14 research outputs found

    Picture-Hanging Puzzles

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    We show how to hang a picture by wrapping rope around n nails, making a polynomial number of twists, such that the picture falls whenever any k out of the n nails get removed, and the picture remains hanging when fewer than k nails get removed. This construction makes for some fun mathematical magic performances. More generally, we characterize the possible Boolean functions characterizing when the picture falls in terms of which nails get removed as all monotone Boolean functions. This construction requires an exponential number of twists in the worst case, but exponential complexity is almost always necessary for general functions.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 11 puzzles. Journal version of FUN 2012 pape

    (Non)Existence of Pleated Folds: How Paper Folds Between Creases

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    We prove that the pleated hyperbolic paraboloid, a familiar origami model known since 1927, in fact cannot be folded with the standard crease pattern in the standard mathematical model of zero-thickness paper. In contrast, we show that the model can be folded with additional creases, suggesting that real paper “folds” into this model via small such creases. We conjecture that the circular version of this model, consisting simply of concentric circular creases, also folds without extra creases. At the heart of our results is a new structural theorem characterizing uncreased intrinsically flat surfaces—the portions of paper between the creases. Differential geometry has much to say about the local behavior of such surfaces when they are sufficiently smooth, e.g., that they are torsal ruled. But this classic result is simply false in the context of the whole surface. Our structural characterization tells the whole story, and even applies to surfaces with discontinuities in the second derivative. We use our theorem to prove fundamental properties about how paper folds, for example, that straight creases on the piece of paper must remain piecewise-straight (polygonal) by folding.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award CCF-0347776

    Locked and Unlocked Chains of Planar Shapes

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    We extend linkage unfolding results from the well-studied case of polygonal linkages to the more general case of linkages of polygons. More precisely, we consider chains of nonoverlapping rigid planar shapes (Jordan regions) that are hinged together sequentially at rotatable joints. Our goal is to characterize the families of planar shapes that admit locked chains, where some configurations cannot be reached by continuous reconfiguration without self-intersection, and which families of planar shapes guarantee universal foldability, where every chain is guaranteed to have a connected configuration space. Previously, only obtuse triangles were known to admit locked shapes, and only line segments were known to guarantee universal foldability. We show that a surprisingly general family of planar shapes, called slender adornments, guarantees universal foldability: roughly, the distance from each edge along the path along the boundary of the slender adornment to each hinge should be monotone. In contrast, we show that isosceles triangles with any desired apex angle less than 90 degrees admit locked chains, which is precisely the threshold beyond which the inward-normal property no longer holds.Comment: 23 pages, 25 figures, Latex; full journal version with all proof details. (Fixed crash-induced bugs in the abstract.

    Ghost chimneys

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    A planar point set S is an (i, t) set of ghost chimneys if there exist lines H0,H1, ..., Ht-1 such that the orthogonal projection of S onto Hj consists of exactly i + j distinct points. We give upper and lower bounds on the maximum value of t in an (i, t) set of ghost chimneys, showing that it is linear in i

    Efficient Algorithms for Petersen's Matching Theorem

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    Petersen's theorem is a classic result in matching theory from 1891, stating that every 3-regular bridgeless graph has a perfect matching. Our work explores efficient algorithms for finding perfect matchings in such graphs. Previously, the only relevant matching algorithms were for general graphs, and the fastest algorithm ran in O(n3/2) time for 3-regular graphs. We have developed an O(n log4 n)-time algorithm for perfect matching in a 3-regular bridgeless graph. When the graph is also planar, we have as the main result of our paper an optimal O(n)-time algorithm. We present three applications of this result: terrain guarding, adaptive mesh refinement, and quadrangulation

    Geodesic Ham-Sandwich Cuts

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    Let P be a simple polygon with m vertices, k of which are reflex, and which contains r red points and b blue points in its interior. Let n = m + r + b. A ham-sandwich geodesic is a shortest path in P between two points on the boundary of P that simultaneously bisects the red points and the blue points. We present an O(n log k)-time algorithm for finding a ham-sandwich geodesic. We also show that this algorithm is optimal in the algebraic computation tree model when parameterizing the running time with respect to n and k

    Continuous Blooming of Convex Polyhedra

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    We construct the first two continuous bloomings of all convex polyhedra. First, the source unfolding can be continuously bloomed. Second, any unfolding of a convex polyhedron can be refined (further cut, by a linear number of cuts) to have a continuous blooming

    Computing signed permutations of polygons

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    Given a planar polygon (or chain) with a list of edges {e1, e2, e3, ..., en-1, en}, we examine the effect of several operations that permute this edge list, resulting in the formation of a new polygon. The main operations that we consider are: reversals which involve inverting the order of a sublist, transpositions which involve interchanging subchains (sublists), and edge-swaps which are a special case and involve interchanging two consecutive edges. When each edge of the given polygon has also been assigned a direction we say that the polygon is signed. In this case any edge involved in a reversal changes direction. We show that a star-shaped polygon can be convexified using O(n2) edge-swaps, while maintaining simplicity, and that this is tight in the worst case. We show that determining whether a signed polygon P can be transformed to one that has rotational or mirror symmetry with P, using transpositions, takes Θ(n log n) time. We prove that the problem of deciding whether transpositions can modify a polygon to fit inside a rectangle is weakly NP-complete. Finally we give an O(n log n) time algorithm to compute the maximum endpoint distance for an oriented chain