2 research outputs found


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    The conference was a combined event and at the same time was a meeting of the FAIR programme of the EU, under the responsibility of the General Directorate XII, participating countries including Iceland, Norway, Hungary, and Switzerland in addition to the 15 EU member states. Under this roof, research work is sponsored in the fields of food technology, fishing industry, agriculture, forestry, and water resources management. Also, financial support is available for the mid-range food and agricultural industry, or for projects promoting rural development. There currently are over 120 transnational FAIR projects, involving more than 2000 researchers in 233 EU-sponsored research projects devoted to food aspects, some having been presented at the conference. (orig./CB)Die Tagung ist zugleich auch eine Veranstaltung des FAIR-Programmes der EU, das von der Generaldirektion XII betreut wird. Neben den 15 EU-Mitgliedstaaten sind noch Island, Norwegen, Ungarn und die Schweiz beteiligt. Forschungsarbeiten in den Bereichen Lebensmitteltechnologie, Fischerei, Land-, Forst- und Wasserwirtschaft werden ueber Kooperationsvorhaben gefoerdert; daneben wird auch direkt die mittelstaendische Lebensmittel- und Agrarindustrie gefoerdert; daneben wird auch direkt die mittelstaendische Lebensmittel- und Agrarindustrie gefoerdert sowie Projekte der laendlichen Entwicklung finanziert werden. Die FAIR-Projekte bestehen zur Zeit aus ueber 120 transnationalen Vorhaben, mehr als 2000 Forscher sind Teilnehmer an insgesamt 233 EU-Forschungsvorhaben im Lebensmittelbereich; darunter auch Teilnehmer der Tagung. (orig.SR)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 2898(99-01) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Detection by thermoluminescence of an irradiation treatment of five species of dehydrated fruit and vegetables Report on a CTCPA/AIFLD international interlaboratory study

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    This report considers only four of the five sets of results (one, six, fifteen and twenty-four months after irradiation). From the 765 samples analysed, 73 were rejected, because not enough minerals had been isolated [thereby not fulfilling the requirement that Glow 2 should be higher than ten times the Minimum Detectable integrated TL-intensity Level (MDL), see the European Standard EN 1788:1996]. Among the 692 remaining samples (352 non-irradiated and 340 irradiated), a total of 625 (90%) were correctly identified as irradiated or non-irradiated. 59 samples were classified as in doubt. Only 8 samples (1%) apparently were not correctly identified. However, the glow curves revealed that these 8 wrong results were due to labelling errors. Regarding the samples classified as in doubt, it should be kept in mind that in practice analysis of these samples would be repeated until an unequivocal result is obtained. Due to lack of sample material in this interlaboratory test, repetitions were not possible. In practice, enough sample material is usually available, thus higher identification rates can be expected. The present collaborative study has shown that identification of radiation treatment of the five dehydrated fruit and vegetables studied using TL analysis is possible. It has been proposed to the CEN/TC 275/WG8 to extend the applicability of the TL method as described in the European Standard EN 1788:1996, with some minor modifications, to dried fruit and vegetables. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 2898(99-02) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman