2 research outputs found


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    Citizen science project merupakan inovasi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang merangsang siswa untuk tertarik melakukan penelitian ilmiah. Keterampilan siswa dalam suatu penelitian ilmiah menjadi tuntutan yang harus dipenuhi oleh siswa. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis peningkatan Research Skill siswa melalui Citizen Science Project pada Pembelajaran Biologi SMA. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Pre-Experiment dengan desain single-group pre-test & post-test dan subjek penelitian siswa kelas X MIPA berjumlah 32 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar tes research skill siswa, rubrik penilaian research skill dari lembar kerja siswa, lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan rubrik pencapaian research skill siswa. Research skill siswa sebelum menunjukan rata-rata 63,4 dengan standar deviasi ±13,3 dan research skill siswa setelah menunjukan rata-rata 83,8 dengan standar deviasi ±9,42. Adapun proporsi kategori N-Gain research skill siswa bervariasi, 6,2% untuk kategori rendah, 71,9% untuk kategori sedang, dan 21,9% untuk kategori tinggi. Peningkatan indikator research skill tertinggi yaitu questioning, sedangkan terendah adalah planning. Adapun pada saat pelaksanaan citizen science project diketahui bahwa research skill saat merancang menunjukan hasil yang cukup baik. Adapula data hasil monitoring keterlaksanaan proyek menunjukkan bahwa secara umum siswa sudah mampu melaksanakan citizen science project hingga selesai. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa citizen science project berkontribusi positif terhadap research skill siswa pada materi upaya pelestarian keanekaragaman tumbuhan dan pemanfaatannya dalam kehidupan. Kata kunci: Research Skill, Citizen Science Project, Pembelajaran Biologi Citizen science project is an innovation in problem-based learning activities that stimulate students to be interested in doing scientific research. Students’ skill in scientific research are demands that must be met by students. Therfore, this study was conducted to analyze the improvement of students' research skills through citizen science project in Biology learning for high school. The method used in this research is Pre-Experiment with a single-group pre-test & post-test design and the research subject were 32 students of class X MIPA. The instruments that used were student research skills test sheets, rubrics for assessing research skills from student worksheets, observation sheets, interviews, and rubrics for assessing student research skills. The research skills of the students before showed an average of 63.4 with a standard deviation of ±13.3 and the research skills of the students after showed an average of 83.8 with a standard deviation of ±9.42. The proportion of students’ N-Gain research skill category varies, 6.2% for the low category, 71.9% for the medium category, and 21.9% for the high category. The highest increase in the research skill indicator is questioning, while the lowest is planning. Meanwhile, during the implementation of the citizen science project, it was known that the research skill when designing showed good results. There are also data from the monitoring results of project implementation showing that in general they have been able to carry out citizen science projects to completion. It can be said that the citizen science project contributes positively to students’ research skill on the subject of preserving plant diversity and its use in life. Keyword: Research Skill, Citizen Science Project, Biology Learnin


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    Each individual must be trained in loading information related to the impact of scientific problems on their lives. These scientific problems can be overcome if someone has the skills to carry out research. Certainly, research skills are one of the things that a student must have in conducting research. In this case, a teacher at a school needs a project known as the citizen science project to improve their research skills. This study only studied one group by giving treatment, that is 32 students of class X MIPA. The instruments applied were research skill assessment rubrics from student worksheets, student research skill achievement rubrics, student research skill test sheets, observation sheets, and interview guidelines. The research skills of the students at the beginning showed an average of 63.4 with a standard deviation of ±13.3 and the research skills of the students at the end showed an average of 83.8 with a standard deviation of ±9.42. The proportion of students' N-Gain research skill category varies, 6.2% for the low category, 71.9% for the medium category, and 21.9% for the high category. Based on the research findings, it is known that the citizen science project gave positive results to their research skills.Kata kunci: citizen science project, pembelajaran biologi, research skil