28 research outputs found

    Turner sendromlu ergenlerin multidisipliner yaklaşımla psikometrik ve psikososyal açıdan değerlendirilmesi: Ön çalışma

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    Introduction: The aim of this study is to compare neurocognitive and psychosocial characteristics in adolescents with Turner Syndrome (TS) and age-matched adolescents with short stature (SS) and normal karyotypes. Materials and Methods: Seven patients with TS and 7 patients with SS and normal karyotypes were included in the study. Their comorbid psychopathologies, cognitive functioning, quality of life, self-esteem, emphatic tendencies, mentalizing abilities and coping strategies were investigated. Results: Although the adolescents with SS had higher levels of anxiety and conduct problems, there were no significant differences between the TS and SS groups in terms of comorbid psychopathologies, social cognition skills, quality of life, self-esteem and coping strategies. However, the cognitive functioning of adolescents with TS was found to be lower than both of the adolescents with SS and community samples. Conclusions: According to this preliminary study, anxiety/conduct problems and cognitive functioning of patients with TS should be evaluated in order to prevent subsequent negative outcomes.Giriş: Bu çalışmanın amacı, TS olan ergenler ile kısa boylu ve normal karyotipi olan benzer yaştaki ergenleri nörobilişsel ve psikososyal olarak karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya TS olan yedi hasta ile kısa boylu ve normal karyotipi olan yedi hasta dahil edilmiştir. Eşlik eden psikopatolojiler, bilişsel işlevsellik, yaşam kalitesi, benlik saygısı, empatik eğilimler, zihinselleştirme becerileri ve baş etme stratejileri araştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Kısa boylu ergenlerde anksiyete ve davranım problemleri daha yüksek olmasına karşın, eşlik eden psikopatolojiler, sosyal biliş becerileri, yaşam kalitesi, benlik saygısı ve başetme stratejileri açısından TS olan ergenler ile kısa boylu ergenler arasında önemli bir fark bulunmamıştır. Bununla birlikte, TS olan ergenlerin bilişsel işlevlerinin hem kısa boylu ergenlere hem de toplum örneklemine göre daha düşük olduğu bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bu ön çalışmaya göre, ileride gelişebilecek olumsuz sonuçları önlemek için TS’li hastalar anksiyete / davranış sorunları ve bilişsel işlevler açısından değerlendirilmelidir

    A Probabilistic Framework for Recognizing Intention in Information Graphics ∗ ∗Stephanie Elzer, ∗∗Sandra Carberry, ∗ ∗ ∗Ingrid Zukerman, ∗∗Daniel Chester,

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    This paper extends language understanding and plan inference to information graphics. We identify the kinds of communicative signals that appear in information graphics, describe how we utilize them in a Bayesian network that hypothesizes the graphic’s intended message, and discuss the performance of our implemented system. This work is part of a larger project aimed at making information graphics accessible to individuals with sight impairments.

    Business model Canvas perspective on big data applications

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    Los datos grandes y complejos que se vuelven difíciles de manejar por las aplicaciones tradicionales de procesamiento de datos desencadenan el desarrollo de aplicaciones de big data que se han vuelto más omnipresentes que nunca. En la era del big data, la exploración y el análisis de datos se convirtieron en un problema difícil en muchos sectores, como el de enrutamiento inteligente y los sectores de la atención médica. Las empresas que pueden adaptar bien sus negocios para aprovechar el big data tienen ventajas significativas sobre aquellas que carecen de esta capacidad. La necesidad de explorar nuevos enfoques para abordar los desafíos de los macrodatos obliga a las empresas a dar forma a sus modelos comerciales en consecuencia. En este artículo, resumimos y compartimos nuestros hallazgos sobre los modelos de negocio implementados en aplicaciones de big data en diferentes sectores.Large and complex data that becomes difficult to be handled by traditional data processing applications triggers the development of big data applications which have become more pervasive than ever before. In the era of big data, data exploration and analysis turned into a difficult problem in many sectors such as the smart routing and health care sectors. Companies which can adapt their businesses well to leverage big data have significant advantages over those that lag this capability. The need for exploring new approaches to address the challenges of big data forces companies to shape their business models accordingly. In this paper, we summarize and share our findings regarding the business models deployed in big data applications in different sectors. We analyze existing big data applications by taking into consideration the core elements of a business (via business model canvas) and present how these applications provide value to their customers by making profit out of using big data

    Communicative Signals as the Key to Automated Understanding of Simple Bar Charts

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    This paper discusses the types of communicative signals that frequently appear in simple bar charts and how we exploit them as evidence in our system for inferring the intended message of an information graphic. Through a series of examples, we demonstrate the impact that various types of communicative signals, namely salience, captions and estimated perceptual task effort, have on the intended message inferred by our implemented system

    Generating textual summaries of bar charts

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    Information graphics, such as bar charts and line graphs, play an important role in multimodal documents. This paper presents a novel approach to producing a brief textual summary of a simple bar chart. It outlines our approach to augmenting the core message of the graphic to produce a brief summary. Our method simultaneously constructs both the discourse and sentence structures of the textual summary using a bottom-up approach. The result is then realized in natural language. An evaluation study validates our generation methodology.