309 research outputs found

    Clinical trials for elderly patients with multiple diseases (CHROMED) pilot study

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    The problem COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a significant socioeconomic burden which, particularly when associated with comorbidities such as Chronic Heart Failure (CHF), markedly affects patient outcomes. Care models based on telemedicine systems that enable early diagnosis and treatment of exacerbations are advocated to reduce the impact of chronic diseases on patient outcomes and health service costs. CHROMED (www.chromed.eu) is an international EU-funded project aimed at developing a multi-centre clinical trial to evaluate the impact of a new integrated home care approach to reduce care costs and improve quality of life in COPD. The approach We collaborated in a pilot study prior to the main trial which will include 300 patients from seven European countries (Italy, Spain, UK, Estonia, Slovenia, Sweden and Norway) with nine partners. The home monitoring system includes a novel forced oscillation technique (FOT) device for self-measurement of lung mechanics (RESMONPRO DIARY, Restech srl, Italy), a touch screen for collecting patients' symptoms and, where COPD is associated with CHF, by a device for measuring heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), pulse oximetry (SpO2) and body temperature (WRIST CLINIC, Medic4all, Israel). Findings The pilot included 16 patients (n=11 COPD, 5 COPD+CHF). The average monitoring period was 48.3±23.4 days resulting in a total of 504 patient days. The percentage of data correctly received within the period was: lung impedance and breathing pattern 90.0%; HR 91.7%, BP 91.7%; SpO2 74.0% and body temperature 71.4%. During the pilot, one patient was treated pharmacologically for an exacerbation of COPD. Offline processing demonstrated that the system identified warning of an exacerbation five days prior to admission. We also analysed qualitative data from patients and professionals about the acceptability of the telemedicine system and the interaction between patients, professionals and the monitoring system. Consequences The data suggest good acceptability and short-term compliance among patients with COPD. Lung function, HR and BP provided the most reliable data. The full RCT is currently under way and will be completed in August 2015

    Actual performance of mechanical ventilators in ICU: a multicentric quality control study.

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    Even if the performance of a given ventilator has been evaluated in the laboratory under very well controlled conditions, inappropriate maintenance and lack of long-term stability and accuracy of the ventilator sensors may lead to ventilation errors in actual clinical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the actual performances of ventilators during clinical routines. A resistance (7.69 cmH(2)O/L/s) - elastance (100 mL/cmH(2)O) test lung equipped with pressure, flow, and oxygen concentration sensors was connected to the Y-piece of all the mechanical ventilators available for patients in four intensive care units (ICUs; n = 66). Ventilators were set to volume-controlled ventilation with tidal volume = 600 mL, respiratory rate = 20 breaths/minute, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) = 8 cmH(2)O, and oxygen fraction = 0.5. The signals from the sensors were recorded to compute the ventilation parameters. The average ± standard deviation and range (min-max) of the ventilatory parameters were the following: inspired tidal volume = 607 ± 36 (530-723) mL, expired tidal volume = 608 ± 36 (530-728) mL, peak pressure = 20.8 ± 2.3 (17.2-25.9) cmH(2)O, respiratory rate = 20.09 ± 0.35 (19.5-21.6) breaths/minute, PEEP = 8.43 ± 0.57 (7.26-10.8) cmH(2)O, oxygen fraction = 0.49 ± 0.014 (0.41-0.53). The more error-prone parameters were the ones related to the measure of flow. In several cases, the actual delivered mechanical ventilation was considerably different from the set one, suggesting the need for improving quality control procedures for these machines

    Mechanical correlates of dyspnea in bronchial asthma.

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    We hypothesized that dyspnea and its descriptors, that is, chest tightness, inspiratory effort, unrewarded inspiration, and expiratory difficulty in asthma reflect different mechanisms of airflow obstruction and their perception varies with the severity of bronchoconstriction. Eighty-three asthmatics were studied before and after inhalation of methacholine doses decreasing the 1-sec forced expiratory volume by ~15% (mild bronchoconstriction) and ~25% (moderate bronchoconstriction). Symptoms were examined as a function of changes in lung mechanics. Dyspnea increased with the severity of obstruction, mostly because of inspiratory effort and chest tightness. At mild bronchoconstriction, multivariate analysis showed that dyspnea was related to the increase in inspiratory resistance at 5 Hz (R 5) (r (2) = 0.10, P = 0.004), chest tightness to the decrease in maximal flow at 40% of control forced vital capacity, and the increase in R 5 at full lung inflation (r (2) = 0.15, P = 0.006), inspiratory effort to the temporal variability in R 5-19 (r (2) = 0.13, P = 0.003), and unrewarded inspiration to the recovery of R 5 after deep breath (r (2) = 0.07, P = 0.01). At moderate bronchoconstriction, multivariate analysis showed that dyspnea and inspiratory effort were related to the increase in temporal variability in inspiratory reactance at 5 Hz (X 5) (r (2) = 0.12, P = 0.04 and r (2) = 0.18, P < 0.001, respectively), and unrewarded inspiration to the decrease in X 5 at maximum lung inflation (r (2) = 0.07, P = 0.04). We conclude that symptom perception is partly explained by indexes of airway narrowing and loss of bronchodilatation with deep breath at low levels of bronchoconstriction, but by markers of ventilation heterogeneity and lung volume recruitment when bronchoconstriction becomes more severe

    Ventilation heterogeneity in obesity.

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    Obesity is associated with important decrements in lung volumes. Despite this, ventilation remains normally or near normally distributed at least for moderate decrements in functional residual capacity (FRC). We tested the hypothesis that this is because maximum flow increases presumably as a result of an increased lung elastic recoil. Forced expiratory flows corrected for thoracic gas compression volume, lung volumes, and forced oscillation technique at 5-11-19 Hz were measured in 133 healthy subjects with a body mass index (BMI) ranging from 18 to 50 kg/m(2). Short-term temporal variability of ventilation heterogeneity was estimated from the interquartile range of the frequency distribution of the difference in inspiratory resistance between 5 and 19 Hz (R5-19_IQR). FRC \% predicted negatively correlated with BMI (r = -0.72, P < 0.001) and with an increase in slope of either maximal (r = -0.34, P < 0.01) or partial flow-volume curves (r = -0.30, P < 0.01). Together with a slight decrease in residual volume, this suggests an increased lung elastic recoil. Regression analysis of R5-19_IQR against FRC \% predicted and expiratory reserve volume (ERV) yielded significantly higher correlation coefficients by nonlinear than linear fitting models (r(2) = 0.40 vs. 0.30 for FRC \% predicted and r(2) = 0.28 vs. 0.19 for ERV). In conclusion, temporal variability of ventilation heterogeneities increases in obesity only when FRC falls approximately below 65\% of predicted or ERV below 0.6 liters. Above these thresholds distribution is quite well preserved presumably as a result of an increase in lung recoil
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