47 research outputs found

    Spelen op de horizon tussen onze hemel en aarde: Ontwerponderzoek naar het gebruik van theater in het voortgezet speciaal onderwijs voor de ontwikkeling van toekomstbewustzijn

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    In dit onderzoek heb ik samen met betrokkenen van het FutureMe project in kaart gebracht wat de karakteristieken zijn van theaterlessen, die bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van het toekomstbewustzijn van leerlingen in het voortgezet speciaal onderwijs. Aan de hand van interviews en een literatuurstudie heb ik ontwerpprincipes voor deze lessen opgesteld. Op basis van deze ontwerpprincipes heb ik twee voorbeeldlessen ontworpen. In een focusgroep van betrokkenen van FutureMe heb ik gereflecteerd op de kwaliteit van de ontworpen lessen en ontwerpprincipes. Uit dit onderzoek komt naar voren dat bij de begeleiding van theaterlessen in het speciaal onderwijs veel geïnvesteerd moet worden in de relatie tussen de docent en de leerlingen. Daarnaast is het belangrijk om de kunstzinnige kwaliteit van de theaterlessen te waarborgen, zodat leerlingen zich betrokken voelen bij het gemaakte theater en nieuwe inzichten kunnen ontlenen aan dit theater. Bij het ontwikkelen van toekomstbewustzijn is er sprake van zowel een persoonlijke als een maatschappelijke oriëntatie. Voor toekomstbewustzijn is het belangrijk dat men vanuit een positieve en krachtige houding naar de toekomst leert kijken zonder structurele barrières en ongelijkheden over het hoofd te zien. Theaterlessen kunnen zich in het beste geval richten op zowel de persoonlijke ontwikkeling van toekomstbewustzijn als op het gezamenlijk werken aan sociale en maatschappelijke verandering

    Radioactive Elements of Low Atomic Number

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    Radioactive elements of low atomic number have been produced by the transmutation of various elements from lithium to fluorine by high velocity deuterons. The distribution in energy of the electrons and positrons emitted by these elements has been determined by employing a Wilson cloud chamber traversed by a magnetic field. The electron spectra have been found to have maximum energies from 5 to 13 MEV while the positron spectra have maximum energies from 1 to 2 MEV. The form of the spectra has been found to be in agreement with a modification of the Fermi theory of beta-decay proposed by Konopinski and Uhlenbeck. The correlation of the maximum energies of the spectra with the energies calculated from the reactions in which the radioactive element is involved is shown to await a more accurate determination of the difference in mass between the neutron and proton

    Energy and absorption of the gamma-radiation from Li7 + H1

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    It is shown that a study of the pairs ejected from foils in a Wilson cloud chamber gives more reliable and useful information regarding gamma-radiation of very high energy than can be obtained from the recoil electrons. By this method the gamma-radiation from Li7 + H1 is found to consist of a line at 17.1±0.5 Mev of relative intensity 0.75 and probably one or more lines at about 14 Mev of relative intensity 0.25. No radiation is found between 2 and 10 Mev. The spectrum below 2 Mev has not been investigated. The distribution of recoil electrons is consistent with this and with the Klein-Nishina formula. The division of energy between members of pairs is in agreement with the predictions of Bethe and Heitler. It is shown that the usual method of measuring absorption coefficients leads to erroneous results for radiation much above 3 Mev and a method is described which depends on counting the number of high energy pairs observed in cloud chamber pictures taken alternately with and without 1 cm of lead in the beam. The results agree with theory within the experimental errors. The origin of the radiation is discussed and it is shown that the data can be accounted for if we assume that the proton is captured by the Li7 nucleus producing a Be8 nucleus in an odd state. According to Breit this should be a P state and the nucleus may drop to the ground state (1S) with emission of 17 Mev radiation or to an even state at 3 Mev (1D) and subsequently break up into two alpha-particles

    Gamma-radiation from fluorine bombarded with protons

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    In our recent work (1) on the gamma-radiation from Li7+H1 we have shown that the pairs ejected from thin lead foils in a Wilson cloud chamber gave a more accurate determination of the energy of very high energy gamma-radiation than do the recoil electrons

    Protons from the disintegration of lithium by deuterons

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    It was found in this laboratory (1) that lithium bombarded with deuterons yields β-rays with a continuous distribution in energy extending to 10.5±1.0 MEV and having a half-life of 0.5±0.1 second

    High energy gamma-rays from lithium and fluorine bombarded with protons

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    We have shown that some of the light elements, when bombarded with protons or deutons emit γ-rays, and we have in several instances measured the absorption coefficient of the radiation in lead, and from this attempted to estimate the quantum energy

    The emission of negative electrons from boron bombarded by deuterons

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    In March, 1935, Professor E. O. Lawrence and Dr. R. L. Thornton informed us, in conversation, that they had obtained some evidence indicating the emission of negative electrons of very high energy from boron bombarded with deuterons, and suggested that they might arise from the reaction B11+H2→B12+H1→C12+e-+H1. (1

    Gamma-rays from boron bombarded with deutons

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    Using a Wilson cloud chamber in a magnetic field of 1000 gauss we have studied the spectrum of recoil electrons produced by the gamma-rays from boron bombarded with deutons, and have found it to consist of components of at least five different energies