2 research outputs found

    The one-body and two-body density matrices of finite nuclei with an appropriate treatment of the center-of-mass motion

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    The one-body and two-body density matrices in coordinate space and their Fourier transforms in momentum space are studied for a nucleus (a nonrelativistic, self-bound finite system). Unlike the usual procedure, suitable for infinite or externally bound systems, they are determined as expectation values of appropriate intrinsic operators, dependent on the relative coordinates and momenta (Jacobi variables) and acting on intrinsic wavefunctions of nuclear states. Thus, translational invariance (TI) is respected. When handling such intrinsic quantities, we use an algebraic technique based upon the Cartesian representation, in which the coordinate and momentum operators are linear combinations of the creation and annihilation operators a^+ and a for oscillator quanta. Each of the relevant multiplicative operators can then be reduced to the form: one exponential of the set {a^+} times other exponential of the set {a}. In the course of such a normal-ordering procedure we offer a fresh look at the appearance of "Tassie-Barker" factors, and point out other model-independent results. The intrinsic wavefunction of the nucleus in its ground state is constructed from a nontranslationally-invariant (nTI) one via existing projection techniques. As an illustration, the one-body and two-body momentum distributions (MDs) for the 4He nucleus are calculated with the Slater determinant of the harmonic-oscillator model as the trial, nTI wavefunction. We find that the TI introduces important effects in the MDs.Comment: 13 pages, incl. 3 figures - to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Translationally invariant calculations of form factors, nucleon densities and momentum distributions for finite nuclei with short-range correlations included

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    Relying upon our previous treatment of the density matrices for nuclei (in general, nonrelativistic self-bound finite systems) we are studying a combined effect of center-of-mass motion and short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations on the nucleon density and momentum distributions in light nuclei (4He^{4}He and 16O^{16}O). Their intrinsic ground-state wave functions are constructed in the so-called fixed center-of-mass approximation, starting with mean-field Slater determinants modified by some correlator (e.g., after Jastrow or Villars). We develop the formalism based upon the Cartesian or boson representation, in which the coordinate and momentum operators are linear combinations of the creation and annihilation operators for oscillatory quanta in the three different space directions, and get the own "Tassie-Barker" factors for each distribution and point out other model-independent results. After this separation of the center-of-mass motion effects we propose additional analytic means in order to simplify the subsequent calculations (e.g., within the Jastrow approach or the unitary correlation operator method). The charge form factors, densities and momentum distributions of 4He^{4}He and 16O^{16}O evaluated by using the well known cluster expansions are compared with data, our exact (numerical) results and microscopic calculations.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure