3 research outputs found
Residual risk of hepatitis B virus transmission through blood donations in Burkina Faso screened with rapid diagnostic tests
Abstract Background and Aims hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) represent the major transfusionâtransmissible pathogens worldwide. The risk of transmission is relatively high in African countries, mainly due to unreliable screening methods of blood donations. In Burkina Faso, predonation screening using rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) is widespread, raising the major question of the transfusion safety in the country. The objective of this study was to assess the risk of transmission of HBV, HCV, and HIV through blood transfusion in the context of the use of RDTs for screening of the blood donations. Methods In this crossâsectional study, a total of 417 serum samples obtained from blood donors tested negative for HBsAg, antiâHCV, and antiâHIV using RDTs were retested for the same markers using chemiluminescent immunologic assays. Total antibodies to HBV core (antiâHBc) were tested on randomly selected samples. HBVâDNA and HCVâRNA viral loads (VLs) were quantified on HBsAg and antiâHCV positive samples, respectively. To assess possible occult hepatitis B infection (OBI), HBVâDNAâVL was quantified on 313 randomly selected HBsAgânegative samples. Results HBsAg and antiâHCV were found respectively in 6 (6/417; 1.4%) and 11 (11/417; 2.6%) samples. No samples were reactive for antiâHIV. Total antiâHBc were detected in 217 out of the 319 randomly selected samples (217/319; 68.02%). HBVâDNA was detected in four (4/313; 1.27%) samples, including two (2/6; 33.33%) of the six HBsAg positive samples and two (2/313; 0.6%) of the HBsAgânegative samples, suggesting two cases of occult HBV infection. All antiâHCV antibodyâpositive samples were HCVâRNA negative. Conclusion This study shows that RDTs are not sufficiently sensitive for the screening of blood donations. Our results highlight the urgent need to think about the extension of sensitive immunological tests in all blood transfusion centers and also the implementation of nucleic acid amplification techniques
Le cancer de lâestomac dans un pays dâAfrique sub-saharienne : aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, anatomocliniques et endoscopiques Ă Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)
Le cancer de lâestomac constitue un problĂšme de santĂ© publique dans le monde. Le but de notre travail Ă©tait dâĂ©valuer la situation actuelle du cancer gastrique, Ă travers une description des aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, anatomo-cliniques et endoscopiques.Il sâest agi dâune Ă©tude transversale descriptive sur une pĂ©riode de 42 mois. Ont Ă©tĂ© inclus, tous cas de cancers gastriques confirmĂ©s histologiquement aprĂšs biopsie per-endoscopique. Les variables Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă©taient : lâĂąge, le sexe, la circonstance du diagnostic, lâaspect endoscopique, et le type histologique. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© saisies et analysĂ©es Ă lâaide du logiciel SPSS version 20. Au total 103 cas de cancers gastriques ont Ă©tĂ© diagnostiquĂ©s soit une moyenne annuelle de 29,4 cas. On dĂ©nombrait 68 (66 %) hommes soit un sex-ratio de 1,9. LâĂąge moyen Ă©tait de 55,3 ± 13,4 ans (extrĂȘmes de 20 et 90 ans). La tranche dâĂąges de 51 Ă 70 ans Ă©tait la plus reprĂ©sentĂ©e avec 56 (54,4 %) cas. Les principaux symptĂŽmes au moment du diagnostic Ă©taient les vomissements (n = 29 soit 28,2 %) et les Ă©pigastralgies (n = 23 soit 22,3 %). Plus de la moitiĂ© des cancers Ă©tait de localisation antrale (57,2 %) ; et la forme ulcĂ©ro-bourgeonnante Ă©tait dominante (62,5 % ; n = 64). A lâhistologie, lâadĂ©nocarcinome Ă©tait le type dominant (96,1%). LâadĂ©nocarcinome est le type de cancer gastrique frĂ©quent dans notre contexte avec une prĂ©dominance masculine surtout Ă partir de 50 ans. Sa symptomatologie est dominĂ©e par les vomissements, preuve dâun diagnostic tardif.Mots-clĂ©s: cancer, estomac, Ă©pidĂ©miologie, endoscopie, histologie, Bobo-DioulassoEnglish Title: Stomach cancer in a sub-Saharan African country: epidemiological, anatomical-clinical and endoscopic aspects in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)English AbstractStomach cancer is a public health problem worldwide. The aim of our work was to assess the current situation of gastric cancer, through a description of the epidemiological, anatomical-clinical and endoscopic aspects. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study over a 42-month period. Included were all histologically confirmed cases of gastric cancer after per-endoscopic biopsy. The variables studied were: age, sex, circumstance of diagnosis, endoscopic appearance, and histological type. The data were entered and analyzed by the SPSS. Results: 103 cases of gastric cancer were diagnosed, for an annual average of 29.4 cases. There were 68 (66%) men, or a sex ratio of 1.9. The average age was 55.3 ± 13.4 years (extremes of 20 and 90 years). The 51 to 70 age group was the most represented with 56 (54.4%) cases. The main symptoms at diagnosis were vomiting (n = 29 or 28.2%) and epigastralgia (n = 23 or 22.3%). More than half of the cancers were antral localized (57.2%); and the ulcer-budding form was dominant (62.5%; n = 64). At histology, adenocarcinoma was the dominant type (96.1%). Adenocarcinoma is the type of gastric cancer common in our context with a predominance of males, especially from the age of 50. His symptomatology is dominated by vomiting, evidence of a late diagnosis.Keywords: cancer, stomach, epidemiology, endoscopy, histology, Bobo-Dioulass
Les gastrites chroniques au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire SourÎ Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) : aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, endoscopiques et histologiques.
Introduction : Les gastrites chroniques (GC) sont des affections frĂ©quentes avec une possibilitĂ© dâĂ©volution vers le cancer gastrique. Leurs causes sont dominĂ©es par lâinfection Ă Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Le but de notre Ă©tude est dâĂ©valuer la frĂ©quence hospitaliĂšre de la GC, et dĂ©crire ses aspects cliniques, endoscopiques et histologiques.
Patients et MĂ©thodes : Il sâest agi dâune Ă©tude transversale, rĂ©alisĂ©e de janvier 2015 Ă aoĂ»t 2017 dans le service de gastroentĂ©rologie du CHU SourĂŽ Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso. Ont Ă©tĂ© inclus les patients prĂ©sentant une gastrite confirmĂ©e histologiquement aprĂšs biopsie per-endoscopique. Les donnĂ©es recueillies ont Ă©tĂ© saisies et analysĂ©es Ă lâaide du logiciel SPSS version 20.
RĂ©sultats : Au total, 585 patients sur 888 (65,9%) ont Ă©tĂ© inclus durant les 32 mois de lâĂ©tude. Le genre fĂ©minin Ă©tait prĂ©dominant Ă 53,3%. LâĂągemoyen Ă©tait de 43,2 ans. Lâindication clinique principale de lâendoscopie Ă©tait les Ă©pigastralgies (52,8%). A lâendoscopie, il sâagissait surtout dâune pan-gastrite (44,5%) ; et lâaspect de gastrite Ă©rythĂ©mateuse Ă©tait le plus observĂ© dans 44,1% des cas. Lâhistologie rapportait une pan-gastrite prĂ©dominante (45,8%). Le degrĂ© dâinflammation et dâactivitĂ© cellulaire allaient de lĂ©ger Ă modĂ©rĂ©. Une atrophie glandulaire muqueuse et unemĂ©taplasie intestinale Ă©taient retrouvĂ©es respectivement dans 26,8% et 13,5% des cas. Une gastrite folliculaire Ă©tait prĂ©sente dans 20,3% des cas. La recherche de H. pylori Ă©tait positive dans 58,3% des cas.
Conclusion: les gastrites chroniques sont frĂ©quentes, dominĂ©es par la gastrite Ă H. pylori. Lâexistence des lĂ©sions prĂ©cancĂ©reuses justifie une surveillance accrue.
Mots-clés : Gastrites chroniques, Gastroscopie, Helicobacter pylori, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso