15 research outputs found

    Expression and Function of ETS Genes in Prostate Cancer

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    __Abstract__ Prostate cancer is a heterogeneous disease that is very common in elderly men in developed countries. Understanding the molecular and biological processes that contribute to tumor development and progressive growth is a challenging task. The fusion of the genes ERG and TMPRSS2 is the most frequent genomic alteration in prostate cancer. ERG is an oncogene that belongs to the family of ETS transcription factors. At lower frequency other members of this gene family are rearranged and overexpressed in prostate cancer. TMPRSS2 is an androgen-regulated gene that is preferentially expressed in the prostate. Most other ETS fusion partners are similarly regulated and prostate specific.

    Expression and Function of ETS Genes in Prostate Cancer

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    Overexpression of Full-Length ETV1 Transcripts in Clinical Prostate Cancer Due to Gene Translocation

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    ETV1 is overexpressed in a subset of clinical prostate cancers as a fusion transcript with many different partners. However, ETV1 can also be overexpressed as a full-length transcript. Full-length ETV1 protein functions differently from truncated ETV1 produced by fusion genes. In this study we describe the genetic background of full-length ETV1 overexpression and the biological properties of different full-length ETV1 isoforms in prostate cancer. Break-apart FISH showed in five out of six patient samples with overexpression of full-length ETV1 a genomic rearrangement of the gene, indicating frequent translocation. We were able to study the rearrangements in more detail in two tumors. In the first tumor 5′-RACE on cDNA showed linkage of the complete ETV1 transcript to the first exon of a prostate-specific two exon ncRNA gene that maps on chromosome 14 (EST14). This resulted in the expression of both full-length ETV1 transcripts and EST14-ETV1 fusion transcripts. In chromosome spreads of a xenograft derived from the second prostate cancer we observed a complex ETV1 translocation involving a chromosome 7 fragment that harbors ETV1 and fragments of chromosomes 4 and 10. Further studies revealed the overexpression of several different full-length transcripts, giving rise to four protein isoforms with different N-terminal regions. Even the shortest isoform synthesized by full-length ETV1 stimulated in vitro anchorage-independent growth of PNT2C2 prostate cells. This contrasts the lack of activity of even shorter N-truncated ETV1 produced by fusion transcripts. Our findings that in clinical prostate cancer overexpression of full-length ETV1 is due to genomic rearrangements involving different chromosomes and the identification of a shortened biologically active ETV1 isoform are highly relevant for understanding the mechanism of ETV1 function in prostate cancer

    A 36-gene Signature Predicts Clinical Progression in a Subgroup of ERG-positive Prostate Cancers

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    Background: The molecular basis of the clinical heterogeneity of prostate cancer (PCa) is not well understood. Objective: The purpose of our study was to identify and characterize genes in a clinically relevant gene expression signature in a subgroup of primary PCa positive for transmembrane protease, serine 2 (TMPRSS2)-v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog (avian) (ERG). Design, setting, and participants: We studied gene expression profiles by unsupervised hierarchical clustering in 48 primary PCas from patients with a long clinical follow-up. Results were correlated with clinical outcome and validated in an independent patient cohort. Selected genes from a defined classifier were tested in vitro for biologic properties. Intervention: Initial treatment of primary tumors was radical prostatectomy. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Associations between clinical and histopathologic variables were evaluated by the Pearson chi(2) test, Mann-Whitney U test, or Kruskal-Wallis test, where appropriate. The log-rank test or Breslow method was used for statistical analysis of Kaplan-Meier survival curves. Results and limitations: Most tumors that overexpressed ERG clustered separately from other primary PCas. No differences in any clinical end points between ERG-positive and ERG-negative cancers were detected. Importantly, within the ERG-positive samples, two subgroups were identified, which differed significantly in prostate-specific antigen recurrence-free survival, and cancer-specific and overall survival. From our findings, we defined a gene expression classifier of 36 genes. In a second, com Conclusions: The classifier identified can contribute to prediction of tumor progression in ERG-positive primary prostate tumors and might be instrumental in therapy decisions. (C) 2013 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Overexpression of Full-Length ETV1 Transcripts in Clinical Prostate Cancer Due to Gene Translocation

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    ETV1 is overexpressed in a subset of clinical prostate cancers as a fusion transcript with many different partners. However, ETV1 can also be overexpressed as a full-length transcript. Full-length ETV1 protein functions differently from truncated ETV1 produced by fusion genes. In this study we describe the genetic background of full-length ETV1 overexpression and the biological properties of different full-length ETV1 isoforms in prostate cancer. Break-apart FISH showed in five out of six patient samples with overexpression of full-length ETV1 a genomic rearrangement of the gene, indicating frequent translocation. We were able to study the rearrangements in more detail in two tumors. In the first tumor 5'-RACE on cDNA showed linkage of the complete ETV1 transcript to the first exon of a prostate-specific two exon ncRNA gene that maps on chromosome 14 (EST14). This resulted in the expression of both full-length ETV1 transcripts and EST14-ETV1 fusion transcripts. In chromosome spreads of a xenograft derived from the second prostate cancer we observed a complex ETV1 translocation involving a chromosome 7 fragment that harbors ETV1 and fragments of chromosomes 4 and 10. Further studies revealed the overexpression of several different full-length transcripts, giving rise to four protein isoforms with different N-terminal regions. Even the shortest isoform synthesized by full-length ETV1 stimulated in vitro anchorage-independent growth of PNT2C2 prostate cells. This contrasts the lack of activity of even shorter N-truncated ETV1 produced by fusion transcripts. Our findings that in clinical prostate cancer overexpression of full-length ETV1 is due to genomic rearrangements involving different chromosomes and the identification of a shortened biologically active ETV1 isoform are highly relevant for understanding the mechanism of ETV1 function in prostate cancer