriculture and land abandonment played the main role in landscape, especially in mountain regions. The second aim of the Ph.D. thesis was to identify changes in spatial configuration of non- forest woody vegetation in two...Nelesná drevinová vegetácia predstavuje významný krajinotvorný a ekostabilizačný prvok krajiny. V literatúre sa často označuje tiež ako rozptýlená či mimolesná zeleň. Nelesná drevinová vegetácia má nesmierny význam pre optimálne fungovanie intenzívne poľnohospodársky využívanej krajiny, pretože plní mnoho dôležitých funkcií v krajine. Predložená dizertačná práca sa zaoberá hodnotením súčasného stavu nelesnej drevinovej vegetácie a jej vzťahu k fyzicko-geografickým, príp. sociálno-ekonomickým podmienkam, jej historickým vývojom v zmysle zmien plošného zastúpenia a priestorových vzťahov v krajine. Na tieto účely boli vybrané dve fyzicko-geograficky odlišné lokality (územie na Kutnohorsku a v Bielych Karpatoch). Práca vychádza z vlastných dát získaných zberom v teréne (aktuálny stav) a digitalizáciou historických leteckých snímok a súčasných ortofotosnímok (plošný vývoj). Takto získané dáta boli ďalej analyzované vo vzťahu k podmienkam prostredia a k zmenám krajinnej štruktúry, ktoré sa udiali od 50. rokov 20. storočia až do súčasnosti. Porovnaním oboch území sa zistilo, že existujú určité odlišnosti v charaktere nelesnej drevinovej vegetácie v druhovom zložení, v prevládajúcom type či väzbe na stanovište. Analýzami historických zmien v plošnom rozsahu nelesnej drevinovej vegetácie boli zistené...Department of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Krajinný ráz v CHKO Biele Karpaty
Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieDepartment of Physical Geography and GeoecologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Controlled life-time polypropylene
Táto diplomová práca sa zameriava na charakterizáciu degradačného procesu polypropylénu a polypropylénu s štatistickým kopolymérom, do ktorých bol pridaný stearát manganatý a stearát kobaltnatý v množstve 0,05; 0,10 a 0,20 hm. %. Cieľom práce bolo vytvoriť polypropylén s riadenou dobou životnosti. Degradácia bola sledovaná v závislosti na dobe expozície a obsahu prodegradantov. Používané prodegradanty boli syntetizované a charakterizované pomocou FTIR a DSC. Počas degradácie vzoriek boli sledované zmeny kryštalinity, teplôt topenia a indexu toku taveniny. Pevnosť v ťahu a ďalšie mechanické vlastnosti boli zistené ťahovou skúškou. Pomocou FTIR bol stanovený karbonylový index. Test termooxidačnej stability bol použitý na určenie aktivačných energií reakcií. Metódou SEM boli sledované zmeny v morfológií degradovaných vzoriek.The master´s thesis is focused on the characterization of degradation process of polypropylene and polypropylene with statistic copolymer into which manganese (II) stearate and cobalt (II) stearates were added at 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 wt.% loadings. The aim of the thesis was to prepare the controlled life-time polypropylene. The degradation was studied at varying temperatures and prodegradant loadings. The prodegradants were synthetized and characterized using the FTIR and DSC techniques. Thermooxidation of the tested samples induced the changes in crystallinity, melting points and melt-flow indexes. Tensile strength and other mechanical properties were determined by means of the tensile test. The carbonyl index was determined using FTIR, the thermooxidation stability test was used to determine the activation energies of reactions. The changes in morphology of degraded samples were observed by SEM analysis.
This paper investigates the Angle of Repose (AoR) of powder materials with respect to their morphological and rheological properties. Glass beads, sand, flour and semolina of different particle sizes were used as the experimental materials. The investigated material was analysed with respect to particle shape and size. The rheological properties of the material were obtained by a shear cell test. The AoR was analysed in terms of cohesion, bulk density, particle size and circularity. More cohesive materials such as the flour samples exhibited the largest AoR > 40°, indicating their poor flowability. Glass bead samples with a high circularity value had significantly lower AoR than the flour. The Angle of Internal Friction values were not dependent on those of the AoR. Using a dimensional analysis, a mathematical model was developed to determine the AoR values based on the material properties. By the application of this model, highly accurate calculation of the value of AoR is made possible
Stimulating poverty alleviation by developing tourism in marginalised Roma communities: a case study of the central Spiš region (Slovakia)
The main objective of this study is to demonstrate that opportunities to support the poor marginalised Roma communities (MRCs) by creating opportunities for their active participation in tourism development have been under-ultilised to date. In particular, the application of a pro-poor tourism (PPT) approach is an advantage that allows the cultural specificities of the MRCs to be exploited for their own development. A risk factor for successful implementation is the considerable differentiation within Roma communities. This study analyses the approaches of 65 municipalities of the Central Spiš region to the development of PPT as an option for poverty reduction in the MRCs in Slovakia. Based on the analysis of the local preconditions for tourism development, the specific potential for the development of Roma culture and the traditional economic activities, human resources, and the degree of segregation, we show that there is no universal solution that would be applicable in all communities. The limited possibilities to obtain relevant data determined the analysis options we used. Therefore, we used a mixed-method approach, in which we subjected the quantitative data to qualitative analysis based on interviews with the mayors of the communities being studied. Four assumptions were verified in the aforementioned way: (1) the MRCs in villages in the immediate vicinity of developed tourist centres show a higher level of activity in relation to their own development; (2) Roma who are active in small-scale farming will also be more active in maintaining other traditional craft activities, typical for Roma communities in Slovakia, forming the basis for the development of their own PPT product; (3) the activity of NGO’s focusing on the development of the local MRC’s is not a guarantee for the development of PPT activities in the villages; and finally that (4) the high level of segregation of marginalised Roma communities is a major obstacle for the implementation of PPT. This paper concludes with a typology of municipalities in relation to the preconditions for the development of PPT, which can be considered as a contribution to the discussion on the possibilities of a differentiated approach to PPT development strategies at the level of municipalities with the numerous MRC’s
Food preferences and thyroid hormones in children and adolescents with obesity
BackgroundThyroid hormones profoundly affect energy metabolism but their interrelation with food preference, which might contribute to childhood obesity development, are much less understood. In this study, we investigated if thyroid hormone levels are associated with specific modulation of food preference and potentially linked to the level of obesity in children and adolescents.MethodsInterrelations between food preference and peripheral thyroid activity were examined in a population of 99 non-obese and 101 obese children and adolescents (12.8 ± 3.6 years of age, 111/89 F/M) randomly selected from the patients of the Obesity and Metabolic Disease Out-patient Research Unit at National Institute for Children's Diseases in Bratislava in a period between December 2017 and March 2020.ResultsChildren and adolescents with obesity had a lower preference for food rich in high sucrose and high-complex carbohydrates, while the preference for protein and fat-containing food and that for dietary fibers did not differ between obese and nonobese. In adolescents with obesity, free thyroxine (FT4) correlated positively with the preference for a high protein and high fat-rich diet, irrespective of the fatty acid unsaturation level. Moreover, FT4 correlated negatively with the preference for dietary fibers, which has been also exclusively found in obese adolescents. Individuals with obesity with higher FT4 levels had higher systemic levels of AST and ALT than the population with lower FT4. Multiple regression analysis with age, sex, BMI-SDS, and FT4 as covariates revealed that FT4 and male gender are the major predictors of variability in the preference for a diet high in protein, fat, and monounsaturated fatty acids. FT4 was the sole predictor of the preference for a diet containing saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as for a diet low in fiber.ConclusionThe link between free thyroxin levels and dietary preference for food rich in fat and protein is present exclusively in individuals with obesity. Higher serum FT4 was linked with elevated AST and ALT in children and adolescents with obesity, and FT4 was the best predictor for preference for food rich in fat and low in fiber. This may indicate that FT4 could contribute to the development of childhood obesity and its complications by modulating food preference
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